Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving?

Here is the second installment on some of the material my friend, who worked for a tabloid for a few months last year, shared with me. As I said before, I am choosing to share some of the tamer material, out of respect for the kids. This entry covers events that took place during Thanksgiving 2009. I think it shows an interesting picture of daily life at Casa Gosselin, after the breakup and while Jon was living in the garage apartment. It also shows the mythical supermom Kate vs. the real Kate.
* * * * * * * * *

The day before the holiday a woman drove a black Volvo SUV through the gate and onto the Gosselin property. She made five trips, alone and in the rain, carrying a total of 16 white plastic bags of Giant groceries into the house.

A nanny source said,"wants to look like a supermom who does it all – taking care of eight kids and the house and having a career but the fact is that she barely does anything. She’s got so many people working for her and doing everything but nobody reports that. She’s had a woman here for two days working on preparing food for her and two people watching the kids and someone else cleaning the house. Kate spent most of the day locked in her office talking on the phone."

The only activity at Heffner RoadThanksgiving day was a visit by three Mennonite women who stopped by to leave a gift for Kate. One woman, from Kentucky, was visiting family in Lancaster County. She asked if Jon was here and the pap told her no. She said, "That’s OK, I didn’t want to see him anyway. I brought a gift for Kate."

That gift was three painted wood blocks. One word was embossed on each: Faith, Family, Friends. The Mennonite seemed put off by the fact Kate didn’t answer the buzzer or send Steve down to the gate to tote up her gift. After three attempts at leaving a message, she left the bag inside the gate and they left. Nobody came down for the bag by 8 p.m. Along with the painted blocks, the woman left a card that read, "A basket of wishes … and a bushel of love! Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours."

A handwritten note said:
"Dear Kate –
I made this gift not knowing who to give it to. Then it came to me – you!
We all need these 3 in our life.
Friends – during times of trouble in one's life this is a test of who your real / true friends are.
Family – is next. Unfortunately, some have betrayed you. We can’t choose our family. We are born into one.
Faith – is at the top. Our friends will leave us, our family will disappoint us, but one thing for sure, God will never leave us or forsake us.
Kate, Happy Thanksgiving. May the Lord be with you. Take care & God Bless!"
[name removed by Werny Gal]

We arrived at the Gosselin house at sunrise Friday to confirm suspicions of Steve Neild and his wife sleeping over. Sure enough, they were still at the house. The lights were on in Jon’s apartment above the garage and you could see people milling about up in those quarters.

We texted Jon to let him know he had trespassers in his apartment, and he texted back, "Interesting." He phoned back a minute later, pissed. He said nobody’s supposed to go in there, ever, except him. "I have to have the locks changed now," he said, "I have a lot of valuable shit up there."

Jon said he was going to call Kate immediately and bitch her out for invading his private apartment. He said Kate had called him earlier and asked when he was stopping by to see the kids, but he now realized what she really called for was to make sure she had Steve out of the house before Jon got there. Otherwise, there could be a nasty encounter.
* * * * * * * * * * *
[end of report by Werny Gal's source]


Anonymous said...

The Steve part in all of this baffles me. If he is still married an his wife comes to visit at the house as well, why is Jon so threatened by him? I really can't make up my mind whether Kate and Steve are together or Steve just has a lot of influence??? Glad she had all the help for Thanksgiving. I sure could have used some of that with the 17 I had at my house!

Ellena said...

I was watching Gene Simmons Family Jewels awhile ago and thinking about this blog. Funny, Shannon Tweed, Gene Simmons, do not use bodyguards on any type of regular basis. This Steve- WHO pays for him? I feel for his wife. Is she BLIND?

2exhausted2name said...

What no penalty of severeness if anyone steps foot in Jon's private space?

Anonymous - Jon suspected Kate & Steve were/are having an affair. I think it's quite possible Kate did replace Jon with Steve but not in the marital sense. Either way I can see how he would view Steve as a threat. After all Kate allows Steve more access than Jon ever had.

PatK said...

