Monday, April 5, 2010

Oh, That Obnoxious Papparazi!

On DWTS tonight Kate said the Lady Gaga song Papparazi speaks to her because there are papparazi waiting for her outside her door every day. I don't know what door she's talking about but I live in Wernersville and hoards of papparazi outside her door hasn't been the case for some time. And what little paps do show up from time to time would go away if she would stop going on TV and talking about how awful it is to be in the press all the time. It's been said before and no doubt will be again: Stop feeding the sharks and they'll stop circling.

I also love how she talked about having to wear a happy mask because of the events of the past year. Obviously the past year has been hard on everyone in the family, but get a clue! The events of the past year were not the problem, they were the symptom. A family that pretends to be happy so the show can go on in order to make more money, while the parents have not actually been in a relationship for some time, has to be psychological hell on not only the adults but the kids. The healthiest thing that happened to this family in the past year was Jon coming out about the marriage and show being a sham and him pulling the kids out of the big phony mess. He had the kahoonies to tell the truth no matter how unpopular it made him.

One last note about Kate's hair and makeup on tonight's DWTS. Remember that old movie Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? Well, tonight we found our answer. . .


Mocha said...

I'll have to google that movie.

By the way, I don't have a problem with her being on DWTS. It's weird, but not all that bad. I think most viewers don't even know who she is so it goes over their heads.

Have they shown the Gosselin kids on DWTS yet? I missed part of two shows.

Werny Gal said...

Hi Mocha, check out the link I added to the blog entry to see a hilarious remix about the movie.

I don't think the kids have been on DWTS. I imagine it would be too hard to take them and have them have to hang out while she's practicing and performing on the show. We only see it live for two hours but I'm sure it's a very long day. Probably the only way she could have any of the kids there would be if a nanny went with them, and that would be very expensive and probably just not practical due to them being in school and the time zone changes. I'm sure if they do go they'll get plenty of camera time.

IATK said...

I liked this blog entry, WG, and agree with your thoughts. I'm embarrassed for Kate's family and kids and even Jon. He has to have mixed emotions because I'm sure he must have loved her at one time. Kate can't dance and it hurts to watch her try. Dance requires that you feel it on the inside and express those feelings through movement. We've seen three dances now and I just don't think Kate's capable of doing that.

Werny Gal said...

Thanks itsabout, I do admire Kate's willingness to put herself out there. Most folks would have ducked and run for cover long ago. She is nothing if not determined.

IATK said...

I think DWTS should have try-outs before they invite people on the show, and choose those that have at least some degree of talent and the potential to learn. But I suppose they don't care as long as the dancer draws a crowd and contributes to their ratings. Kate still doesn't look like she's having much fun and the schedule has to be gruelling. I guess the question is, how high a price is she willing to pay for fame? The family, the marriage, the kids, her dignity? I guess Kate will have to answer that one.

Jen said...

She has a rather in-depth video interview on the Radar Online site about how terrible the paps are...oh, the irony! She's granting an interview with the very people who purchase the pap pics! ;)

She's a dim bulb...not to mention that half the pap pictures would not even exist if she didn't force her kids to play in the front yard of 20+ acres.

Does she actually think people can't put this all together?

Plus: the's about a "star's" love for the paps and how she wants them to love HER! Priceless!!! She's not too bright is she?

Werny Gal said...

"the's about a "star's" love for the paps and how she wants them to love HER!"

I hadn't put that together... hilarious! I really felt for Tony last night. She didn't take her eyes off his face once and he looked like he wasn't having a very good time either. I wonder if they have her doing any loosening-up exercises? How could she practice for hours a day and still be so stiff? I just don't get it.

GeorgiaMom said...

I have never watched DWTS before but I happened to be scanning channels and there it was with Kate coming up. I couldn't resist and it was sooo painful to watch. She was horrible and looked bad too. I just don't get what TLC sees in her. She's an attractive woman but geez, there's no talent there at all. Jon was much more natural on TV than she ever was. I think she equates being a drama queen with acting. Unfortunately, her kids are exposed to this and some are probably acting just like her.

I don't think any amount of money is worth making a laughingstock out of yourself publicly. She's so self-obsessed that she must be an easy target for the showbiz types to lead her on. I almost feel sorry for her, but not quite.

DH said...

I imagine you'll be getting a few "hit & run" comments from the JK8 fans, WernyGal. You're blog was mentioned on a newcomer fan blog, and you were put through the wringer for being just another "hate Kate" site.

They then added the fact that you are a neighbor (of sorts), and it was decided you are likely dangerous & deranged, and somebody should inform the local police for Kate's protection.

