Friday, May 21, 2010

Poor Pitiful Jon

This is one of those little things I knew about from the beginning but didn't bother to write because it's just more minutae, but since a few people have asked here it is. It provides a good example of Jon intentionally manipulating the media.

There was lots of speculation about whether Jon would be able to see the six on their birthday. He even was videotaped sounding speculative in the Wyomissing Toys 'R' Us parking lot exclaiming "I want to see them on their birthday, but I don't know. I'm hoping that Kate lets me see them on their birthday."

Jon, get real. You knew you were going to see the kids on their sixth birthday because you and Kate agreed beforehand that you would see them. I heard about the ridiculous video when it came out and then later Kate's team made it public to counteract your moping. So why are you acting all sad and forlorn, as though the poor little kiddies might never get to see the loving gifts you bought them? Is making your relationship with Kate sound worse than it currently really is, or making it sound like mean old Kate might not let you see your sextuplets on their six birthday, really going to help anyone, especially the children? And now it's online, for them to see forever.


CamInAZ said...

Why do I always feel that you're in Kate's camp and that this whole blog/flog (and the purported book) exist to generate interest in Kate. How do you know that it wasn't Kate's camp that was lying?

Werny Gal said...

Hi CanInAZ and thanks for visiting. No offense but you have no idea how funny that is. :) I have never been accused of being a Kate fan site before, in fact the hardcore Kater fans call this a Kate hate site. Of course them saying that doesn't make it true, but that's what they say. Nonetheless, I am not a hater or fan of either Jon or Kate. I just blog about them because they are famous and happened to move to this little PA town where I've lived since 1991.

A flog is a fake blog, like the one about Jon I blogged on a few entries ago. This is a real blog, and I started it way before Al Walentis even thought of writing his book. He's writing it based on his experience working as a tabloid reporter. Al's blog is here.
If you use the search box on his blog you can find the entry where he first says he's writing his book.

I know Kate's camp wasn't lying because the plans were made for Jon to be with the kids on their birthday before he made that silly comment at the toy store. It was a typical Jon comment to elicit pity. Both Jon and Kate have said dumb or silly things to elicit pity or make the other person look bad. This time it was Jon, but Kate's done it too.

Lauren said...

WG, on this one I disagree with you.

If Jon wants to play the paparazzi game too then let him and here is why.

Jon took a beating in the press last year thanks to Kate's management team and TLC. It only stopped when Jon settled his lawsuit against TLC. To this day Radar still posts unflattering stories about Jon. It's like the poor guy can't catch a break. He's pretty much damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

One of the worst incidents involved Stephanie Santaro. Radaronline was paying Stephanie to dish the dirt on Jon. Kate said she had never met her before and yet there is photographical and video proof that this is not true. More lies from Kate and proof that her people are involved with the tabloids.

Jon's little stunt doesn't come anywhere near to the viscous lies and mistruths that were put out about him so I give him a pass.

IATK said...

Hi WG,
Based on what you've said, I also think Jon was probably looking for some sympathy and played that card when it wasn't necessary.

But I also think, based on Kate's past history of withholding the kids from him whenever she pleased, and even though they had agreed upon the birthday beforehand, Jon might have had been laced with a few doubts if Kate would actually honor their agreement. She likes to play the "I've got the power and you don't" card.

Even if Jon felt this way, I don't think he should have said anything on camera. They play these silly little games that only hurt the children. Sometimes I just want to say to both of them, GROW UP!

just wondering said...

CaminAZ, did you ever read the entries in Jon's old website? The one created where he and Kate listed the items they needed for the kids? There were many posts that left me wondering just what kind of a man Jon actually was.

Like how he was complaining about how he had to pay taxes for the complete remodel of their home. He didn't think it was fair...

Like how he posted a eulogy about the death of his father in which he stated not once, not twice, but three times how his father's death was going to impact his family FINANCIALLY. Not much mention of an emotional loss.

Jon made a remark during an interview in Utah which pretty much set all the bells off in my head. It was said rather casually and could have been easily missed, but he was talking about how marketable his kids were at the time and how much he enjoyed all the gifts, trips, and free things they were receiving because of the show.

These separate moments describe a man who is happy to sit back and let other people provide for him in life. For as much as I dislike most things about Kate, I have learned that there is little to defend about Jon, either. He is a passive and lazy man who would be happy to let his kids continue to support him for as long as possible. There really is no defense for him any more than there is one for Kate. They are both using the kids in my opinion and I think both of them are equally guilty of using the media the fling arrows at the other when possible.

Werny Gal said...

I agree that Jon has really taken a beating and that he rarely gets a break, but I do think it would help if he didn't make goofy comments like this one. Although as itsaboutthekids points out, there was always the chance that Kate might have tried to sabotage Jon trying to see the kids that day.

I'm confused about the thing about Kate saying she had never met Stephanie. Stephanie was a babysitter to the kids, so how could Kate say she'd never met her?

GeorgiaMom said...

If you've been following this saga over the years, it's become clear that they both attempt to manipulate the media. They say and do what they do on purpose. However, they are both such bad actors that people are wising up.

I feel no sympathy for Jon anymore. He's bad, but Kate is worse. She darn well knew that the paps were going to be at Austin's, and what does she do? Walk those kids in the rain to the restaurant for a photo op instead of just everyone being dropped off at the door. And the whole bus stop thing is a joke---the nanny is perfectly capable of driving those kids to and from school.

The Discovery Cove filming has me puzzled, though. Every other time there has been pap photos, but not this time. This was, IMO, carefully orchestrated so that there would be no pictures of kids crying or having tantrums.

And Kate lied about Stephanie. Stephanie said in an interview she called Kate on her cell.

Werny Gal said...

I've seen pictures of them at Discovery Cove online but they haven't been splashed all over the Internet like other Gosselin news bites are.

It seems everything is orchestrated from the moment they leaves their doors, and in Kate's case that includes her outfits and every single detail. Remember when she had the cute little workout outfit on with perfect hair and makeup to take down the trash? Obviously she could see the paps down by the end of the driveway and it was like she needed a quick little media fix. She studiously ignored them while they took her picture and tried to engage her in conversation but she was obviously posing.

alcazzar said...

Jon could murder 6 nuns at sunrise on Good Friday and still not come near to the evil that is Kate.

Werny Gal said...

LOL alcazzar, tell us how you really feel. :)

Irene S said...

I have no sympathy left for Jon except the few morsels blogger Kelly had me eat the other night.

As far as Kate. I think they are so in bed with the tabloids. They were in Florida last this week they are releasing the photos. It is all about the orchestrated mommy moments to try to sell a show. Sad.

pa mom too said...

I don't think Jon is anywhere near as bad as Kate, and 99% (imo) of what we hear that's so "bad" about Jon is directly linked to TLC with their pushing Kate and trying to make it appear like she's so wonderful. If things would have been left alone with the media (TLC and radar), and even though Jon would have dated a few women, it wouldn't have been so bad. But they knew Kate was worse , so that's why they had to go above and beyond anything reasonable to keep portraying her as a fantastic supermom....and in turn trashing Jon. The worse they made Jon look, the better they thought they were making Kate look.