Monday, May 3, 2010

My Money's On the End of Summer

According to my sharp-eyed blog commenter GeorgiaMom, one of the tabloids reported that Kate has had her assistant checking out schools in LA and for guest spots on sitcoms for the kids.

It's been looking like Kate has a hankering to move to L.A. ever since her DWTS experience. When (not if) that happens, Wernersville will breathe a sigh of relief and go back to being the quiet small town we locals have always known and loved. I think Kate would be a lot happier living in the Hollywood area and she'd have a much better chance of finding the kind of man she'd like to spend the rest of her life with. It saddens me that the Gosselin children might continue in entertainment because they've grown up with cameras and never had a chance to experience their childhoods with the privacy that most of us take for granted and without self-consciousness. The good news is if they move to California and continue to perform they will live in a state where their rights are better protected than they were here, thanks to better laws and child advocacy organizations such a A Minor Consideration. And in the long run the whole situation will have done some good here because we now will have improved child lablor laws and the authorities will be more likely to confirm they have been abided by. When this happens I will stop writing my blog because my perspective has been from living in the same small town as them. It's been fun but ending it would give me more time for other things. My bet is they'll be gone from Wernersville by the end of the summer, and Jon will follow them out there to be near the children.

Thansk GM, and if you send me the link to that report I'll add it here.


PaMa said...

Wow ... Thanks for that tidbit of info. I agree that Kate will be better off in Hollywood, but it's horrifying to think that she has hopes of pushing those poor little kids into showbiz and using them to further her own agenda.

Pray for the Gosselin 8!!!

Werny Gal said...


GeorgiaMom said...

WG, the link is from Preesi's magazine scans. The article is from May 10, 2010 Intouch Weekly.

I don't know how to reproduce a link you can just click on.

The last paragraph of the article is entitled "She wants to live in Hollywood". This could just be a PR plant, but I can totally see her moving on. I used to think Jon would fight her on such a move, but no longer. He's right there with her and will tag along, no doubt. It may be for the best with CA laws to protect the kids, although I would think TLC would not be too happy because now they could not market her as super mom living in middle America. Maybe Kate's head is so big she thinks she can ditch TLC and make it on her own, no?

Hippie Chick said...

In my opinion, they will never make it. First, how many kids go to Hollywood every day to "make it" and don't? Second, out of the 8, how many really want too? Isn't this just Kate's ploy to stay in the limelight? Her's is fading, (finally). She is a pathetic wannabe. Why can't she just fade into oblivion, let her kids live normal lives & go away?
And you're right WG, the laws are much stricter in Hollywood, Kate could never get away with being a overbearing stagemom IMO. She is too demanding, too pushy. Plus, what talent do those kids have? If they are anything like Kate, UGH.

CanadianGal said...

Why am I not surprised??? This talentless women knows no limits when it comes to throwing her family to the wolves, for the almighty dollar.
However,on a brighter note; Hollywood is a big place, and stars come and go all the time. My bet is when they do move out there, it won't be long and little Miss will be outshone by the next 'up and comer'. And if she think Paps are bad in PA, I can only imagine what they would be like in CA.
I completely understand a parent wanting to persue their own career; but for heaven's sake, leave your children out of it!
Just my two cents!

IATK said...

I'm not surprised Kate wants to move to LA and I agree the kids will be better off because of the laws there. I'm sure LA has swallowed up many an aspiring actor so I guess we'll see what happens to Kate and her dreams to be famous. She will be a little fish in a big pond in LA. I would expect no less than to see her shove the kids in front of cameras every chance she gets. They've paid their own way most of their lives and I don't see that changing now. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

Um, that info you just posted as a "news flash" was reported weeks ago. I look forward to when you may be able to provide information that has not already been "out there" in the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the article about Kate wanting to move to Hollywood:

PaMa said...

Can we say, "Stage mother from Hell"?

TVSnark said...

I can't imagine any casting agent wanting to work with Kate as a "stage mother."

Do the kids *want* to be actors or are they just "told" they want to be actors? I'm sick. Maybe Jon will wake up again but I've lost hope for him too.

Lynn Franklin Marshall said...

WG, What will you do? Will you follow and be LA Girl? LOL. Go good for Kate and why worry about Jon? She needs to move on with her life and if it means relocating because of a job (after a divorce) who hasn't done that? These days you have to follow the job - and I think we all know Kate is interested in show biz and maybe she has a guaranteed source of employment out there. If, as so many have said, she is estranged from all her relatives in PA, then she won't be leaving much. How many men divorce their wives and move thousand of miles away from their children? I have seen that many times. Since Jon has no employment in PA, maybe he should also relocated to LA to seek employment and be near his kids. What has he got to lose? There are millions of skanks in Hollywood.

Mimi to 3 said...

Nothing she could do would surprise me at this point. She thinks she is God's gift to mankind and that the world is waiting with baited breath for her to become a big movie star.

Those kids never stood a chance with her.

MickeyMcKean said...

Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.

IMO, unless and until Kate's two shows are bonafide hits I don't think she should move to CA.

Her book tanked and I think her shows will too. Then what?

People are sick and tired of All Things Gosselin, and the proof is out there unless you are in denial.

But Kate will anyway because she is delusional. Real estate prices in CA ... I think her current home on just one acre would be $7million - minimum - in CA and I can't imagine what the additional acres would bring money wise.

But I do agree about one point: the kids will be better protected in CA. Child labor laws are in full force and effect here and there is no getting around them.

Denise said...

I saw her on an interview being asked about a move to California. She ended it with "I would need a job out here, Hint, Hint...."

DH said...

I too, think that KG would be herself "happier" in LA/CA than she is in small town Pennsylvania. It seems fairly obvious that she no longer sees herself as "small town" - it very well may be that she NEVER saw herself as small town. It's hard to judge the pre-reality TV Kate versus the one we see now.

But just from what we've seen since the divorce, it is apparent to me, at least, that she sees herself as bigger than Wernersville, and sees that small town as more holding her back than anything else. I do think she forgets the small town help she got, that helped her and her babies to the extreme extent that it did.

But it also is something of an interesting connumdrum: in Wernersville, she is a big fish in a little pond. She seems to hate the small town atmosphere (neighborly friendliness, cookies brought to your door, chatting with Mrs. Jones about her elderly poodle). Should she move to LA/CA, she'll suddenly be a small fish in a very big pond. Where the plate of cookies is delivered by a boy working for the gourmet restaurant downtown, and it's Brittney's chihuahua Tinkerbell on TV or tabloid covers instead of paps parked at the end of Kate's driveway.

Maybe she should be careful what she wishes for. She just may get it.

Facts Please said...

I think Kate would be a lot happier living in the Hollywood area and she'd have a much better chance of finding the kind of man she'd like to spend the rest of her life with. It saddens me that the Gosselin children might continue in entertainment because they've grown up with cameras and never had a chance to experience their childhoods with the privacy that most of us take for granted and without self-consciousness. The good news is if they move to California and continue to perform they will live in a state where their rights are better protected than they were here, thanks to A Minor Consideration.