I don't believe Jon was so upset with Steve and his wife being there, but rather that they were given HIS apartment to stay in without his prior knowledge. As he said, he had a lot of stuff in there, and I would be miffed, too.

Lauren said...

Thank you Werny Gal.
The truth about Kate needs to be exposed.
You have my support here and in the blogosphere.
Keep it comin'! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Thank you WG for your insight, it just confirms what was already stated by the bloggers at the time that was dismissed and disparaged by Kate's PR militia.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

What I find odd (among SO many things with these people, actually) is that if Jon was indeed living in the apartment over the garage, why the heck didn't he have it all locked up when he wasn't there? He should have been the only one with a key and it should have always been locked in his absence. Then again, I think I'm giving him too much credit for being bright enough to do that.

As far as Khate, the info about her Thanksgiving plans doesn't surprise me. I've said it over and over again that I truly believe that she has TONS more free time than any mother of two children, or even one child. Yet, she plays the act that she's supermom who does it all.

Then again, I admit that I often say that if I had a ton of money (not made off my kids, of course), I would pay someone to do sooo many things for me - laundry, food shopping, cooking, cleaning, changing the sheets, errands, etc. BUT that would free up all my time to just have fun with my kids and my husband. In Khate's case, her free time is spent on her tanning, nails, pedicures, traveling, and I strongly suspect that she spends a LOT of time online. This info here mentions her being in her "office", and I firmly believe she is regularly online monitoring what is being said about her. She is far too much of a control freak for me to believe her line that she doesn't care what people say about her.

a portland granny said...

I suspect that Jon has suffered injustices we will never know about. I know his life has not been lived very well since the break-up, but I do have a soft spot for the guy. In watching early films, he was such a great "hands-on" Dad.

I used to watch J & K + 8, but felt so uncomfortable, I never enjoyed it. I loved the kids, but I've never heard a man talked to like Kate talked to him. It was heart-wrenching for me to listen to.

Thanks for this lastest info. I don't think this will do anything negitive to the Kids' psyche as they have listened to the ranting and raving since birth. I am appalled at what those little ones put up with....and to them it is "normal".

Sad, Sad, Sad

Lauren said...

The day before the holiday a woman drove a black Volvo SUV through the gate and onto the Gosselin property. She made five trips, alone and in the rain, carrying a total of 16 white plastic bags of Giant groceries into the house.

This sounds like one of Kate's assistants doing some grocery shopping for the chef. But why would she make 5 separate trips. Is Kate doing a "Cruella DeVille" and yelling about wanting changes to the Thanksgiving menu? That's really peculiar to me.

Werny - how far is Giant from the Ghettoville Gosselin Estate?

Melissa said...

I hope the Mennonite woman never reads this . . .

Werny Gal said...

Hi Lauren, I think the person who wrote it meant five trips in and out of the house to carry the 16 plastic bags, not five trips to the market. The store is about 5-7 miles away. There are actually closer supermarkets, but Kate drives further to go to a newer one.

a portland granny said...

Sorry to be posting again, but I just saw Dr. Lillian Glass' new post on the Gosselin children's body language in the airport after they returned home from LA.

I Ithought it was very interesting and insightful.

Sorry, I don't know how to make it so you can click on it, but the add'y is below for you to copy and paste’s-body-language-shows-sadness-humiliation-upset-andf-distance-around-kate/

Werny Gal said...

Thanks Granny, I checked it out and it is very interesting. I especially agreed with the part where she described Tony's behavior vs. his body language. I think she's right on about that. And please don't apologize for commenting here...your comments are always welcome!

just wondering said...

Personally I think it's best for the kids to not have to spend any more time around Kate than is necessary. If she wants to stay locked in her room all day, then good for them. I do hope, however, that these nannies are loving and kind towards the kids and that they really do love them. The problem as I see it is that Kate seems to replace these people so often and that's not good for the kids. They need continuity somewhere in their lives.

I don't believe Kate & Steve have ever had any more than a working relationship. I think he is there to get her out of trouble when needed. I think she trusts him to keep her secrets and I bet there are many.

I also think Kate knows some secrets of Jon's and that Jon knows some secrets of Kate's and that they must have to dance around threats to expose each other.