This same group of "fans" have also taken it upon themselves to try to get David Zurawik (Z on TV, Baltimore Sun) fired and have his blog taken down.

They are very accusatory to those who criticize Kate Gosselin in any way. She is just a poor single mother of EIGHT trying to support her kids, you know! (sarcasm very much intended!)

Mocha said...

I admire her for putting herself out there, too, WG. I know I would want to duck and run, but I'd try to get through it.
I keep asking myself, would I do this? I can't carry a tune. If they offered me $200,000 to sing in front of millions for a few weeks, practicing for 6-8 hours a day, would I do it? I would. Even if the judges insulted me. This isn't immoral and doesn't involve the kids. That's good money. I'd have to work four years to make that much. So throw in 8 kids, and I'd do it. The hardest part would be the embarrassment in front of the judges, but Kate takes it like a man, doesn't she?

The kids should stay home. If they lived in CA, it would make sense for them to see it live once. Not if they have to travel that far though.

Think Kate will be going home tonight? I do.

IATK said...

Bruno said Kate came across as a "super bitch from Hell", and she WAS supposed to be playing herself, wasn't she? I wonder if these same Kate supporters who are campaigning against other blogs are also writing nasty letters to Bruno for defaming their star? The tabloids and editorials are not any kinder towards her lately and are certainly read by many more than these few on-line blogs. I'm not so sure our little opinions carry a lot of weight, but it certainly doesn't mean we don't have a right to express them. JMHO

GeorgiaMom said...

Looks like Kate's #1 fan or TLC lackeys have discovered your site. All in all, there are extremes out there when it comes to Kate Gosselin. Love her or hate her, she churns up emotions. I'm all for women making money and supporting their families but I don't think spitting out a batch of kids, soaking PA taxpayers and church groups across the country, and selling your talentless soul to a corporation, would entice me to admire such a person.

Anonymous said...

Werney Gal, we probably don't live too far from each other. Our town has seen quite enough of this buffoon to last a lifetime. It all started with the local articles regarding her disgust with the state after she stopped receiving free use of a registered nurse to which she thought she was entitled to forever. And the freebies just kept pouring in, but it was never enough for her.

She has made a spectacle of herself all around town, calling stores in advance to tell them she was coming in...and to be prepared for the paps. She is talentless and frankly just a verbally abusive nobody.

Just saw the link to your blog, hope to stick around for awhile!

IATK said...

Posted Apr 6th 2010 12:40PM by TMZ Staff

Jon Gosselin Goes After Kate in Court

Jon Gosselin thinks "Dancing with the Stars" is damaging his kids, thanks to Kate Gosselin ... and Jon now wants primary custody as well as spousal support from his ex ... TMZ has learned.Jon's new lawyer, former assistant U.S. Attorney Anthony F. List, tells TMZ he's going to court to ask for primary physical custody. List calls Kate, "an absentee mom," which he says is no surprise to anyone.List expects to use "DWTS" as evidence that Kate does not spend "quality time with the 8 kids."List also thinks Jon is getting screwed in the child support department, claiming "$20,000 a month is ridiculous." In addition to primary custody, List says he's considering asking the judge to reverse the support obligation and make Kate pay Jon. He did not specify the amount.

Read more:

Mocha said...

I like that this lovely little blog has never been a place to drag all the crap from other blogs. I sure hope this doesn't turn into another comments section where one side trashes another side, tattling about what "they" said about "us".

Jon wants the custody issue re-visited! Whoa! I didn't see that one coming. I think he's just looking to increase time and reduce his monthly support. Where in the world is Jon Gosselin supposed to get $22,000 per month? He doesn't even work! He can't pay that a year.

I assumed Kate's lawyer was spinning when he said the support payment was 5 figures per month.

Werny Gal said...

I'm going to start deleting comments now, so please be warned that if you are abusive, accusatory or disrespectful, your comment will be removed.
Thank you.

Werny Gal said...

It's a shame I have to delete some comments. I save the nasty ones and will probably do a post on them at some time. I don't know what other bloggers are up to so I forget that there are vicious blogs out there. I just do my own blog and go about my business here. It's always interesting to hear about the drama elsewhere on the Internet, but I'm not really interested in becoming involved in a slinging-crapfest. I'm really just about exchanging opinions and ideas in a civilized manner. I also now have to go back and remove prersonal information about myself from previous posts because of the resultant nasty emails and comments. Of course most of the bullies sign off as "anonymous."

mommyinca said...

