Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gosselins To Take Parenting Class

Jon and Kate have to both take parenting classes which are mandatory for parents involved in custody disputes in Berks County, PA. The three hour class is called "Children In The Middle." Fortunately, Jon and Kate are allowed to take the class separately. Now wouldn't it be nice if they had to take a class called "Children In Reality TV?"


pasunejeunefille said...

I also read in today's Philadelphia Inquirer that the Gosselin eight were granted work permits enabling them to appear in "Kate Plus Eight". According to the article, this was the first time that work permits had been sought for the children.

Werny Gal said...

Yes, it was discovered a while back (I think in the beginning of March but I am not sure of exactly when) that no permits had been secured for previous filming. No charges were brought for that mmistake, with the agreement that permits would be secured as required for all filming from then on. So now it's being done correctly.

Now let's hope anyone working with the kids gets child abuse and criminal background clearances.

Lobo said...

They want to take the class separately? If so, wouldn't it be much better to take it TOGETHER so they can work TOGETHER about the kids caught in the middle? If they can't even take the class together how can they make it work? Wait.. we are talking about the G people, nothing makes sense.

Werny Gal said...

HI Lobo, they're not required to take the class together, although I'm sure they could if they wanted to. I imagine most couples who are separating and disagree on custody would want to take it separately. Sure would be nice if they got together and sorted out their problems for the sake of the kids, wouldn't it? (and not just for the sake of both working for TLC...)

Mocha said...

Good snark in this post, WG. I laughed out loud. =)

IDModo said...

The original information in the documents from TMZ on this several weeks ago said they would also have to have several sessions with a mental health professional to help the kids deal with the divorce. I predicted this would not happen because Kate doesn't want the kids within 50 miles of a mental health professional, in case they were interviewed individually and spilled the beans about their lives.
Now I see that either this is not going to happen, or it isn't being reported.How do they get out of doing something that is mandatory for other parents involved in custody disputes?
Inquiring mind wants to know...

Werny Gal said...

Glad I gave you a giggle, Mocha, sometimes I just can;t help myself.:)

Mom2six said...

Thank goodness, they are finally having to take this class. In our area all divorcing parents have to take this class!
Hopefully, they prevent the parents from taking their cell phones so they can't text like teenagers in class.
Next step I would like to see, but I am unsure of PA policy, but that is for each child to get a guardian ad litem to watch out for their interest in filming but also custody issues.

GeorgiaMom said...

Too funny that the world's greatest mom needs to take parenting classes!

WG, who will be monnitoring the filming (work) of the kids in regards to the "Kate Plus 8" series of "specials" to make sure TLC stays in compliance with the permits? Do the PA permits allow the kids to work in other states? Will anyone be responsible for protecting these kids this summer so they are not working long hours wherever Kate takes them?

When they filmed that summer in NC, if you followed the pap photos and the dates, it was clear that Kate had the kids dressed in the same outfits on different days for filming. They were not just filming their activities in one day as depicted, but over a series of days.

Ellena said...

Can you BELIEVE that now, Jon and Kate are getting along????? We all called that one coming on. She is using Jon so she won't have him in the way of filming, and he is going right along with it like a puppy dog to a toy. He is pathetic. Soon, when she gets what she wants, he will get dumped and she'll be talking about him ALL over again!

GeorgiaMom said...

This is according to CNN:
"Pennsylvania labor officials recently decided that while the Gosselins violated the state's child labor law by not getting work permits for the kids for their original show -- "Jon & Kate Plus 8" -- no charges would be filed as long as they had permits for future shows."

Can we find out WHO made this decision?

"The state said their participation in the show was work."

So it was work, no permits were filed, but NO punishement! Stunning! Why was this compromise reached? Who is responsible?
How come no PA reporters are on this? Again, the media lets this slip past. Arghh!

IDModo said...

