Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

As my faithful readers know, a local friend who is a veteran news reporter was hired to gather fodder for a major tabloid/entertainment magazine/rag last summer, during the height of the hoopla, not to mention traffic snarls, on a certain country road in Wernersville, PA. I've always enjoyed listening to his tales of not only what he learned while he tailed Jon and Kate, but also about what it was like working for the tabloids. It's been a learning experience for me for sure, and I wasn't even the temporary paparazzi.

I haven't always written everything I know. In fact, I've often chosen not to share certain things because I didn't want to cause potential pain or instigate drama where it didn't already exist, at least in the public eye. I knew about several things way before they became public, but I kept them to myself until they came out, for the same reason, such as Kate and the bodyguard and some of Jon's wee johnnie roamings like with Stephanie, for example. We all have to remember that what we say is going into the vast permanent unknown that is The Internet, where eight little ones, swept up in this embarrassing and shameful saga with no choice of their own, will have access to it, maybe for forever. So I try to keep it real, minimally dramatic, and productive, when possible. (Okay, okay, so nobody's perfect, right?)

It turns out that my friend was keeping notes, a chronological journal, in fact, of his Summer of Gosselining. He shared it with me a couple of days ago, and what an addictive tome it is. I am impressed with his dedication to the subject and the breadth of his information gathered, and also frankly overwhelmed with details. With his permission, in my next couple of posts I'm going to share with you some of what I've learned.

So buckle that seat belt and stayed tuned. I will be posting later tonight.


my9cats said...

Werny Gal,
As long as it's the truth, bring it on. I enjoy your site, Hope you continue to keep it going.
It must be facinating being on the perimeter of the 'national obsession'.

JeanS said...

It will be nice to hear some facts for a change of someone who was "there" so to speak. You just know there are lots of people out there who could tell us a lot but have either signed agreements or are just people who are afraid to lose their jobs.

Since they have chosen to put their lives out in public for the whole world to see, I would like to know some of the truth whether it proves what we are speculating is right or wrong.

Be prepared though for if you say anything negative you will be attacked saying you are making it up. Hopefully, you will not let that scare you from posting what you know.

I've got my seatbelt on !!!

IATK said...

WG, I'm looking forward to your posts. It will be interesting to see if speculation is much more, much less, or close to the reality. Thanks for all you do here. I especially enjoyed the ongoing conversation on the previous thread.

You are One Sick Puppy said...

This is disgusting. You and your "friend" should be ashamed of yourselves. I guess your friend didn't manage to sell his story to a tabloid so instead it will be posted here for free.

The fact that you mention the Gosselin children in the same post where you reveal that you are going to share "insider gossip" with the world truly is shameless. Did you type the word "productive" with a straight face? What could possibly be productive about what you are about to do? Face it, your desire to be a big fish in a very small pond far outstrips caring one iota about the Gosselin children. It's because of people like you that I am so, so glad that I live in a large urban area and not some small town where local gossips try to outdo one another.

MickeyMcKean said...

Well, as a fairly new regular person to this blog, if you say that it is going to be a bumpy ride, I think I better go out and buy a computer chair with seat belts or at least find my Superglue.

As it is I almost hit the floor the other day when I read that Jon fired Attorney List.

Yes, I believe we all have been manipulated by the Gosselins and/or networks for a very long time.

Thank you in advance for posting some of the things your friend has shared with you.

However, I sincerely hope that your friend has plans with all the notes he has taken, a book perhaps? If so, I will buy it! Especially if it finally stops this Gosselin train wreck in its tracks so the kids have a chance at a "normal" life.

Cool, I found the Superglue ... I'm ready when you are, glued to my seat ...

Anonymous said...

We're all anxious to hear what you have to say!

Ellena said...

I can't wait! As you know, the truth will set things free! And, save some tons on therapy!!LOL

Anonymous said...


Looking forward to some interesting readingthis evening!

Thanks for all you do.

NancyB said...

thanks so much for this heads-up post. Love this blog!

franky said...

OK, I admit, I am dying to please put me out of my misery, and Thanks for your blog BTW...I enjoy reading it.

mommyinca said...

WG~ You have so many insightful things to contribute. Please don't let the negative comments get to you. It amazes me how people will fight the truth because it's not what THEY want to hear.
You are doing great work here! Keep it up :) (((Hugs)))

Anonymous said...

This sounds good! Waiting to hear your insiders take...

kamilleon said...

You go, Werny Gal!

Kris said...

I can't stand the suspense!! Please, give us the dirt on the Wicked Witch of Wernersville!! hahaha

Aunty Kim Kim said...

been a long time viewer but never posted here,,,,,,,post at one of your 'referral sites'.....& am so disgusted with how these two treat their children......the photo's say a million things....& lately most of them, esp. with her, are so SAD!!!!!++++
I really hope you know that TONS of us support anyone who will come out with some facts!
Do not let the 'haters' get to the truth will set those children FREE........AT the minimum I mean, GET SOME PROFESSIONAL COUNSELLING!!
Thankyou for being so honest!