Children in CA are not better protected "thanks to A Minor Consideration." Paul Petersen is not personally responsible for all the laws on the books, the SAG agreements, et.

Unknown said...

But Jon and Kate must have something in their divorce decree saying they both have to be on board with this, or she has to get his permission or something like that. That's usually how it is if the kid's are moving outside their home state.

BerksPa said...

I agree with this post. The kids would actually have more privacy in LA than they have here. It would actually be a smart move for them to pack up and head out to the left coast. Then it can truly be all about Kate.
LA kids have more privacy than others.

quietly inside I say: *please God let the rumor be true*

escrow said...

I guess time will tell but I just can't see "the rule follower" moving to a state that is so highly regulated and giving up so much control.

Anonymous said...

Remember that old epidose of J&K+8 where Kate takes Mady and Cara to the casting agent. Kate said something to the effect of, they're just doing this because the girls want to and they don't care if they never get any work from it. Well, I think Kate was lying (big surprise). I think she wanted them to get into show biz back then and still has the same dream. BUT, I don't think the kids have the talent to do so. So, they might move to LA but I don't think Kate or the kids will find much work. And they sure won't find enough work to afford them the same type of house they have in PA. Kate is dellusional and she and her crew aren't nearly as talented and beloved as she thinks they are. If they move to LA I foresee massive amounts of debt being racked up while Kate pretends to live the famous life.

momsby said...

Do you know exactly how big the Gosselin home is? I was wondering also, how many children the previous owner's raised there? I'm curious, because some folks think it's a mansion...but if the kids still share rooms it seem's to me it may just be a larger family home on a good sized acerage.

Werny Gal said...

First anonymous, the article is dated 5/10. Today is 5/3.

LynnFM said "What will you do? Will you follow and be LA Girl?"
Good lord No, hell to the NO. This has been fun but I'll have more time for other things.

Momsby, it is a large home, not a mansion. I think it's about 3,000 sq feet and it might be a little bigger, but it's definitely not a mansion. The news when she was in L.A. said she was looking at houses in the $2 million range which doesn't buy much out there, and the housing market is very bad so it would probably take them a long time to sell this house. I remember reading that they thought their previous house would go for a good amount because they were famous, but it was on the market for a long time and didn't sell for more than comparable local homes did.

FactsPlease, to be more accurate I should have said "thanks to things like AMC." I will correct that.

As always thanks for your comments everyone.

PaMa said...

I just read the post of the In Touch article on Preesi's site, and I interpret it to mean that Kate's assistant was looking at school's for the kid's, as well guest-starring roles on sitcoms for her (Kate).

Anonymous said...

I've noticed many of the Kate fans (and WG critics LOL) think she would be wise to move out to LA, actually suggesting she should do so to get away from the likes of nosy neighbors like you! From what I've read not only here, but from the comments of many many other neighbors of the Gosselins, both past and present, I tend to think it would be far more likely that Wernersville would be getting the better end of the deal.

I fail to see, how "support" of KG translates into bashing and bullying of any differing opinions. But they will NEVER see what's in the mirror in front of them, those oh-so-neutral Kate supporters. Talk about SPIN!

IDModo said...

I checked Preesi's scans and also In Touch and can't find anything about the assistant looking for schools or sitcom opportunities. The article says that a friend of Kate's (?) says that Kate is looking for a way to get back to L.A.but doesn't elaborate on that.
I'm not meaning you when I say this, GeorgiaMom, but do you guys think someone is stirring the pot to get us going? Or is there a source that we just haven't found yet?

IDModo said...

Oops, my bad, I found it on Preesi.Apologies Georgia Mom! YYou have a keener eye than I do!

pa mom too said...

The house is 6,200 sq ft... not 3,000 sq ft. So it's a HUGE home.

Werny Gal said...

Wow PAMom, I had no idea is was that large because it doesn't look like it from the outside. I don't know if a home has to be a certain amount of square feet to qualify but I personally would call that a mansion. Most homes around here are 2000-2500 square feet and anything over 2500 is on the large size.

Laurie said...

Time for a reality check for Kate. Just becasue she "wants" her kids to be in show biz doesn't mean they will be. Talanted kids are a dime a dozen out there and most have been studying acting, singing, dancing, etc. for most of their young lives. Having heard the kids on J&K+8, they don't seem especially well spoken and they've grown out of the cute toddler stage and are (sorry kids) not any cuter than the kid next door. She needs to face the fact that they're not anything special, just a bunch of kids born on the same day but not identical in any way (which takes away from their marketability). Just because their name is Gosselin doesn't make them talanted any more than my name being Honda would make me a car....As someone said upthread, in LA she would be a very small fish in a very large ocean AND she wouldn't have TLC to be a buffer for her every move. She's been protected and coddled by TLC for way too long and she is starting to believe her own press. As far as looking for a house in the $2mil range - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, let's just say that for that price she won't be having Paris Hilton as her neighbor. I'm thinking that this little tidbit is a PR plant to see if anyone in LA jumps in and offers the kids jobs.

IDModo said...

I remember the episode where Kate takes the kids to the casting agent.I thought it was weird at the time. What 5 year olds say, "Mom, please take us to an agent, we want to be in commercials"? What mom takes their kids to an agent and puts them through the experience just to see what it's like, and because they asked her to? It occurred to me then that Kate was auditioning for the part of a pushy stage mom. She didn't follow through on any of the advice the agent gave her; IMO she believes that just because the kids are Gosselins, doors will open for them.
Let's have some fun thinking of appropriate sitcoms for Katie Irene.I'll start with "Two and a Half Men".

Ellena said...

I can totally see her moving. Then she can be in her favorite world. How sad for those kids! so much for sheltering the kids from paps.

Team Kids said...

Kate van got mad at me for posting this link on 15. Therefore, I'm posting it aabsolutely everywhere.

Vote for Jon.

dj said...

This was the description when the house was being sold:

Price 1,350,000.
23.88 acres
6200 sq ft
14 rooms
5 bedrooms
5 full baths
2 half baths
built 1998
4 stable barn
3 bay garage with 800 sq ft apt
2400 gal pool with hot tub

I think it depends on the area as to what people think of as a mansion. In California this house wouldn't be considered anything fantastic. I think around here it is considered a large home with a lot of land and the price is definitely considered high end so we tend to label it a mansion.

I like to look at homes for sale and I have seen homes in this area for half the price with just as much room. They just don't have all the land but the land they have now seems to be a waste. Some of these other homes are even more private set back from the road and surrounded by trees and landscaping and you can't even see the house from the road.

Makes you wonder why they chose a house that is in full view from the road. If they really wanted privacy for the kids they could have put up a privacy fence along the drive up near the house with a gate. They could have played and rode their bikes without the cameras.

What do you think WG?

Irene S said...

"I tend to think it would be far more likely that Wernersville would be getting the better end of the deal."

Yes, I can see the parade going down the main drag & the signs down the Rodeo Dr of Reading, Pennsylvania. "People everywhere just wanna be Free!" playing by the Rascals on simulcast!

