Monday, April 12, 2010

Advocating For The Gosselin Eight

Anonymous (probably my most verbose commenter!) has provided a link about a hearing coming up Wed 4/14/10 in Horsham PA. The hearing is being held to consider the affect of reality TV shows like "Jon & Kate Plus 8" on child actors. Since PA has lax laws concerning the rights of child actors, this is wonderful news for all children in Pennsylvania who are involved in the entertainment industry as actors or participants in reality TV. Anything that draws attention to this issue is a step in the right direction.

Testifying will be the wonderful Paul Petersen of A Minor Consideration, fantastically ass-kicking attorney Gloria Allred, and Kevin and Jodi Krieder, the estranged brother and sister-in-law of Kate Gosselin who were once the Gosselin childrens' loving caregivers. The Gosselin eight and the children of PA could not have better advocates.


IATK said...

WG, it's so good to see this issue finally getting some attention. This means Gloria and Paul have continued to work behind the scenes and have not dropped the ball as I feared. I hope Kevin and Jodi can be strong because there's already a backlash of opinion about them. I admire them for trying to make a difference for all reality TV children and to tighten the laws that allow child exploitation. The hearings can be seen online on Wednesday morning beginning at 9:55. Go to:

Below is the T. Murt site with the information about this hearing.

I'll be interested in hearing your comments on this.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is big! Keep us posted, WG, if you hear anything. Praying for those kids!

Mary in Ca

GeorgiaMom said...

I think her new book is horrible. The tups will be totally embarrassed when they are older, and Cara and Mady may already be. It's one thing to write letters which are inspirational or teach a lesson, but criticism and blame seem to be an integral part of Kate Gosselin.

Werny Gal said...

I wish I could go to the hearing. I'd love to meet Paul after having interviewed him for my blog a while back. He's such an inspiration. I just love it when people take their painful experiences and turn them into something positive.

I hope there's some sort of link to the hearing so folks can see it afterward because I am going to be driving all over the state of PA on other business tomorrow. But since it's a hearing anyone should be able to get free transcripts of it. I've testified before various senate commitees for various children's rights over the years and all testimonies are public information.

Anonymous said...

I don't personally feel Jodi and Kevin have much integrity. They have showed us the way they attempt to get things done. Very distasteful, in my opinion.

Why didn't this all come out prior to the divorce. Was Jon so stoned that he had no idea his lawyer was completely ineffective? Yea, Maybe!

I hope the court interviews the kids!

Werny Fan

DetroitDani said...

I think the Sheeple term has lost it's power.
How about, "Pro-Abuse Advocates."

That's what I think the fans are. They support Kate and kate abuses everybody she's ever in contact with.