Friday, May 14, 2010

Laws on Children in Entertainment in Our 50 States

Eagle-eyed reader Irene contributed this link which contrasts laws regarding children in entertainment in all fifty United States. It doesn't provide specifics but shows a good overview allowing us to contrast and compare.

PA is doing better than some states but there's a major flaw in our laws: They only pertain to children age 7 and up. Therefore, it's free-for-all for kids younger than that.

It's obvious that a lot of work has been done to institute good laws protecting children in entertainment in California. On the other hand, Rhode Island, you totally copped out on this one.

Tiny little bone tossed to the Gosselin children: You've lost most of your childhoods and you'll never get them back, but at least you don't live in Mississippi, New Hampshire or Utah.

Thanks Irene!


Irene S said...

Oh, no, I cannot take credit for this find.

Someone~wrote~someone~on facebook,~who~alerted~someone~who came~to~facebook~which brought

Janet Plazzotto the creator of the Minor Consideration facebook page to 4-8 Please boycott Kate plus 8 on TLC page. This lady is a maverick to say the least. I have about 6 links already and will email them to Werny & Admin. She gave me this link.

Let me tell you all who blog who have questions about kids in these shows. There are people behind the scenes working & they are glad that we are using our voice, wanting to protest peacefully, etc. In other words...don't get blogged down in the blog world! :-)

We are all neighbors in this & we can collectively ban together. Janet P. is unable to come to the protest in front of Discovery on May 26 but is willing if people are interested to do one in New York.

Keep checking your blogs & keep saying what needs to be said. These kids are WORKING! they are not being filmed in "play" environments. It is time to hold their feet to the fire. If you see them in your state tell us!

TLC we are not joking we are the real thing here. If Kate and Jon wanna career fine! But, make a career without the kids.

Thanks though Werny! I just had to give credit where credit is due. I know I pop up all over but I am interested in everyone's views & am so glad for all the hard work that goes on on all these blogs.

Team 8!

Werny Gal said...

Good for you for giving credit where it's due. You go gal! :)

SG said...

Werny Gal,

(Sorry I referred to you as Wernie Girl in the past!)

I hope you will allow this comment, as it's not directed toward anyone in particular.

I think we should all try to keep our comments (here and elsewhere) in line with what we would want Murt to see should he come to check out our opinions about the filming of reality children. We want him to take us seriously. JMO.

No offense to anyone in particular. I put this in this new thread since it is the latest one. I wasn't referring to any comments here either.

MB said...

My question is this: does the permit that TLC has to film these children in PA extend to taking them to Florida and filming them there?

Irene S said...

Message from Janet P (creator facebook page for AMC & activist) from A Minor Consideration. She gave me permission to share this email with her today about children in these reality program formats.

"my honest opinion right now to put a little "fear" in TLC/Discovery, Figure 8...let them know that all of you are not "green" to this industry and understand there are child labor laws/regulations regarding child performers, some requiring work permits and regulations concerning work hours and schooling and are well equiped to follow these companies from state to state with their productions if minors are involved and will be questioning as to whether to the kids are working or just being declared participants or require work permits and if there are any laws/regulations that would involve the children and protect them. This includes taking vacations/trips if those kids are being filmed for the show!

how can you let TLC know the bloggers are up on all of this? just make them stay on their toes cos you are all watching the kids and the laws..state by state! i can post it on TLC's facebook page? is there one?? far as the sponsors! Ask them if they are paying the KIDS to sell their products on TV because if a child booked a commerical to sell their product they sure WOULD be paid a nice little sum of money! Think about it..they went to Disney - did the kids get paid to "sell" the disney park and products? the parents were paid, it went to family money and now being used to fight divorce and lawsuits! nice huh!

product placement...those crooked playhouses, Gymboree..the kids were NOT PAID - the parents were, but who sold the product!! the kids!

sad, so sad!

don't forget AMC facebook discussions there is a lot of info there too and paul AMC website!!

Lucy said...

