Saturday, April 10, 2010

Comment Moderation Is Now On

Comment moderation is now on. It may take a while for your comments to show up because I have to okay each one as it comes to me in email, and I'm gardening and doing things other than being on the computer today. Non-flamers, non-insulters and non-porn site linkers, I appreciate your patience.


fade2black said...

I hate that you have to do this on such a friendly site, but after that last link...YOWZA! Thanks.
P.S. I didn't GO there, just the addy was enough for me...well, too much, actually. :o)

Mocha said...

Hoorah! A new thread. Flames, and insults, now porn? I told you it was bad out there in Goss-lo-sphere.

I am awaiting your scoop about where Jon finds his new house...

Remember, Jon, if you or your mutual friend to WG read here, children like to share bedrooms. Go simple, but hidden from the road, maybe even close to the school, this time.

mommyinca said...

So sorry, WG. The internet is such an awesome place filled with instant connections to people and information but with the good comes the inevitable bad.
It's disturbing to know how much hate and perversion is lurking out there. :(

Anonymous said...

Did Kate Gosselin do something personal to you? From reading your blog I understand you are her neighbor or live in the same town. Is this how folks in Pennsylvania treat each other?

I'm from a small town in Texas and what you are doing would be considered shameful.

I'm just wonderiing what your personal grind is? Does it make you feel like a big shot to all the haters out there because you live so close?

Does your pastor know what you are doing?

Shame on You

Julie in Texas

Werny Gal said...

Hi all, thanks for your patience in my okaying these comments. Maybe the need will go away after a awhile. I've never understood why someone leaves flames on a site thety don't like. Why not just go and find a site you do?

Julie, you sound like a diehard Kate defender. If you read around this blog a little bit you'll find I've called both of them on their poor choices, and that my main concern is for the children. Also, since you asked, my pastor does not try to shame people into believing or writing what he believes.

Anonymous said...

Actually I didn't ask you if your pastor tries to shame you.

I asked you does he know what you are doing? Have you provided him with a link to your blog? Do you really think he would approve?

No, I am not a die hard Kate fan.

I just believe what you are doing is wrong.

Julie in Texas

Werny Gal said...

You are welcome to your opinion.

a portland granny said...

I'm a long time lurker, but have decided I need to comment. I am not a Kate hater, but I am a friend and advocate to all children everywhere. Because of that, I see a situation in which I believe eight little children are the victims of a selfish, mean=spirited mother with a tendency to lie. I read about what is happening here, and on other blogs, because daily I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that someone in authority will step in and save those wonderful little kids.

I do not see that addressing a situation honestly as one sees it, is hating. I've been disturbed by the flavor of some of the recent comments...and who cares what your pastor thinks, as long as your conscience is clear before God.

Something is very wrong in the Gosselin camp and because some of us recognize that fact, does not make us haters.....just terribly concerned.

and while I do not sanction Jon's personal life in the past few months, I do see him as a loving father and wonderful Daddy who is the victim of a huge "throw Jon under the bus" line by TLC and also ROL.

Anyone who watched their show has to know that Jon was always doing things for the kids, cleaning up, loving on the children, and taking verbal abuse from Kate.

Those are the facts, Julie from Texas.

my9cats said...

Julie in Texas...

Does your pastor know what you are doing?

Shame on YOU!

NancyB said...

Hi Werny Gal,
So glad that you have put moderation on--of course we all preferred our civil witty group before the insults and worse came along, but now I don't see that you have another option. Your regulars that have followed your delightful and insightful postings will all still visit. Love your blog!

Wilma said...

Werny Girl, I am amused by the folks who ask you about your pastor. Do they ask Kate the same question...who is her pastor? Seriously she doesn't go to church!

mommyinca said...

Julie- Respectfully, as a Christian myself, I ask you: Have you done much research on Kate Gosselin?

You may not agree with the snark and that's your opinion. However, how do you feel about her exploiting her children? How do you feel about her exposing her children's private fears and struggles for all the world to purcha$e?
Did you know that Penn. has very loose child labor laws when it comes to filming?
Do you know that Kate has lied on several occasions both to her children AND to the public?
I have a huge problem with Kate selling her children's privacy. I also have a huge problem with a Christian publisher such as Zondervan publishing such a book that exposes young children's insecurities, struggles and pain without their consent.
Please don't stand in judgment of people who are trying to speak out against child exploitation.