WG, I'm so sorry your blog is being attacked. I am truly baffled at how far fans will go to defend their "idol". See: Selena

I do have to say that in reading fans comments on Kate, they are mostly based on tabloid reporting. Kate's PR has certainly earned their salary. They have managed to turn Kate into a role model and Jon into a loser.
(Yes, I realize Jon has made his share of mistakes and I do not give him a free pass for his indiscretions, however it seems as though he was set up on numerous occasions).
IDK, I would hope that in the end, the judge would see the TRUTH and be able to rule fairly and in the best interest of the children, whatever that may be.

IATK said...

Mocha, I believe it was reported that Jon and the entire family remains under contract with TLC so he must be getting paid by them even though they are not using him now. I've heard that contract is up in May with an option to renew but I don't know if that's true or not. The courts would have never ordered he pay so much unless he had some source of income. At least I wouldn't think so.

IATK said...

Testimony under oath is always a better source of information than the tabloids. ;)

IATK said...

I, too am sorry about the trashing, WG. That's why I asked first if I could post your link because I wasn't sure what would result. I'm sorry now that I did. I very much enjoy exchanging information and ideas here and I apologize for mucking up the place. Not responding to the attacking posts seems to be the most effective. Okay, I'm going to go sit in the corner now.

GeorgiaMom said...

I wonder how many of those people who posts nasty comments anonymously were bullies in school? I guess there's more good than bad with the internet, but it sure offers up an opportunity for rudeness rather than constructive conversation.

WG, your blog is a nice sane blog to converse as opposed to those "ladies" on other blogs and sites who get down and dirty, pro and con, regarding Kate Gosselin. I'm just about trying to figure out what makes Kate tick, the role of reality TV, and the fate of those kids. Your blog is unique because you are a local and I like the insite you give us. I don't know if the family would have remained intact if not for the intrusion of TLC, but since they made the decision to publicly display their lives, I don't feel the least bit wary about discussing the family and you have been fair in your opinions and descriptions. Keep it up. And by the way, thank you for reassuring me about the photo of Hannah. I am quick to jump to conclusions when I consider Kate's temper.

Werny Gal said...

No probbies here, all is well in Werny, so please don't feel bad, Itsabout. I guess I was experiencing the same thing the Gosselins do, which is that when we put ourselves out there, we are easier targets than if we stay safely inside. I really do enjoy discussing this with everyone and hearing various views. But yes, tell all your wonderful friends to join us here but please don't link to me any place where they seem to enjoy trashing each other because that isn't the purpose of this blog. And if worse comes to worse the way it did earlier today, there's always the ole delete tactic, right? In my blog control panel each comment has a tiny little trash can next to it, and all I have to do is click on that itty bitty trash can and ~Blip! ~ like magic! Trash gone! :)

IATK said...

WG, I only linked you to a pro-kate site but the problem is the bully's troll for people/blogs to pick on and attack. Once they find you and find out you don't like Kate you become a target for their insults. I myself prefer civil discourse and basically friendly debate, which is why I like it here. It's a puzzle.

IATK said...

WG, I said that wrong. It wasn't a pro-Kate blog but rather a blog sympathetic to the Gosselin children and how all this exposure has a negative effect upon. A blog that has views similar to my own and yours which is why I thought it might be safe, but the link was obviously picked up by pro-Kate people. Sorry about that.

Werny Gal said...

Thanks itsabout, I appreciate your courtesy. Imagine having nothing better to do than look for people to flame on the Internet. Pretty sad, right? On the other hand if there are any blogs you think I might like I'd love to hear about them. Have a nice night, it's HOT here in PA and we have the fan on in our bedroom the the first time this spring. Love the fresh air. Nighty.

IATK said...

This site is run by a family law lawyer in a different state from PA and it is usually pretty civil and discussion based rather than attack based. It's open like yours but she keeps a good eye on it. There's a pretty lively discussion going on there this evening about Jon's announcement, re: that he's asking for more time with the kids. I'm sure you would enjoy if you want to pop over there.

kamilleon said...

Best comment I saw today about last night compared Kate to Dr. Frankenfurter from "Rocky Horror" and said she should have danced to "Sweet Transvestite" and been done with it!

Werny Gal said...

Thanks itsabout, I'll check it out.

Mocha said...

I am glad it's simmered down over here. Let us know if you hear anything about where Jon is staying from your mutual friend. It's a mystery to Kate's lawyer, lol! He's complaining to Radar about it.

These lawyers are a piece of work.

Looks like Jon might be on a diet, too? Trying to get control in his life, I guess.

So he gets a salary from TLC? That seems fair after their 100+ episodes. What a relief it mut be to be done with that at least.

I bet you run into him soon, WG. It sounds like he's moving back to Wernersville for good!. :)