You the Gosselin's really are the gift that keeps on giving. It just can't be that easy. And, can you imagine Khate & Gloria Allred. Oh, Lordie bee!

Ellena said...

"Lynn Franklin Marshall said...

WG, What will you do? Will you follow and be LA Girl? LOL."

I'm afraid if you READ the post, Lynn, she said she would not be writing anymore. Geez, Louise!! READ
before you get all snotty.

momsby said...

Thanks for the info...I'm still somewhat curious though. Pa mom, do you think it's that large or do you know? It just seem's like there would be more bedroom's if it was that big? I thought I'd read somewhere, along time ago it was around 3000 square feet. That's why it alway's suprised me to hear it called a mansion. My own family of 5 home is bigger than that...a large home but certainly not a mansion. Even if it is 5000 or more sqft, it was bought for a family of 10, seem's like a good size for the family that big.

Mocha said...

I would miss you WG. I really would. I think I would give up Gosselin watching. Maybe not. :)
I am shocked to read that CA is better than PA. CA has all the stressed-out, suicidal, drug-addicted former child stars. Know what I mean? What I am saying if CA's laws really protected kids in entertainment why is there a Lindsay Lohan or a Tori spelling show? I am not so hopeful for the Gosselins out there. They should stay in PA. Hollywood is a Big Mistake.

escrow said...

It's always bugged me when I hear this house being described as a McMansion. That term was coined during the housing bubble years of 01-07 and was used to describe a home of 3,000-4,000 sf built on a sall lot in a subdivsion. The Gosselin property doen't fit that description. It falls more in the category of a small estate. From what I've seen of the home there are no special ammenities to make it a Mansion. The kitchen is actually kind of small for that much square footage. I see no butlers pantry, hell, not even a walk in pantry. The laundry room is ok but not any bigger than ETown. I've heard nothing of an in home theatre or bowling alley etc.

RE the purported move to LA. Maybe it's time for boarding school for those kids?

Anonymous said...

Does your writer friend have the initials A.W.?

Mom2six said...

I have always said that I don't care what Kate does (or Jon) as long as the kids are protected and not exploited.

The children would be protected in CA. And there would not be the "P" people at the end of the driveway. They would be very small fish in an ocean of talented kids and adults for Paps to chase.

I enjoyed a conversation I overheard in my daughter's kindergarten class today:

"Your dad builds houses?! That's so cool! My dad is just a lame Rock Star. He can't fix anything!"

Yes, her Dad is a very famous rock star, another Dad is a Movie Director and I have never seen a "P person" or bodyguard anywhere.

Good luck to Kate. There are LOTS of talented people in California and she will maybe be able to buy a house with 5 bedrooms for around 3-5 million.

WG, Thank you for blogging. I have enjoyed your perspective and appreciate that you did not let the "trolls" run you off the net.

Preesi said...

Im not buying it!

I think that the book sales are showing that while Kate might sell tabloids, shes NOT going to make the sponsors or TLC money if the FANS arent buying anymore. Moving to Cali means Kate will need tremendous fan support aka box office sales and they just arent there anymore

GeorgiaMom said...

I think the source for the Intouch Weekly article is from Kate's camp. It's been Kate's tactic to let it be known what her wishes are publicly and see what sticks. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the information came from Kate's assistant herself.

There was some rumblings while she was doing DWTS that she was house hunting in LA, but again, the same thing happened while she was in NC. I didn't pay much attention to it.

Preesi said...

The Wernersville house is closer to 7000 sq ft. PLUS the 800 sq ft garage apartment!

Also Kate tried to pimp out the twins before they were born and sent pics and videos to modelling agencies etc. No one bit.
So she got bored with the twins and went on to the next IUI!

Ellena said...

When you think about it, it probably is a Kate blurb to see who bites.
Either she'll get those kids a job, or shuck them off to boarding school, although, they would have to wear a different color uniform so they would stand out. 8 count em, 8!
Boarding school sounds better to me.

Robin said...

I'll miss them. There's always the chance you'll see them places, and I think that's sort of amusing. Of course, I don't have to deal with the paps on my street. That would be annoying. If you run them down, you get in big trouble. Not that you should run them down...

pa mom too said...

WG, dj has it right. I remember seeing the realestate listing for it. 6,200 sq ft... and that's not even counting the square footage in the basement since PA only counts the upper living spaces (1st and 2nd floors ) when calculating the sq feet of the home. So you can add another few thousand sq ft for the basement. Then there's the garage with the 800 sq ft apartment too. It's a big home.

GeorgiaMom said...

I'd like to chime in here. IMO, it was dubbed a McMansion by bloggers because of the size of the house and gated property compared to the E-town house---a drastic lifestyle change. It's not a mansion in the literal sense, but from where Jon and Kate started, the purchase was tangible proof of their income from TLC. Nobody, except the former owners, can say what exactly the amenities are in that house because TLC carefully filmed it to make it seem smaller than it actually is. I definitely got the sense that it is huge given the overhead pictures of the property. Most definitely I would classify it as an estate.

I also wanted to add that the fall of Kate's book on the NY Times Bestseller's List is no surprise. With only just over 10,000 copies sold and increasing scrutiny of how the NY Times list is compiled, something had to give. It seems that not only the reputation of DWTS got stained by Kate, but so did the NY Times Bestseller's List. Hopefully, others in media are taking note and backing away from this woman.

GeorgiaMom said...

Preesi, and I don't know if you are the real Preesi, I do agree with you that Jon and Kate were pimping out their kids from day one, even before birth. The fact that they were aware that multiple births are news and you get freebies is disturbing from the standpoint that Kate was a NURSE and got fertility treatment at such a YOUNG age.

mama san said...

we all know the story of the dogs, but what did the gosselins do with the horses that were part of the deal when they bought the house?

Dorothy said...

Kate will be one more blonde with bad extensions in Hollywood/LA. Honestly, did Kate will really believe that she could compete with 20-year old starlets? In LA Kate will be just another "wanna be".

Tippit said...

"Yes, I can see the parade going down the main drag & the signs down the Rodeo Dr of Reading, Pennsylvania. "People everywhere just wanna be Free!"

DK: I, for one, will be skipping through the Target parking lot with wild abandon. Might not be Rodeo, but..FREE AT LAST. Hopefully.

IDModo said...

I'm sitting in my 920 square foot Victorian cottage (1885) and thinking that back when it was new, a family who lived here raised 5 kids in it, and without the benefit of indoor plumbing..There is only one closet in the whole house.It must have been hard, with the dad working long hours on railroad construction, and mom having to cook,do laundry, and look after her house and her brood.Those children grew up to be respected citizens and community leaders.
Many people live in worse conditions today, and still are able to give back to their communities.
What are the Gosselins doing to prepare their children to be compassionate to others? Selling autographed pictures?Pretending to run in a charity race? Living extravagantly in a huge house on a huge property?
Sorry for the rant, my young friends say I've become an old codger. Maybe so.

Oh Brother said...