Jon is every bit as greedy as Kate, but he's not as talented nor as excrutiatingly narcissistic as she. But he is a lazy oaf who will happily use the kids if it will get him the cash he wants.

Sorry this is so long... Keep it up, WG, and please ask Murt about a guardian ad litem or someone appointed to at least be present to speak for the kids during filming. It's their only chance at protection.

GeorgiaMom said...

Much thanks to your friend for allowing you to post parts of his journal. I am hoping these leaks are a plan to generate buzz to publish a book. Other than the blogs, truth has been held in check about this woman to maintain her image.

As far as Steve the bodyguard, he is paid by TLC, but he supposedly has a high position in his security company so I have always wondered why Kate gets the special treatment.

I have to laugh about the "leak" about how long Kate has been celibrate. What planet does TLC think we live on? My sense of Kate and Steve is that there was something going on there, but because of the "appearance", his wife was brought in to prove the guy is a family man. His wife is blind, IMO. The real reason for Steve? To provide companionship for Kate on the rode and keep her true personality under wraps. TLC is totally vested in this woman. Security is just an excuse.

IATK said...

I agree as well, re: Tony. He was the perfect gentleman because it appears that is how he was raised. It's another example of the importance of hands on parenting.

Denise said...

I remember a youtube of the Mennonite woman filmed out by the gate. Sad that she was so bamboozled by Kate.

GeorgiaMom said...

I have to say Kate's PR crew is top-notch. Radar has pics of her at the grocery store (paps even were inside). Funny thing is, there's no pics of who UNLOADED the groceries at the house. Once again, TLC is calling the shots on making it appear this woman does it all. What a joke. That's what really gets me. I have no problem with someone who has money hiring help on grocery shopping and cooking, but it's fake, all for an image. Disgusting. I think I remember reading, probably in Radar, that Kate was spending her time busily baking for Thanksgiving. Ha!

Jlo said...

If you'll notice, Steve is only with Kate while she travels for TLC, book signings and DWTS. He's never with her when she's out and about, shopping in Wernersville, Reading or near her home. I think that Steve is a handler, paid by TLC to ensure that Kate toes the company line, doesn't speak out of step with the TLC mantra and won't answer any questions that are put to her about her private life while close to the public.

Kate's vision of self importance is supposed to spill over to the public that she's in demand, in need of protection and thus his always by her side when she travels. It's supposed to put the image out there that Kate is a major star.

No other major stars travel with a body guard. Brad Pitt is often seen in town by himself. Look at all the major stars and none of them have bodyguards. Steve is just a plant. After all, the ones who really need bodyguards are the 8 kids that are constantly left at home or in the care of a nanny. Where's their protection from the nutbags out there that Jon and Kate have continuously exposed them to?

Irene S said...

Very interesting. My thoughts today though are that there are many behind the scenes maneuvers going on that will never be exposed fully.

Why does no one go on the record about these 2 parents? I used to have a soft spot for Jon but now I feel like both parents have the sense that God gave a billygoat.

Mimi to 3 said...

Thank you for a truthful site from someone who actually lives close to her and sees stuff the rest of never see. Of course, the fans will just call you a hater and dismiss the truth about Kate as they always do. I have always preferred the truth and proof rather than blindly following someone else's opinion. You have a great site! Keep up the good work. There are a lot of us who appreciate your honesty.

DH said...

I have to agree with the commenter who stated basically, that it's not about the fact that she has help --- not even close! If she has the money, more power to her! I don't really care if she has a full time staff of 50, waiting hand and foot on her and the kids, plopping grapes in her mouth and waving fans over her. If I could afford someone to cook and clean for me (especially COOK) you bet your butt I'd do it in a heartbeat! So her having household help and nannies? Don't care in the slightest.

What BUGS the crap out of me, is that she is selling the fact that she DOES IT ALL and does it all ALONE! She's been packaged as the super-mom of multiples, single, working, standing alone supporting her kids and working her fingers to the bone. That's how TLC has "branded" her, all wrapped up with a big pink bow. What she & TLC are trying to sell is what the LIE is.

