Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What A Way To Make A Living

There were four Gosselin watchers at the Gosselin house this afternoon, no doubt because of Jon's announcement yesterday. This is unusual nowadays.

One of them was a photographer who I've spoken with before. (I mentioned previously that he had lunch with DWTS instructor Tony who he described as a real gentleman.) He sits in his little blue beach chair outside the property fence and waits for something to happen. He said the kids had a fun water gun fight on the front yard yesterday, so those pictures will no doubt be in the magazines any day now. I asked him if there was any truth to the rumor that Jon is living in an apartment over a bar in this area, and he said No. If Jon was, he would know about it.

The police are again allowing people to park on the side of the road very close to the front of the house, and have been for some time. Last summer, at the height of Jon's poor relationship choices, the traffic was so bad that you'd get a ticket if you slowed down to a full stop in front of the house, and the papparazi had to park at least a half mile away in either direction and then walk to the front of the house to avoid being ticketed. Lack of drama/news means the traffic isn't a problem, and there is often no one in front of the house. That's good news for this lone holdout because it means he's got no competition. While the other pros are off chasing Brangelina or this week's other poor tabloid victims, he sits and waits.


Mocha said...

Sandra Bullock, that's who they are after. Sharks.

Anonymous said...

Good reporting. Thanks. You're proving that Kate is a liar and the paps are only there, en masse when kate wants them to be.

IATK said...

Nice pics, WG. I'm thinking the life of a paparazzi is similar to that of a private detective. A little bit of excitement and a whole lot of waiting. I bet camera activity at the home will pick up again until this custody thing gets settled.

IATK said...

BTW, I heard today from Jon's lawyer on Nancy Grace that Jon is staying with his brother in Maryland but looking for a place near the kids.

Werny Gal said...

Thanks for clarifying about where Jon is living, itsabout. I heard he's looking for a place here too. He can find very nice places for MUCH less than he was paying in NYC. Should be interesting to see where he ends up. I read earlier today, I think on the 15 Minutes, Gosselin Style blog, that he stays in the main house when Kate's not home and in his apartment over the garage when she is. That sounds like a sensible solution until he gets his own place. And as a mom, I totally believe he wants to be near the kids. When the world turns crazy there's nothing like looking into the sweet, pure and innocent faces of your children to bring you back to what's real and important.

IATK said...

Yes, I think Jon's getting his life back on track but he's got an uphill battle with Kate and the media trying to get his time with the kids. Personally, I think it will all settle somewhere in the middle.

Also, TLC is supposed to announce tomorrow their new line-up for the fall including Kate's new show with them. It will be interesting to see what they come up with for her.

Melissa Chermak said...

Why are you there? Again I ask, if I came to your house and took pictures of your children in the front yard without your permission than posted them on the internet you would find my behavior acceptable and appropriate? Doesn't anyone else see how strange it is for you to even be there???

Werny Gal said...

A common citizen cannot be equated with someone who has agreed, for a great deal of money, to be in the public eye. A private yard with a family on it that no one knows or cares about cannot be equated with a yard where the residents can see photographers standing at their fence. If someone came and hung out around your home and took pictures of your family on your yard and posted them on the Internet with comments about them, yes, of course that would be stalking. If someone does that to a known celebrity, it is not stalking. Celebrities know that may - and probably will - happen because of the profession they've chosen. Because of the profession they've chosen, they sometimes go out into their yards and look natural but what they're really doing is posing for photographers who they can clearly see are standing at the property line. This is a way of continuing to promote themselves as well as satisfying the market for pictures. Then, when they're done looking natural while they're actually posing, they move into their back yard to play. This is what the Gosselins do. The pool and the playset with swings and a ladder are in the back yard. The photographers and curious tourists are in the front yard.

Now that I've stated the obvious, why are you there? Is it possible for anyone to join in this discussion without contributing to it and therefore joining the hypocrisy? Since you don't like the program, why don't you just turn the channel? If everyone did that, the commercial time would become devalued, the human zoo would be over, and the photographers would cease to make money and go away.

Anonymous said...

Keep trying to convince yourself that what you are doing is acceptable. You are stalking the Gosselins, pure and simple. Just because they are "public figures" does not mean that stalking laws don't apply. I really hope someone does the same thing to you. You've chosen to put your name and face all over the Internet, so I guess that makes you a public figure and it's okay for your neighbors to stop by your house regularly and photograph you and your family. You won't mind, right?

Werny Gal said...

Angie, I am not publishing your comment because you called someone else here stupid. If you can rephrase your comment and share your opinion without insulting someone else I will be happy to publish it. Thanks.