Mom2six said...

I have always said that I don't care what Kate does (or Jon) as long as the kids are protected and not exploited.

The children would be protected in CA. And there would not be the "P" people at the end of the driveway. They would be very small fish in an ocean of talented kids and adults for Paps to chase.

I enjoyed a conversation I overheard in my daughter's kindergarten class today:

"Your dad builds houses?! That's so cool! My dad is just a lame Rock Star. He can't fix anything!"

Yes, her Dad is a very famous rock star, another Dad is a Movie Director and I have never seen a "P person" or bodyguard anywhere.

Good luck to Kate. There are LOTS of talented people in California and she will maybe be able to buy a house with 5 bedrooms for around 3-5 million.


Perhaps you need to get out of your rock star/movie director daddy bubble and you'd discover that Los Angeles consists of more than Beverly Hills and the westside. Here in my lowly foothill neighborhood about 10 miles north of downtown, there's a 6 bedroom 5 bath house on the market for just over 1M.

Carolina Gal said...

Escrow, I agree w/the boarding school talk, that wouldn't surprise me at all. The only thing that wouldn't make sense is w/out the kids, I can't imagine her being asked to do anything. Neh, her days are numbered. If not, she's 'stuck' playing a mom and I don't think that's really the role she covets!

Irene S said...

This should not surprise me but it makes me angry. While Ma Gosselin was on a dancefloor in California giving America her thoughts on Paparazzi, someone allowed the Gosselin children to take squirt guns and poke a little fun with paparazzi. This is not normal. This is not a very good idea.

suzanne said...

Kate will fit in great in LaLaLand with all the other FAKE people. Just do the right thing and leave the kids home with their father, friends, and school and just maybe they have a miniscule chance of turning out less damaged.

momsby said...

I'm just going to throw this out there...WG use your discretion as to put it up or not. I think saying a mother got bored of her children & IUI'd for new ones, is a terrible thing to say. Is it really necessary to write thing's like that in regard's to the children? Everyone, is of course entitled to their opinion, but I find that statement to be unecessarily cruel.
DJ & Escrow, thanks for the info. I don't think of it as a mansion either. With the exception of the # bathroom's it's very comparible to my own not a mansion. I'm sure all the bathroom's would be a blessing though with that many people in a home. I just would not want to to clean them, I can't keep up with 3! :)

GoPoshGo said...

Mocha said...
[snipped] What I am saying if CA's laws really protected kids in entertainment why is there a Lindsay Lohan or a Tori spelling show? I am not so hopeful for the Gosselins out there. They should stay in PA. Hollywood is a Big Mistake.


The CA legal system does its part to protect kids in the entertainment industry. But laws only protect things like earnings, hours worked, time in school, etc. The child labor laws cannot control the kids’ home environment, or the quality/morality of the parents. In cases like Lohan, Spelling, and the countless other former child actors who took a downward spiral, it's their PARENTS who dropped the ball. When the parents are materialistic famewhores (have you SEEN Dina or Michael Lohan??) they put their needs ahead of the kids’, and don't provide the proper parenting that will enable the children to make clear, intelligent decisions. The child actors who spiral down the drain do so *not* because of Hollywood or CA child labor laws -- but because they don't have the security and grounding from a set of stable, well-intentioned parents. Google "Alex D. Linz" sometime. He’s the child actor who took over “Home Alone” following McCauley Caulkin, and appeared in countless movies playing opposite the likes of Gwynneth Paltrow and Michele Pfeiffer to name just two of his many credits. I know his parents personally, and can say that they made a concerted effort to raise him to be a normal, family-oriented, non-egotistical, happy child. Among his many accomplishments, he has used his own earnings to put himself through Berkeley. No drugs; no rehab; no downward spiral. And it’s because his parents protected him – and made sure he was raised in a loving home with a family who grounded and kept him real. Moreover, his parents cared about him as a person … not as a source of income or notoriety for the family.

The child actors who don’t fare as well are not victims of lax standards of law in CA – they simply don’t have parents who take the care or time to provide their kids with the necessary skills to survive and thrive in Hollywood – much less in the world at large. Too often the parents’ own greed and/or hunger for the spotlight blind them to the really important consideration: putting their children’s welfare first. I think it’s pretty safe to say that NONE amongst the Lohans, Spellings, or Gosselins has ever put the needs of any of their children first.

Werny Gal said...

Yes, Anon, my journalist friend who's writing the book is Al Walentis. He has his own blog and occasionally writes and J&K but mostly he sticks to local and political topics. He worked for US for a few months last year and was privy to a lot of inside info, and he is a respected journalist with 30 years experience. Of course he's human so he can be snarky just like the rest of us, but he is a real journalist.

Denise, zillow info is not up to date. My house is up there too and a lot of the info is out of date or just plain incorrect, so what it says about the Gosselin house may or may not be true.

Oopsy, I'm sorry Denise, I just realized your comment shows the address if the Gosselin house, so as soon as I'm done writing this comment I'm going to delete yours. Sorry, but I make it a policy not to state their actual address. Let me take care of that and I'll be right back to contiune commenting.

IDModo said...

DeKon- I agree. The thing that bothered me about that video is that there were no adult caregivers near the kids. They were standing by the garage 100 yards away, too far to be of help if the kids needed them, and not able to hear what the paps were saying to the kids.Not a safe situation.
And it just occurred to me that Jon had allegedly said elsewhere that it was OK to shoot paps; at the very beginning of the video you can hear him giving the kids permission to do this with their water guns.
WHAT is WRONG with these people?We used to call it Universal Rectal Centralism when I was a teenager...

Werny Gal said...

DJ, I also have wondered why they bought a house in full view of the road. There are many gorgeous, deluxe country homes here in the same price range, where they would have been afforded much more privacy. Maybe since they were used to living in a suburban neighborhood, this seemed very countrified to them, and they didn't anticipate people finding them so easily. I think the neighbor who offered Kate baked goods undoubtedly had her heart in the right place, but it might have actually scared Kate that people knew who they were because they'd been counting on privacy. Thus the threat about suing if the neighbor told anyone where they lived. On the other hand, it would have been naive' of her to think she could be on TV with filming at her home and not have people figure it out.

Somewhat related factoid: A mutual friend of the former home owner told me they came down on the price, and they never would have if they'd known who the buyer was, because once they found out it was the Gosselins it was obvious they could've easily afforded it without the discount. (I don't know if the discount was before or after the $1.3 million.)

DeKon mentioned Gloria Allred above. I have a transcription of her testimony at Rep Murt's hearings that took place the other week, and as far as I know there are no copies of it available anywhere else. (She was the only speaker to not provide written testimony.) Would any of my readers be interested in reading it? Let me know and I'll post it.

Momsby, I understand your point about the IUD comment. I try to not post comments that are WAY over the line, but what I have learned is that it's impossible to anticipate what will tickle, anger, amuse, enrage or in any other way stimulate readers. I encourage freedon of the press whenever possible but I do make it a policy not to print the Gosselin address, and I don't "out" people. There's enough to discuss with this topic without having to stoop to sleaze.