I don't begrudge her the money, the help, the spas, manis, pedis, bodyguards, not one bit of it. But DON'T sell yourself as the everyday divorced mom working to support your kids while you are personally packing their organic lunches for school. That ain't reality, honey. At least not Kate Gosselin's reality.

MickeyMcKean said...

It was mentioned by another poster on the 15 minutes blog that the photo of Kate with the kids at the airport was taken at 7:00 am and that the kids were tired.

So the body language expert may not have taken this tidbit into consideration when evaluating the kids.

My personal impression of the photo was that the kids just did not want their photo taken so they put their head down. Or they were just tired and are just too old to be carried.

But Lillian was spot on re Tony though.

As for Steve, I really think he is hired by TLC to protect Kate from being Kate to the public and making snarky comments to the fans she hates. Yes, hates. Kate wants the fame and fortune but does not want to deal with adoring fans who she needs in order to succeed.

I used to know very well several real bodyguards in LA, mostly used by musicians. Serious bodyguards and one in particular - as I type this I'm smiling - let's just say he was a lethal weapon and did not have to carry a gun. Thank goodness we were good friends!

Steve may have ratclaws but I don't think he would intimidate anyone in particular ... OK I mean me. Yes he has um courage and will step in when needed to remove a woman asking Kate one question about child labor laws at a book signing, but a serious threat? IMHO perhaps but I don't think he carries a gun and I don't know if he is trained in martial arts.

OK I will be snarky here - would Steve, a family man, be willing to put his life on the line for Kate? Think about it, he knows how she treats people, seen it first hand. Does he approve of her actions? Would he step in front of a bullet for Kate? Is she worth it? Only Steve can answer of course.

My point is yes Kate has a body guard, but why? Is she scared of the public? Yes. Does she need a body guard because of threats from her fans? No. Do the fans need protection from Kate? YES!

Whether or not anything is going on with Kate and Steve I don't know and don't care. Only Gina has to give a damn. But it does appear that Kate has more respect for Steve than she ever showed Jon, her husband of 10 years and father of her 8, count 'em 8, children.


Anonymous said...

I agree with JLO: Steve is a handler or minder employed to keep Kate in line.

He's also there to carry her purse.

nannyjudy said...

Such drama WerneyGal! You have not provided your readers with any information that isn't already public information. YAWN

Anonymous said...

Oh come on! I can't stand Kate but I am call BS on this whole post. Parts might be true but there is no way to prove most of it.

Libby said...

Thanks WG for sharing what you know.
Kate has nobody to invite for Thanksgiving other than Steve and his wife/family?? I guess everyone else just doesn't "know how to help" poor Kate.
I believe that she doesn't lift a finger to do anything at home, but portrays the poor single mom doing it ALL on her own - and the darnedest thing is, SO MANY people out there believe this B.S!
More of these reports should be leaked and someone sure as heck better write a nice juicy tell-all. What is Kitty Kelly up to now that she has released Oprah's unauthorized biography? She should team up with some of these people who know all about this fake life of Kate's and not name her sources.
A lot of people know the truth about this witch Kate and have been forced into silence, someone needs to tell the truth for once and get it all out there. Kate is self-centered, self-promoting, lying fake and she has thousands and thousands of sheeple fooled into thinking she is a regular single mom doing the best she can for her 8 little faces...B.S.

mama san said...

steve is a VP with his company. Yes he is with Kate quite a Lot, birthday parties, trips to NYC, CA, lunch at Nobu, etc. If you look closely at photos you will see him in the background. I can't imagine a former Navy Seal, BG to famous people carrying Kate's purses, totes, luggage, packages. Steve is a joke. And has lost credibility with protective agencies as his face and profile is very very identifiable.

Not True said...

Jlo said...

No other major stars travel with a body guard. Brad Pitt is often seen in town by himself. Look at all the major stars and none of them have bodyguards.

No other stars have bodyguards? You can't possibly be serious.

MickeyMcKean said...

I am sick and tired of hearing "it's all about the ratings".