I highly doubt Jesus would condone what Kate Gosselin is doing. He may not condone what I'm doing either by standing in judgment of her as a mother but I suppose that's between Him and I.

Mocha said...

Julie in Texas,
WG is very nice for someone who has little respect for Kate. I don't like the nastiness I see at the anti-Kate sites. I was happy to find one that is against filming the children without permitting hate. I know most of the sites say "We don't hate" but really, a good chunk of the comments portray something very close to hate. I don't want my own opinions to get lumped in with theirs.

I don't feel as strongly about things as WG, but I get my comments posted, my questions answered, and my views respected. The twist to this site is that WG has friends and acquaintances with local connections to Jon and his family, consults them from time to time, has seen the property and the kids playing, talked to the paparazzi, and offers a local perspective. She admits she never met Kate. She has met people who met her. She gives their opinion (Kate's cold, Jon is warm) without stating that it is a fact, just the general consensus of the locals who've met her. That is fair.

On the topic of fair, WG has recently posted something that is contradictory to the accepted opinion about the children: they play out back, not the front, frequently, and most of the time. Jon and Kate are often criticized for not allowing that, but a photographer confirmed it.

Interestingly, she posted photos of Jon playing with the kids out front with a nanny there the day before TMZ broke the story about Jon's lawsuit. That makes Jon's claims about not wanting nanny's to raise the kids seem a bit off- unless Kate insisted that the nanny stay, which would make me understand his objection even more. I wonder if WG will have to testify about her photos in the custody hearing! What a scoop that would be for Small Town Gosselins!

WG's opinion about the psycholigical effects on the kids of their lifestyle carries the weight of a professional opinion, not just the average TV viewer.

Her snark is mild. No name calling.

She only updates from time to time. Sometimes weeks go by with no update. I don't think she has the level of interest as other blog owners, and that makes me feel better. I don't want to be part of a campaign against anyone or part of someone's obsession, and that is a danger when one is posting over and over about someone.

I hope that helps put this blog in perspective. It's not a fan site, but it really isn't a Hate Kate site either.


Werny Gal said...

I also found the question about my pastor interesting ~ Kate no longer goes to the church where her father is a pastor because he had to tell her no more handouts. The church had already given her many things and she was very hard to please. She needed six matchy matchy cribs and everything top end. He finally put a kabosh on it because she wanted money money money. What I heard was that it pained him to say it, but he explained to her that other parishioners needed help from the church too, and she chose to have her eight children. She got her panties in a snit and ended the relationship. And as I've said before, Jon has been happy to do local charity events for free, whereas Kate won't even allow a picture taken with her in the Target parking lot. You have to go to one of her speaking engagements and stand in line and pay $20 if you want a picture. Are those Christian values?

Werny Gal said...

You're right mocha, I am not as invested in this as some other bloggers. I first blogged about the Gosselins on my regular blog and was surprised by how many comments I got. After a couple more random blog entries about them I decided to open this blog because clearly it was something readers were interested in. I do find the situation interesting but mostly I am concerned about the children. I think living in Wernersville and having a background in psychology help me give this blog a different perspective. But I am far from Gosselin obsessed and when this blog ends it will just mean I have more time for my other one.

Werny Gal said...

p.s. Although I didn't intend this to turn into the blog is has, I do enjoy the discussion and interesting viewpoints of the vast majority of my readers. Thanks! :)

MickeyMcKean said...

I was a fan of the show until I opened my eyes. Now I'm a viewer who feels guilty of knowing way too much about these 8 beautiful children because their parents and TLC exploited them for monetary gain. To say that I am unhappy to learn that the insanity is going to start up again is an understatement. My personal POV is that filming of the kids is abusive.

I'm in CA so I have some comfort in knowing that Werny Gal, someone local, is trying to keep some tabs on the best interests of these kids since it seems that the parents, as well as the State of PA will not.

For instance I appreciated WG showing us that there is 1 pap, not herds of them, in front of the McMansion. Whereas I knew that there could not possibly be as many paps as Kate would have the world believe, still it was nice to have confirmation that it is just the 1.

IMHO I believe filming of the kids needs to stop - permanently - they need to have their privacy back. Alas, I don't think it will happen BUT if there is no interest in the show when it starts up again then maybe, just maybe, TLC will move one. At least one can always hope.

Anonymous said...