Speaking of enough to discuss, I hope to have time to post again soon, and as always thank you all for your thought-provoking comments.

Mimi to 3 said...

Momsby, Even though I don't like Kate and have a lot of reasons why I don't, I agree with you about some of the things said about her. I think it is ridiculous to say she had fertility treatments so she could become rich and famous. I agree that it is unusual that she claimed infertiity and was pregnant with the twins a short time after they were married. Then they decided to have another and she quickly became pregnant again. But there is no way she could have known for sure she would have 6 babies. There is no way to plan for that. And even if by some weird chance she did, multiples don't always survive and if they do they are compromised. I don't think even Kate would be willing to risk that. And, I absolutely do not agree with anyone calling her super tramp. She has never shown that kind of behavior.

Don't get me wrong. She lies all the time, she exploits her children every day, she seeks opportunities for the paps to film her and it is her sense of entitlement that I like the least. And the way she has always treated her parents. Maybe her upbringing was not perfect -- whose is? But she should remember the scripture, since she portrays herself to be a Christian, that says 'Honor your father and your mother'.

my9cats said...

Glad to learn Al Walentis is writing the book. I've been following his blogs and find him articulate and credible.

just wondering said...

Thanks for the verification on Al's book. I think we all knew it just had to be him It's going to be HUGE! Can't wait to buy it!

Sort of figured it was him when you didn't post my inquiry last week.. ;)

Thanks fo all you do and all you've done!

I'll BUY it! said...

WernyGal: Count me among those anticipating the Gosselin book with all intentions of buying! I don't see how it could NOT end up a best-seller; considering the tabloid coverage along with the year-long spectacle of their imploding marriage, I think it will be a tell-all draw, big time.

A word of warning to your friend: since he is somewhat in the public eye, perhaps he's already expecting these types of criticisms, but ... a fan blog (the same one that loves to target YOU too, WG) is talking about how to discredit this author.

They've posted comments indicating he was fired from his reporter position, and that he's the perpetrator of a Gosselin "witch-hunt" since before they had the TV show.

This is just an FYI to you both, you don't have to post the comment if you don't want. I don't like seeing speculation regarding topics these individuals know nothing about, nor their obvious attempts to thwart any efforts to publicize the behind the scenes TRUE story of JK8.

Anonymous said...

Are you aware, that a letter has been sent to Rep. Murt calling this blog a "hate" blog, and providing the links? It was originally posted on an obscure Kate-fan blog, but is now also on Sageway.

ANYONE who thinks that THIS is a hate blog is without a lick of common sense in their Kate-clouded minds. It is beyond ridiculous. I've read various "fans" stating their intent to research your identity in order to "out" you, also from the blog I mentioned above, as an unethical therapist. Some of these people are unbalanced - IMO! Just be careful. I like my WERNY-GAL!

People are beyond extreme on this subject. It is a TELEVISION show, for cripes sake ... and not even that GOOD of a show.

nanb said...

Can't wait to read Al W's book. I remember when I first started looking into this SHAM reading some of his postings.

Not to support or not support the comment regarding IUI but I remember watching some of the old home "cough, cough" videos and there was a shot of the 4th of July parade when Cara & Mady were babies. They were being pushed in the parade with a sign on the carriage saying "Gosselin Twins". I thought that was strange; Mom &/or Dad really wanted the attention even way back then so nothing would surprise me.

Irene S said...

Remember last week there was a blog article about Saint Kate?

Seems they were scraping the bottom of the barrel. The Washington Post is reporting a garage sale of Newsweek.

Werny Gal said...

Barbara, I agree it's a stretch to say Kate had the six to become famous, and I also do not like the insults.

JustWondering, I got Al's permission before posting his name. I also warned him that he would probably be targetted for harassment the way I and a few others have. Yes, I am aware I and the others are being lied about, and now Al will get it too. He doesn't need me to defend him, but Al was not fired. The paper had a massive layoff of 60 employees and he was one of them. Many print newspapers across the country have folded or had to downsize. The world is changing because of the Internet. It was nothing personal against Al.

The flogs (fake blogs set up to look real and to humiliate and shame the people they're about), lies, rude comments, "outing" people and posting personal info about them online, and other harassment only make Kate look worse since those who do it are supposedly defending her. It doesn't speak highly of someone if 1) those who defend her behave inappropriately and leave gleeful comments on the Internet about how much fun they're having trying to shame someone and 2) those same people obviously think she needs defending in the first place. You might not agree with some of my posts but I can't be accused of lying or intentionally hurting anyone. And yes, I know about the letter to Murt. He's a smart guy and it's pretty obvious what's going on.

IDModo said...

Momsby, I was mistaken; I went back and checked the video and at the beginning Aaden is saying "He said we could do it!" That's where I got the impression that the kids had permission. But I can't see Jon anywhere in the vicinity of the children.Can you?

Irene S said...

Momsby, that is what is fascinating about the Gosselins. I think it is very telling the lack of privacy the Gosselin children have on a day to day basis at the hands of their own parents. It is appalling & unsafe for those children to be around Paparazzi or camera crew in general without their parents right there. When I saw the video I immediately thought of the hearing with Rep Murt and the discussion that it was "NORMAL" for the Gosselin kids to have camera people around them with parents doing something else maybe in another room. I really hope when PA laws about children in reality programming are someday modified that is addressed.

I think it is one of the many, many issues that raises red flags & I hope will implore people to not watch TLC's programming of children in reality shows. If it doesn't and the Kate plus 8 specials are a success well that is the way it is.

As far as Rep Murt well I wrote him a letter of support. I believe children do not belong in reality programming without more protections, safeguards, and updated laws. I will continue to support the Kreider's, Murt's, Minor Consideration, etc. The hearing held in Pennsylvania is one example how talking/meeting raises awareness, and we have seen many examples of laws passed to protect people/places/things.

As far as Al W writing a book. We are a democracy & I am sure that anyone who has been in the media the amount of years he has already knows the battle ahead.

Finally, as far as Flogs. Well, I suggest reading about them on Wikipedia.

And, bravo Werny. Kate needs PR behind her that is building her up not shredding what is left of the total tabloid eclipse of her testimony and/or career. This family was completely taken over by Corporate America. It is a sad sad thing for all 10 of them.

NancyB said...

Hi WG,

Excellent posts from so many commenters.

I, for one would very much like to read Gloria Allred's transcription! It would be wonderful if you could post it. Thanks in advance.

alana said...


Sorry you were offended by the IUI comment; however, this is Take we're talking about. Think about just a few of the outrageous things she has said and done - these are the words and actions that we've actually SEEN and HEARD. Can you imagine what goes on behind closed doors, what we haven't seen? I wouldn't put "having multiples on purpose" past her in a heartbeat.