Well, if you really want the ratings to go through the roof, it seems to me that if a journalist does a legitimate story on the Gosselins it will be a best seller.

I don't care if it is a televised expose or in a book that I'm sure will be a best seller for months, I want the truth to come out!!!

So folks I'm writing letters to journalists and asking them to do an expose. Writing on a blog is one thing, but something more needs to be done behind the scenes.

To say that I'm riled up this Monday morning would be an understatement.

I have to do something, and I've posted two letters that I wrote today. I will continue to write them and will not stop until I know that the Gosselin children are off the air and can live their life outside of a fishbowl.

It goes without saying that if others join me in writing letters it can only help to SAVE THE EIGHT!

GeorgiaMom said...

WG would not put this out there if she didn't believe and know it to be true. There are too many crazies that could easily cause her problems, so why risk it? Besides, I had no idea what Kate really thought about the town and that the meal was not prepared and cooked by her. If I remember correctly, the TLC PR spin was that she did the Thanksgiving meal herself.

It's ironic that the very paps TLC relies on to keep Kate in the spotlight have the goods on what really goes on. As far as I am concerned when it comes to the Queen, it's guilt by a preponderance of the evidence.

The cracks are appearing in the TLC wall.

DH said...

I don't know or care about other "stars" and their bodyguards or lack thereof. If I had hired somebody to PROTECT me, I would not approve of that person wearing flip flops (NC beach trip, kitchen reno). Nor do I think said bodyguard should be holding hands with one or two of the children, chatting amiably (as friends, managers, agents, handlers would do). Do bodyguards carry shopping bags and/or purses? Just saying, it doesn't sound very protective, really. More like a good family friend. Agent. Manager. Handler.

Anonymous said...


Werny Gal said...

You are right GeorgiaMom, I wouldn't put it out there unless I truly believed it was true. I also am not putting out some of the more extreme things I read in the book-in-progress, by choice, because even though they are interesting and would generate discussion, I feel in the long run it would do more harm than good. I will put something out there if it exposes a myth or exposes mistreatment of someone. I will not do so to be cruel, although it might be potentially painful. The purpose is to have us look at "reality" television and how unreal it really is, and how it affects the participants. I am also doing it to stimulate discussion about things like the differences between being adults and choosing to participate, like The real Housewives series, and being a child and being too young and immature to be capable of consent. This is a discussion blog, not a hate blog. I don't hate anyone, and some behaviors are simply unacceptable, whether the "behaver" is on TV or not. I also recognize that no matter what my intentions are, there are always a couple of extremists who will take things the way they want to, and I have no control over that. I suggest that rather than staying here and upsetting themselves needlessly, they find another blog that is more in keeping with their likes and needs.

Anonymous said...

I just watched season 4 again, and I am very curious when Steve was hired.

Just after Kate was traveling, her attitude toward Jon got notibly worse. She did NOT like that Jon paticipated in the decorating of the new house and when they were interviewed on the couch, she sat there with her nasty look and her arms crossed.

IDModo said...

I just figured it out. Steve is Kate's NANNY!He carries and looks after her things, makes sure she is polite and respectful (when he can), protects her from strangers (Fans and Paps), and attempts to educate her in the social niceties!These are all NANNY duties. I wonder if he disciplines her when she is bad....

Werny Gal said...

Mickey, would you like me to okay your letters you sent in comment form so they show up here? Let me know and I'll put them through. WG

Werny Gal said...

IDModo, you're such a witmeister. (Do you think he gives her a spanky?) :)

Denise said...

I knew I had seen this on video!

GeorgiaMom said...

Thanks, Denise. Awesome. Video confirmation. Kate is so ungrateful. I bet all those sheeple gifts at the book signings went into the trash!

DH said...

From Denise's video link, it appears that WernyGal and her friend/source clearly know what they are talking about. There will always be those who only see what they choose to see, who will interpret information through their own filters and their end result will differ based on preconceived ideals ... but this video link shows exactly what WG's friend stated the incident to be.

my9cats said...

Steve was seen on the plane in the Utah episode, so he's been around a long time.