I went back to TMZ where I had seen the original documents that stated J&K would have to meet with a mental health professional. The date was April 7 of this year.The documents with this information have been removed.The documents about the parenting class remain.I guess TLC has become omnipotent!

just wondering said...

Sorry, Ellena, but I don't think Jon ever wanted the kids off the air. He has always thought of the kids as "marketable." (His word, not mine..)

He was just using them for bargaining power to get out of his contract but he failed. Now TLC is helping to rehabilitate his reputation because it's in TLC's best interest to show a stable co-parenting style to the court and to America. It's just more spin and twisted reality for their own agenda. I don't believe any of them any more.

Ellena said...

It makes total sense to me that there should be a show where a woman who is an absentee, cruel, and manipulative mom should have a show where she helps others parent! Doesn't it you? I also have some land in Florida to sell you!

Too lazy to practice her dances, to distraught to watch the show afterward. Nice. Way to support your new...friends. If it's not about her, why in the world would she bother?
IF her children weren't her main source of attention...um..income, they wouldn't get the time of day. The only time she flocks to them is when she has no other way to draw attention from the paps to her. Has anyone else noticed that?
Sad. Truly sad.

Maybe if she became a star, she would leave them totally alone, and let Jon and the nannies raise them. Not a bad idea......

IDModo said...

An article on X17 states that Jon has engaged Philly lawyer Mary Vidas whose specialty is "Amicable Divorce." A "source" says that J&K have figured out that they "can be more effective in making money" if they present a united front.
That's what it's all about, folks! Not the best interests of the children.
I guess poor Mr. List thought it was about the kids' welfare and he was fighting for that. Oh Dopey Him! He not only got thrown under the Gosselin bus but it backed up over him too.
What a pair of utter and complete sleazeballs!

GeorgiaMom said...

I guess this could be the usual bad reporting, but US Magazine says ex-hubby Jon will appear in her new shows. Seems to make sense since he's dropped the full custody thing and now the rags are reporting how well they are getting along. TLC must have realized that she can't carry a show by herself after all.

Carolina Gal said...

Elleana, I'm sure there's some $$$$ in it for Jon.

Ellena said...

Sad. Money is all that talks in that family. I thought for awhile that Jon actually cared about the kids, it's obvious he doesn't.

CJ said...

just wondering ~ you are so right!

This is a snippet from his Larry King appearence last fall.

Jon never specifically said he wanted filming of the kids to stop. He said, Not During The Divorce.

"After four years of "Jon & Kate Plus 8," Jon Gosselin said he's decided it's not healthy for his children to be on a reality show.
"The reason I don't think it's healthy for them is that we're going through a divorce right now, and I don't think it should be televised and I think my kids should be taken off the show," Gosselin told CNN's Larry King on Thursday night."


Werny Gal said...

I wish I could argue with you about money and Jon, but having just read my friend's book, I can no longer defend him. All I can say is the whole thing's a damn shame.

LifeinOH said...

WG - Thanks for the continued insight into the innerworkings of the dysfunction that is Jon and Kate!

Do you have an idea when your friends book might be published?

SAHM said...

Werny Gal - you mentioned a book your friend wrote... which book is this that you are referring to?

Also, when i divorce my ex (in Florida) it was a requirement of the courts to take a parenting class before they would grant the divorce. I did not have to take it w/ my ex and they actually offered several classes on different subjects. I happened to take one similar to a comedy traffic school class. It was pretty funny but VERY educational at the same time. I learned alot. Unfortunately my ex apparently signed up for a boring one and his comments to me were "this is a waste of time". He obviously learned nothing from the class because he still makes alot of parently mistakes; such as talking badly about me in front of her, causing arguments in front of her, etc. So

So i am very glad to hear that J & K are going to be going to one of these. I think it should have been done sooner.

Anonymous said...


I guess since there is nothing "negative" about your Queen, you'll believe it. Amazing really. Bad about Jon, TRUTH, bad about Kate, LIES.