I appreciate posters like Preesi for her honesty. It's going to take a lot more comments like hers to shock mainstream media into paying attention where attention is due - eight innocent children who are growing up fast.
THANKS WernyGal, I really enjoy your blog. I found you last year and haven't missed one post. I hope you don't go to L.A. ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Re: the parents not paying attention to the whereabouts of the children:
According to John Walsh, America's Most Wanted and the Missing and Exploited Children's websites -

It takes a perpetrator 17 SECONDS to snatch a child. 17 SECONDS!

alana said...

Somehow my name "erased itself" from my last post, the one about 17seconds to take a child. Just wanted to take responsibility for it in case someone disputes it. THANX!


Anonymous said...

Werny Gal said...

You might not agree with some of my posts but I can't be accused of lying or intentionally hurting anyone.


I don't know about lying, but you most certainly can be accused of intentionally hurting someone. This blog intentionally hurts Kate Gosselin and her eight children, all for the sake of attention which I admittedly am giving you at this moment.

Perhaps you can articulate exactly how this blog helps the Gosselin children since you like to cloak yourself in such a sanctimonious light. How, exactly, does standing at their fence, taking their pictures and posting them on the Internet help them? How does repeating neighborhood gossip to help generate interest in your friend's book help them? If I were a cynical sort, I might think that you are getting a cut of the action from that book, but I digress.) I'd really like to know.

Anonymous said...

When I think Gosselin Family...I think Jackson Family, and when I think Kate...I think Micheal's father.

Let's hope history does not repeat.

Kate always said the house was the kids...I guess she changed her mind. It's all hers now.

Plus if she decides to take kids out of state, she has to get approval from Jon.

PaMa said...

Wow, WG ... I just checked Amazon and see AW's book is already listed as coming soon. Any idea on a publication date?

Mimi to 3 said...

Well, there's that Anonymous again, so brave in her comments as she hides behind nothing. This is why the people who call themselves fans are the real haters. They can allow no one else to have an opinion. For your information Anonymous, those kids pictures are all over the internet. BabyMama's site for one has them everywhere. WernyGal is NOT hurting Kate G in any way nor is she hurting those children. That is just in your warped little mind. You fans just cannot accept the truth about your favorite girl. You can see it with your own eyes and you still won't believe it. And you go to 15 Minute Gosselins and here and do everything you can to berate and destroy someone. If you don't like her or this site, go back to Sage's. I seriously doubt that a few commenters on a blog is going to make any difference in Kate's 'earning' power or the kids lives. Just because you have a different opinion does NOT make you right!

Werny Gal said...

"This blog intentionally hurts Kate Gosselin and her eight children"
Incorrect. Sometimes people end up being hurt by discussions but that doesn't mean the speaker intended to hurt them. It is my intention to discuss, not to hurt. I am sorry if anyone is hurt in the process, but that is not my intention. Whereas when someone creates a flog, outs someone online, or lies about someone online, that is intentional. And no, you don't really want to know. You want to shame me into doing what you want me to do.

I have no vested interest in Al's book, but having read the first draft I'm looking forward to reading the final version. I was very tame in what I chose to print here. I would not describe Al's book as tame. We talked this morning and he told me it will be done in a couple of weeks. He and I take different approaches but we are both concerned with the truth. I wish him the best with it, and because he's a friend, of course I'll review it here. And believe it or not, I won't pretend to like it if I don't.

Irene S said...

"THANKS WernyGal, I really enjoy your blog. I found you last year and haven't missed one post. I hope you don't go to L.A. ha ha!

Wed May 05, 05:37:00 PM PDT" Alana


No way Alana ...I just found this blog about a week ago. I have 2 years to catch up on. Werny is no bloggin' follower she is a bloggin' leader. :-)

Any chance in startin' a Werney gal radio show? Lordie bee! :-)

Song of the day: Let's give them something to talk about.....

Goodnight Neighbors! Hey Nancy b!

PaMa said...

I can already hear the gears grinding as the TLC/Kate publicity machine revs up for a full frontal attack. Once the book is published, it'll certainly put a damper on Kate's new TV shows ... in fact, maybe it'll even convince TLC to cancel the shows, before wasting anymore money on trying to convince the world that Kate is "SuperMom".

LifeinOH said...

Great posts! WG I very much enjoy your blog and commend you!

Barbara - your post at 8:52 was spot-on. Thank you.

GoPoshGo - As always, very well said. Laws only go so far, don't they?

Werny - Have you heard an actual publication date for Al's book? I realize he has to finish it and then get it printed. I wonder what the timeline is on a project like that?

IDModo & Alana - I worry about those kids too. They are the ones who need protection, not Kate. (Although, I think we all realize, Steve is her handler rather than her bodyguard.)

IATK said...

Werny Gal,
I'm so glad you're going to review Al's book. I'm sure it will be a great success! I also want to, along with so many others, thank you for the insight and information that you've provided over the past many months. It's always a pleasure to read respectful comments that are related to the topic, even if there is disagreement, rather than snide, demeaning attacks on other posters. I'm sure you're right in that Rep. Murt is an intelligent, thoughtful man who will see this "letter" for exactly what it is.

Werny Gal said...

As I understand it, Al's book will be available in soft cover as well as on handheld formats like Kindle. He's working full tilt on it and it should be available in 2-3 weeks. I'll keep you posted as the release nears and as I said above I'll review it in a blog entry when it comes out.

LifeinOH said...

Thanks WG!

Anonymous said...

Barbara said...

Well, there's that Anonymous again, so brave in her comments as she hides behind nothing. This is why the people who call themselves fans are the real haters. They can allow no one else to have an opinion. For your information Anonymous, those kids pictures are all over the internet. BabyMama's site for one has them everywhere. WernyGal is NOT hurting Kate G in any way nor is she hurting those children. That is just in your warped little mind. You fans just cannot accept the truth about your favorite girl. You can see it with your own eyes and you still won't believe it. And you go to 15 Minute Gosselins and here and do everything you can to berate and destroy someone. If you don't like her or this site, go back to Sage's. I seriously doubt that a few commenters on a blog is going to make any difference in Kate's 'earning' power or the kids lives. Just because you have a different opinion does NOT make you right!


If you're so brave, how about posting your full name? There are only about a zillion Barbaras in the world, so you're as anonymous as I am.

I'm doing everything I can to "destroy" someone by calling her out on what I consider complete BS? Hyperbolic much? Please get a grip. This particular individual's real name is not a secret. No one outed her, she previously linked this blog to one with her full name attached. I'm pretty sure that if I wanted to "destroy" someone I'd do a heck of a lot more than offer my opinion on a blog. You said I have a "warped little mind." According to you, describing someone in such a negative manner is an attempt to destroy them. I am crushed.

Pictures of the Gosselin children elsewhere are irrelevant. I asked a very specific question that you and your hero Werny Gal chose to ignore. How does the fact that Werny Gal chooses to stop at the Gosselin home, stare at the children as if they were zoo animals, take their pictures and post those pictures, HELP the Gosselin children? It's a simple question.

Anonymous said...

Werny Gal said...