Kate + 8 will never be watched in this house. In fact, we have not watched TLC for over a year because it is too toxic. Shows like Kate + 8, 19 kids + counting, Toddlers + Tiaras, (I could go on and on), TLC greed fosters, is disturbing to say the least. You can't call any of these shows "entertainment" ... if you truly care about children and believe they are NOT born just for profit! There is strength in numbers and the tide is turning.
Hope rises that these type of shows eventually lose their audience.

just wondering said...

Did you know that children in PA are not legally required to begin school before the age of 8?

Werny Gal said...

MB, to answer your question I'm cutting and pasting this from 15's current blog entry: "According to PA law, time shooting in any other state counts toward time permitted to film in Pennsylvania. In other words, you can't run to another state and max out on your hours permitted in PA, then come back into PA and start fresh. The clock has run." 15 Minutes has a good entry currently up on Florida child labor laws so check that out if you have time.

Just Wondering, I had no idea. Thanks for sharing that.

I agree Schmecky, I think it's important to always remember anytime we say anything online that it can be read by anyone.

Thanks for the smart and insightful comments everyone.

mommyinca said...

Just Wondering, Many states have compulsory school laws starting at age 8. Ca. is age 6. I for one am glad and wish we lived in an age "8" state.
Many children are not ready for the hard core academics that are now pushed on kids so early in this country. Obviously in this instance, the compulsory law is being abused if Kate keeps them out of school so she can work them.
However, I don't want the govt. telling me that my child HAS to be in school before they are developmentally ready. I didn't send my kiddos to preschool because I had the opportunity to stay home with them and do those types of activities at home. The socialization argument is one that can be debunked. Children don't need a public school setting to learn how to socialize. Mine did it through play dates, library days, field trips, park days with friends, etc.
Anyway....I'm passionate about my children's education. We homeschool because we feel it is the best choice for us. I wouldn't want anyone taking away that right just because some parents "might" not be doing what the govt thinks is best for their children...I hope that makes sense. I'm not in any way shape or form anti I just want to protect my rights as a parent, yk?
Ok, back to your regularly scheduled

IDModo said...

This is kinda OT but I saw a link on another blog (Z I think) to an article that talked about how the Police Dept. in Kate's area were fed up with doing traffic control near the Gosselin home.But the important thing in that article was that if Wernersville decided to enforce the bylaw that forbids conducting a business in a residential area, they could shut the whole thing down.That area is not zoned for business purposes. This officer's opinion was that the Governor of PA is so happy to have the revenue and the publicity from the show that he will not do anything about it.
If enough people in the Wernersville area complained about this to their town council, insisting the bylaw be enforced, maybe we could see some action to shut down what is obviously a business venture. How about it, Werny Peeps? It might be worth a try!

Anonymous said...

WOW. What a difference a state makes.
Thank God she doesn't move the family
just to make things simpler. She will never move to CA unless they give her some type of super deal. That was just smoke and wishes.

Werny Gal said...

Hi IDM, it's always good seeing you here. Al Walentis actually addresses that in his book which he gave me the first draft of, so I popped it open on my desktop and here's the scoop on zoning. It's first draft of Al's book so please ignore any typos or writing issues. The info is sound. I have Al's permission to share anything in book in my blog so I cut and pasted this one little section to answer your question. I have removed the name of the road because it's my policy not to publish that on my blog, and I added a couple of words in brackets to complete a sentence:

"There was chatter in the summer months that the Gosselin taping at ------- Road violated zoning rules set by Lower Heidelberg Township. False. The property actually was zoned as agricultural, but doing a TV show there was no hassle. We checked it out in early June. Joe Neidart, the zoning officer and building inspector for Lower Heidelberg Township, discounted reports that neighbors and police were disgusted by the massive media presence and that the Gosselins may be violating zoning restrictions by setting up a TV studio in their residence.
Neidart said the township supervisors, through the solicitor, asked him to conduct a zoning review of the Gosselin property within the last month or so. That review had been completed and submitted for approval.
Neidart said his staff conducts what are called drive-bys, where officials drive by the property at random times and observe how the property was being used. He said the agents concluded the property [was being] used for residential purposes. Generally, commercial use means a storefront that would impede normal activities in the area. He said there has not been any complaints from neighbors.
Once the zoning report is approved, any resident can challenge it with appeal, which would be heard before zoning appeal board. Neidart said he had "not one iota of evidence" any neighbor wanted to mount a challenge.
Neidart said the Gosselins, through their contractor, properly applied for all permits to do work on their property, such as constructing a fence and TLC installing free solar panels."

