Sunday, August 16, 2009

Not So Blind Gosselin Gossip Item ~ 8/2/09

Sunday, August 2, 2009
A little birdie, but a totally credible little birdie, told me that a certain famous male neighbor did something really idiotic Saturday night*, without knowing a photographer was on a clandestine stakeout, catching it all on film. Now, like RIGHT NOW, the photog is trying to capitalize on the incriminating photos. Why? Because tomorrow, Sept 3, 2009, is the premiere of the sixth season of Jon & Kate + 8, and what the film depicts doesn't mesh with certain family values espoused by TLC, the network airing the show.

The photog has already been offered $10,000 for the pictures, but that's too low. Why, when a photo of Jon Gosselin leaving a bar with an unknown female (now known as "the schoolteacher") brings $80,000, and a photo of Kate slapping her child's behind brings $125,000, should he settle for just $10,000? C'mon, bloodthirsty tabloids, you can do better than that!

*This belongs in the "stupidest thing a celebrity ever did while knowing they were being watched 24/7" category, as well as the "I hate doing the show but can't man up to my overbearing wife or give up the perks like free trips to Europe for private rides on yachts of the rich and famous" category. It fits best in the category of "I hate the show but can't say No to it, so I'm going to do everything I can to screw it up so it has to go off the air."

Leah J. Utas said...
Oh, yes $10K is an insult.Say, doesn't this behaviour help with the ratings?
August 3, 2009 9:04:00 AM EDT

Werny Gal said...
Hi Dear Leah. Yes, it probably would. It seems the worse the situation gets, the more people have to slow down to see the accident. Now it's 10:20 in the morning the day of the season premiere, and the pictures and the exclusive scoop should be sold within the next half hour. If they go to the tabloids, everyone will see them. If they go to TLC, Jon, or someone invested in squashing them, they will disappear without a ripple. This is like watching a soap opera, at least here in Wernersville.
August 3, 2009 10:22:00 AM EDT

No Drama Mama said...
Isn't it ironic that the Gosselins do something stupid around the time of a much needed ratings boost? Gotta keep that gravy train chugging along......
August 3, 2009 11:48:00 AM EDT

Lynn W. said...
Wonder just how much TLC paid the photographer for the pictures? I sure haven't seen anything online or in any of the blogs. Can you give us any hints? Inquiring minds, you know. Keep up the Wernersville Watch.
August 4, 2009 5:16:00 PM EDT

Miranda said...
Lynn W. go to radaronline.comThere is just one pic, the woman is wearing a red shirt not a dress though.It actually IS in a few blogs, the only thing is...nothing Jon does is all that surprising anymore!!Even though Jon is acting rather immature; I still like him WAY more than Kate. Poor poor Kate. Having her kitchen remodeled (for free) is just so stressful, she has to go stay at the beach for two weeks (for free).Somehow, everything she does manages to be given to her for free, yet it still stresses her out. DRAMA queen, diva, child exploiter.If I had a nickel for each time she A) visits the spa -or- B) makes up a new word, I could retire in no time!
August 4, 2009 6:52:00 PM EDT

Werny Gal said...
I went to radar online and that is indeed the story. What they didn't tell you was that Jon could be heard inside in the background, yelling for her to pull her head in because there might be photogs out there lurking in the bushes (and yes, there was. Just one. But that's all it took.)The National Inquirer bought the photo of her in the doorway for $10,000. They won't cop to it but it appears they own Radar too, because a few times when they've bought stories or photos they immediately put them on radar so no one could scoop them before their hard copy (the magazine) comes out. The full story will be in Friday's Inquirer.Gee, I hope they remember to mention that Jon was staggering drunk, according to my source. And let's not forget to add that he was driving at high rates of speed."The important thing is the kids." Hmmm, let's with bar pickups in your own home while the kids are sleeping and you know you're probably being photographed, driving drunk, breaking the speed limit while intoxicated, this helps the kids how...?About Kate. They bought the house from the doctor who delivered out first child. The doctor and his family are extremely nice, responsible people. Her comments about the house when she bought it were awful, and she neglected to mention that it had been vacant for several months before the Gosselins moved in. It's a country property, so of course it wasn't spotless. Dust and rodents do take over even in the city but esp in rural areas. Then last night Kate was at it again with her comments about the kitchen. You'd think five seasons of being on the air would have taught her some manners, but apparently not.
August 4, 2009 7:41:00 PM EDT

The Fifth Sparrow said...
Caught up on your older posts about the Gosselins. You are so lucky to live near them. Most people have to run away to join a circus.Came across this satire of Kate:
August 5, 2009 1:17:00 AM EDT

Lynn W. said...
Thanks for the links. The 2 blogs I read don't have photos and I didn't read every message. Don't regularly check Radaronline either. Off I go.
August 5, 2009 2:29:00 AM EDT

Robin said...
I'm quitting my job and following Jon around all day. I hope he does bad stuff all the time.I've still never watched the show! I don't want anything to sully my revulsion.
August 9, 2009 9:48:00 PM EDT

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