Incorrect. Sometimes people end up being hurt by discussions but that doesn't mean the speaker intended to hurt them. It is my intention to discuss, not to hurt. I am sorry if anyone is hurt in the process, but that is not my intention. Whereas when someone creates a flog, outs someone online, or lies about someone online, that is intentional. And no, you don't really want to know. You want to shame me into doing what you want me to do.

I have no vested interest in Al's book, but having read the first draft I'm looking forward to reading the final version. I was very tame in what I chose to print here. I would not describe Al's book as tame. We talked this morning and he told me it will be done in a couple of weeks. He and I take different approaches but we are both concerned with the truth. I wish him the best with it, and because he's a friend, of course I'll review it here. And believe it or not, I won't pretend to like it if I don't.


I notice that you didn't answer my questions. Perhaps that is because you can't honestly say that what you are doing helps the Gosselin children.

You are spreading gossip, pure and simple. For you to take no responsibility for your actions and claim that there is no negative intent is delusional at best, despicable at worst.

Justonemom said...

"DeKon mentioned Gloria Allred above. I have a transcription of her testimony at Rep Murt's hearings that took place the other week, and as far as I know there are no copies of it available anywhere else. (She was the only speaker to not provide written testimony.) Would any of my readers be interested in reading it? Let me know and I'll post it."

Please do! I would like to read her testimony.

Linda from NS said...

I chuckle when I read the comments by Anonymous who hides behind the cloak of invisibility. I cannot help but wonder is it Kate, interns at TLC or just random rabid fans. I truly believe that Kate's show will be short lived because her "shining star" has imploded. Reading all the comments on the various blogs confirms there are more who are anti-Kate rather than pro Kate (and Jon). The children should be allowed to live "normal" lives and not be subjected by intrusive cameras filming their every moment. I truly feel sad for those children; how will their peers treat them. I, sadly, think those poor innocents will be bullied and humiliated by their peers given what is shown on "reality" TV.

GeorgiaMom said...

Anonymous, you answered your own question: staring at the Gosselin children like they are zoo animals, INDEED. That is EXACTLY what people are concerned about it. And why do people stare at the Gosselin children like they are zoo animals and take pictures of them? Because their parents have put them on display, no privacy. Do these children have any choice? No, just like zoo animals. And why have these so-called parents done this? To earn a living to support their eight children? Nope. In Gosselinworld it's the children who are supporting the parents financially.

And WG did answer your question. She's not getting a cut of Al's book. Letting her release some tidbits from his book is creating buzz for Al. That's the plan. Word is getting out or you would not have come to this blog.

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for a new installment Werney Gal!

GeorgiaMom said...

Stand by, everyone. Mother's Day is around the corner and we'll be treated to pap pictures of the loving mom surrounded by her adoring children. It'll be different from last year when she was in NYC doing a photo spread for "People". Can the TLC cameras be far behind?

Irene S said...

Top of the Morning Neighbors!

It is a beautiful day outside in the South.

"I asked a very specific question that you and your hero Werny Gal chose to ignore"

That is a statement that is always thrown in the mix of discussions when there isn't another plausible explanation.

I have long said that if at the end of the day I as one blogger with an opinion, makes/or breaks the media career that Kate Gosselin is heck bent on having...then there was not much substance there in the 1st place.

For example, Sarah Palin from Alaska. I do not agree with her at all. I am very vocal about it. Despite that she is still very polarizing & popular. She has sold millions of books, been given many lucrative media jobs, speaking engagements, etc. You know what? Fine, but just because she is polarizing/popular doesn't mean she is of substance.

The Gosselin's whole brand is centered around those kids. That is my problem plain & simple. Children are not brought into the world to make a life or a living for their parents or for companies like TLC. They own this family right down to the very camera that a dad or mom might have to take a picture of their children blowing bubbles or jumping off a diving board at a pool.

Kate & Jon Gosselin have turned them over willingly & recklessly to TLC. I just started reading here at Small Town Gosselins & I hope to read what this picture thing at the fence is all about. But, I will say this so far I see a timeline on this site. And, I think that this blog represents the glaring inconsistences with the Gosselin brand that is produced & what is really real everyday life. If Wernygirl took a picture of the kids at the Gosselin fence I don't agree with that. Does that make Werny girl at the end of the day not someone I want to discuss this issue with no? We are a democracy we do not have to agree. And, agreeing to disagree is an option.

Anonymous, I have read alot of boards for awhile now. I think it is great for discussion/letters/emails/phone calls to Rep Murt, and others on both sides of the issue. Because I believe when you get both sides of the story that is when some of the best compromises come. I just don't understand how attacking others & not the messages is helping anyone especially Kate Gosselin's brand. I have heard Kate say out of her own mouth that if the family did not want too...has now evolved into I am a single mother & have to. That just saddens me for her children.

I watched the show from the inception there was a time when I believed every morsel coming from the White plastic chairs of 2 parents. And, what started out as a means to an end and innocent I think completely permeated this family & destroyed it. I think it is unconsciousable & reckless for TLC to keep exploiting Kate and her children just because they can.

Have a great day Neighbors. I don't think there is more than I can say. I say it over~n~over~n~over. If that means that what I say has to be used underground against me. Fine! Because if they are talking about me then they are not helping whatever it is they are trying to help. What are you trying to accomplish? Is it that your movement wants to be right? Your movement wants to win?

Helllooooo! Newsflash! Bombshell! There are no winners here. There are 8 real children whose lives have been forever altered by Lights, camera, action.

Marie said...

I'm definitely not a fan of either Gosselin parent. I think they're both blooming idiots. And I don't think the children should be filmed. But I also agree with anonymous on this blog who thinks that WG should not be stopping by the Gosselin home to oggle the Gosselin children. I think this contributes to the creepiness factor for the children -- along with the Papparazzi. I think you do more harm than good by writing this blog and in fact think you bring even more attention to Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin than is deserved. IMO you actually give relevance to them. If you really want to help the children, stop posting about the parents and work behind the scenes to help protect the children through A Minor Consideration or the PA government.

Lisa said...

Why do you not answer the questions that were posed to you? You ignored my prior questions as you are ignoring the questions from Anonymous.

LP said...

This book is destined to be a bestseller! Unlike those of us who will not purchase kate's book, the sheeple will buy this book and drive sales up because no matter how much they profess to love kate they still want to know what goes on behind the scenes....

I will pre-order this one the minute it is available on Amazon.

Anonymous said...

GeorgiaMom said...

Anonymous, you answered your own question: staring at the Gosselin children like they are zoo animals, INDEED. That is EXACTLY what people are concerned about it. And why do people stare at the Gosselin children like they are zoo animals and take pictures of them? Because their parents have put them on display, no privacy.


Obviously their parents are responsible for the public recognition. That, however, does not negate anyone else from taking responsibility for their own actions. Werny Gal has made a conscious choice to stop at the Gosselin home on multiple occasions, stare over the fence at the children and photograph them. Nobody is forcing her to do that. Based on your logic, someone who kidnaps a child is not responsible for their actions because the child was "available" to them. It's ridiculous. Werny Gal should not be stopping at the Gosselin home, period. I live in Los Angeles. There are very famous kids who have attended and currently attend the school from which I graduated. Never once have I stopped by the school to go stare at those children. What Werny Gal is doing is not justifiable, period. If you think it's wrong for the children to have been put in the spotlight, how in the world can you justify that type of behavior? It boggles my mind.

