Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Not?!?

Why? Would there be something wrong with quitting? Don't you have enough money? Don't you want your children to go back to being themselves instead of going into ham mode whenever anyone's around? Don't you want the cameras, paparazi and critics to fade away? Don't you want to be able to go anywhere you want without people wanting something - autographs, pictures, scoops, fame - from you? Don't you want to be able to trust that your friends are really your friends and not just hanging around because you're (in)famous? Don't you want to be able to walk outside and relax without wondering if photogs are hiding in the bushes? Don't you want to have a life where your personal business is finally, once again, your own?

Why not?


Unknown said...

Do you mind if I ask you questions, inquiring minds want to know?

Do you know any details about the falling out with Beth?

How do you feel about Jodi and Kevin talking to the press about the family, and being payed for their stories?

Is this blog just a source of fun for you?



Werny Gal said...

Hi Fiona, ask away! I myself am the Queen of Curiosity. Thus this blog.
My understanding from what I've heard about the falling out with Beth was that Kate was unwilling to share the spotlight and she thought she was the famous one and she was unwilling to allow Beth to float along on what she perceived to be her coattails. It was similar to what happened with Jodi. The show producers offered to pay Jodi because they realized she'd become an important, regular cast member, so Kate kicked her out of her house and out of their lives. In both cases, Kate resented the others getting some of the attention when she felt it should all be hers. From what I've heard, this was quite painful to both of the women because they were friends and loved the children and Kate basically threw them away.

I think Jodi and Kevin genuinely care about the kids and the family. I don't know if they were paid or not, but sometimes when people know stories are going to be written about them whether they agree or not, it's the smart thing to take control of the situation by seeing who will pay the most for a face-to-face sit down interview. That kind of financial investment on the part of the publication can be the best way to guarantee that the truth or at least your side of it gets accurately told. (In some cases, the interviewees donate the money to their fave charity rather than keeping it.) I suspect this is what Jodi and Kevin did and if so, in my opinion it was the smart way to go. Having said that, I do NOT think they did it strictly for the money. They haven't spoken to the press or blogged about the situation since they spoke out a long time ago. They simply said what they wanted to and haven't capitalized on it in any way since (although they could make lots of money if they wanted to. I think they're too honest and classy.)

This blog is simply a source of fun for me. I am just a gal who lives in Wernersville and hears lots of things about the Gosselins. I have met many people who know or have talked to them. I am also a fan of pop culture, of which they've become a big part, and I also love studying family dynamics and other aspects of psychology that relate to this "case." I have never made any money on my blog or anything else related to the Gosselins, even though I have known many of the rumors and stories weeks before they were published and actually could have made lots of money if I chose to.
In real life I am a mental health counselor and have been a child advocate for many years, working with trauma survivors and educating professionals and laypersons about issues like child abuse for many years through public speaking and multimedia presentations I developed in my private practice over the years. I also have another blog that is totally unrelated to the Gosselins, that is more related to my work, so I opened this one so I wouldn't annoy and bore my regular blog friends with J&K talk. This isn't as interesting to everyone else as it is to me! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for answering...I appreciate your candor.