WG, i don't post very often but I do enjoy your blog and the level-headedness that prevails here. I am long past outrage at Kate or Jon for how they've messed up their own lives, but they can't really mess up their own lives without messing up their chidren, can they? I feel for those kids and hope something happens soon that will give them the privacy they need. Thanks for your blog and your thoughts.

Mary in Ca

Werny Gal said...

Thanks for your thoughts, everyone. I haven't gone out this weekend but I'll be passing the Gosselin house next week and it will be interesting to see how many paps are there. I suspect just the one and that the others were only there temporarily because of Jon's announcement last week.

If I see any paps I'm going to ask them about the kids playing out front vs. playing in the back. How frequently they are out front vs the back, and if they are intentionally brought out front to satisfy the photographer or for some other reason. All the play equipment like the swing set are in the back where they cannot be photographed from the road. The picture of Kate hitting one of the girls was taken by someone who was on a side field where they are not allowed to be. If the kids only played in the back they would be photog-free, so if Jon doesn't want them to be in public eye, why does he have them play out front?

Mocha said...

Good questions, WG. I do understand letting them ride their bikes on the driveway. That is probably the best place to do that. They have such a great driveway for bike riding, roller skating, and skate boarding. They don't live where they can ride bikes around the neighborhood, like where Aunt Jodi lives. Limited options.

I wonder if they let the older girls hike in the woods? That seems like it might be fun. There must be days when there are no photographers there?

GeorgiaMom said...

I enjoy this blog. I used to go to several other sites, but as time passed they got too hostile for me. I also found better things to do with my time. However, I cannot turn away from the ever unfolding Kate drama. I am totally amazed how the media has embraced her and kept this woman rolling in the dough. I think she's such a narcissist that she doesn't have a clue that she is being played a fool for entertainment. What is compelling in this whole disaster is that she continues to use her kids as her claim to fame. It's been a perfect storm because Jon has a lazy, greedy streak and hasn't stood up for his kids like a normal adult.

Werny Gal said...

"she's such a narcissist that she doesn't have a clue that she is being played a fool for entertainment"

Totally! Which would be funny if it weren't so sad. All so TLC can make more money. Sure, Kate's making money, but only a drop in the bucket of what TLC is making.

Anonymous said...

Interesting hearing coming up. Let's hope something good comes of it.

Mocha said...

Kate's claim to fame is that she is a mother to healthy sextuplets.
She doesn't pretend to be talented in any other way.

Why is she still in the entertainment field? Why does she have two new shows coming out plus probably another best-seller?
-the kids have fans
-there are women who love Kate's strong personality
-there are "anti-fans" who vote on the tabloid polls, click the photos, follow her schedule, post her whereabouts, and blog, blog, blog about her.

People, I'm just sayin', we're the problem. If the blogs all went dark, she'd be done. I just don't think there are that many fans to justify a million dollar book deal and two new shows.

IATK said...

Kate Gosselin and the Kids Hollywood-Bound?

By Rob Shuter Posted Apr 13th 2010 02:00AM

Kate Gosselin is certainly famous, and now the mom of eight and current 'Dancing With the Stars' contestant wants to stay famous by making a move out west. Yep, the octomom is in the market for a house in Hollywood and a new agent, according to her pals.

Sources tell me that in between dance practices, Kate Gosselin has been house hunting in the Hollywood Hills for a mansion big enough for her and her eight kids.

"Now that Kate has tasted the excitement of Hollywood, there is no way that she is going to return to Pennsylvania," a friend of Kate's tells me. "She is looking at homes in the Hollywood Hills in gated communities in the $2 million range. Kate is insisting the properties she sees have a pool, at least six bedrooms, an outdoor hot tub and, bizarrely, a recording studio!"

And it's not just a home that Kate has been looking for in Los Angeles. Sources tell me she has been meeting with agents, managers and publicists.

"Kate wants to be a movie star," one insider tells me. "Kate thinks that after Jennifer Aniston's last few films didn't do so well, America needs a new girl next door. And who better to fill Jen's shoes than Kate!"

That's right. Because when I think girl next door, the first thing that jumps to mind is a single mother of eight with more public baggage than Grand Central Station. Keep dreaming, Kate, and please don't tell us you are planning to record an album, too.

Werny Gal said...

Thanks for the link, itsabout, I'm going to put it in an entry so everyone can see it. This is what I've feared she would do all along. Those poor kids.