Anonymous said...

GeorgiaMom said...

And WG did answer your question. She's not getting a cut of Al's book. Letting her release some tidbits from his book is creating buzz for Al. That's the plan. Word is getting out or you would not have come to this blog.


No, she did not answer my questions. I'll repeat them for you here:

Question 1: How, exactly, does standing at their fence, taking their pictures and posting them on the Internet help them [the Gosselin children]?

Question 2: How does repeating neighborhood gossip to help generate interest in your friend's book help them [the Gosselin children]?

Irene S said...

You know TLC reminds me of a Lemon Lot Car shark. They spend more time telling you that junk is not junk. Only to drive the clunker off the lot and have to spend 2 times in repairs what you initially spent to buy it. That is what is playing out in the Gosselin-spin-o-rama. And, to repair the damage that TLC & the Gosselin parents have down to the children is going to be 2 times the amount of checks paid to the Gosselins to sell their children's privacy.

Time is on our side in this saga. Name me a child actor, besides Ron Howard, that it all turned out like the fairy tale? I bet more children in the industry have alot to overcome after parents make decisions that alter there whole lives. Kate has said one statement that I know to be nothing but the truth, "They can never go back" But, if what I have seen happen since the cancellation of Jon & Kate plus 8 is moving forward...well, then I will stand corrected one day. And, no matter how I snark, poke, jab, and try to tell my side of the experience I had with this whole Gosselin production.There is one thing at the end of the day I want to be Lisa, and that is WRONG So far, there is no indication of that.

IDModo said...

Anonymous and Lisa have it backwards, IMO. Instead of castigating Wernygal for taking a few pictures, why are they not dumping all over ROL, INF, TLC and all the other evil entities that are taking hundreds of pictures?
Anonymous says these other pics are irrelevant, and Lisa continues to bully Wernygal with the same question.
Werny, did you ever think that your going to the house and taking a few pics would be so threatening to the Sheeple that they would have to focus on that exclusively? Wow, that's a lot of power they are giving you!
Lisa, how is what YOU are doing helping the Gosselin children?I would ask Anonymous only there are several of them, and some of them make sense, and seem to be truly interested in making things better.Please answer my question.I will keep asking.

TVSnark said...

I've been following Al Walentis (twitter-pimpmysextuplets)
since this whole Gosselin saga began and I think his book will be very telling.

As far as newspaper layoffs, WG is correct. I work for a newspapers and I've seen most the writers laid off and the production work has been sent to India.

Ellena said... I am the one who said this, not sure why it didn't post my name:
Anonymous said...

I'm ready for a new installment Werney Gal!

Werney Gal, you need not defend yourself. We don't even want to hear from some of these posters that are just looking for trouble.

Werny Gal said...

Points well taken. I've posted to bring this discussion out in the open, and then we can all move on.

Not a child ADVOCATE! said...

In reference to Anonymous &/or Lisa's question: Why is it Werny Gal's job to "help" the Gosselin children? Isn't that what they have parents for?

Anonymous said...

DeKonstruction Zlogger said...

Name me a child actor, besides Ron Howard, that it all turned out like the fairy tale?


Jodi Foster. Helen Hunt. Both child actors, both successful, Academy-Award winning adults. Other child actors who have made the successful transition to adult acting careers: Elijah Wood, Michael J. Fox, Alyssa Milano, Molly Ringwald, Anna Paquin, Seth Green, Mayim Balik,etc., etc.... For every Danny Bonaduce and Dana Plato, there are plenty of child actors who are living productive lives as adults, many completely out of the spotlight. And there are plenty of everyday, average kids whose lives end up completely screwed up. The notion that child actors are disproportionately screwed up is not borne out by facts.

Anonymous said...

IDModo said...

Anonymous and Lisa have it backwards, IMO. Instead of castigating Wernygal for taking a few pictures, why are they not dumping all over ROL, INF, TLC and all the other evil entities that are taking hundreds of pictures?
Anonymous says these other pics are irrelevant, and Lisa continues to bully Wernygal with the same question.
Werny, did you ever think that your going to the house and taking a few pics would be so threatening to the Sheeple that they would have to focus on that exclusively? Wow, that's a lot of power they are giving you!


The other pictures are irrelevant to this particular discussion. Did your mother let you get away with saying "well he did it first"? It is completely hypocritical to bemoan the sad public exposure of the Gosselin children while simultaneously gawking at them and taking their pictures yourself. That is what is happening here.

I happen to think it is wrong for the paparazzi to be able to use telephoto lenses to take pictures of children playing on their own property. ROL, etc., however, are not claiming that their intent is noble. They're out to make money, pure and simple. Werny Gal, on the other hand, is claiming that her intent is not to hurt, "worries" about the exposure of the children, etc. How people can't see the glaring hypocrisy at play here is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Not a child ADVOCATE! said...

In reference to Anonymous &/or Lisa's question: Why is it Werny Gal's job to "help" the Gosselin children? Isn't that what they have parents for?


It's not Werny Gal's job to help them, but she's the one who has injected herself into the role of "advocate" by posting about her discussions with Murt, laws, etc.

I guess you don't believe in the Department of Children's Services, children's mental health providers, etc., because "that's what parents are for."

Chrissy said...

The Gosselin children are not "child actors". They can't hide behind a role since what we're seeing is supposedly real. How many times in her life do you suppose Mady will hear "hey, you're the bratty kid from that tv show with all the kids!". And before you get your knickers in a twist, I'm not saying she is - just that is how her parents allowed her to be portrayed on a tv show. It's shameful that all those kids now have "personas" that will follow them through life thanks to the magic of DVDs.

Bev Okin-Larkin said...

Well, I for one would be thrilled if she went to Hollywood - since FINALLY the children would be protected with PROPER child labor laws.

That's WHY we've not seen much of Octomom - the laws in CA and the tireless work of Paul Petersen with A Minor Consideration and Gloria Allred.

The work jig would be up so to say. Let HER go earn some bacon. The kids will have to be tutored and monitored and ANYTHING that happens on set would be reported to the autorities.

So yes, let her move the brood to California!

Anonymous said...

Time is on our side in this saga. Name me a child actor, besides Ron Howard, that it all turned out like the fairy tale?

Paul Petersen, his sister Patty Petersen, and Shelley Fabray child actors on the Donna Reed show.

Werny Gal said...

Anonymous, do you really know aything personal about them? That show was as phony as they come and it was a difficult facade to keep up, just as J&K+8 was the last two years when they pretended to have a marriage to continue the show (and even went to Hawaii and had a fake vows renewal.) Paul Petersen had a very difficult time overcoming his famous childhood anmd has spoken openly about being in addictions recovery for many years. Yes, he's doing great now, but he had to go through a lot to get here.

Anonymous said...
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