BTW, yes, the official word by the police is that they have not been annoyed by the traffic and hassle, but elsewhere in the book Al writes about how annoyed they were and how they wished they had more important things to do.

IDModo said...

Thanks, WG,It's good to be back. I've been at Social Justice Camp all week so I am really fired up about strategic ways to make positive changes! Thanks for the info about the zoning, I thought it might be worth a try.
Can't wait to read Al's Book!

kamilleon said...
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GeorgiaMom said...

It is my sincere hope that the protest makes a dent in this situation. I am totally disgusted that as usual, those children are being used as product placement billboards (example: jackets worn to restaurant). In fact, if you check out the pap photos, the whole group was coordinated in black and white. I read that the meal was filmed at the restaurant in Reading.

Same exploitation goes with their birthday gifts of the motorized cars. And someone commented that the kids are a little too big for these----absolutely true.

Unfortunately, WG, writing the advertisers has had little effect in the past. I guess it couldn't hurt, but unless there's a huge campaign, it just won't matter. I think coverage of a protest at TLC is the best course of action to enlighten the public.

It is curious there's been no leaks of pictures of the filming in FL. This is telling me that they must be getting concerned about the image of the kids working, Kate being a diva, and the ever present bodyguard's attention. I hope that someone blogs about what they witnessed. Very disappointed that Disney would be a part of this.

Irene S said...

Ga Mom: Someone wrote about it a tv critic in florida.

Hal said, "We presume that Kate didn’t crack. And if she ever does, that development will be saved for a very special “Kate + 8."

I laughed so hard. People are catching on to the same-ole-same-ole TLC.

Janet P from Minor consideration brought up this thought, "Vanna White turns letters on Wheel of Fortune" She makes a fortune. But, reality program kids like the Gosselins get crumbs.

GeorgiaMom said...

Hal Boedeker, TV critic Orlando Sentinel, confirms filming. A GWOP poster with a relative who works at Discovery Cove, confirms filming May 13 with a sick Aaden vomiting per earlier post.

GWOP moderators have decided not to do recaps on Kate's new shows. Bravo! Time to let real TV critics have at her.

just wondering said...

Writing the advertisers does help! Gymboree dropped Kate, Proctor & Gamble, and Nestle' and many others also dropped the show. I've been bombarding advertisers since January 09 along with many others. It does help! Keep writing!!

GeorgiaMom said...

You're right. Some advertisers did drop the show. Unfortunately, new ones took their place. I have written too, and will continue. At least I feel I am doing something. Did any of those advertisers specifically say that they dropped the program due to negative feedback from viewers? I don't recall. The only thing I ever read about was advertisers complaining about Jon's behavior to TLC.

LifeinOH said...

Because advertisers buy blocks of time that target certain demographics, many large companies do not actually choose specific shows, but the target demographic said shows usually attract.

For example, Fisher Price wants to target moms of young children, say 18-35 in age. They buy blocks of time for ads during shows such moms may typically watch.

For this reason, writing to companies is an on-going in effort in education: describing where their ad dollars are being placed and why we object to the placement.

Linda in NS said...

I am disgusted with TLC and their exploitation of children. I have never watched Toddlers/Tiaras but saw a clip advertised the other night. What parent in their right mind would put their children through that. Don't these "adults" know there are pedophiles out there who live and breathe for these shows that exploit young kids? On another note, the clip for 199 kids and counting showed the older girls teaching the younger kids. Those kids are being exploited just as badly by their parents as the eight Gosselin children are. I wish TLC would stop filming children.

Werny Gal said...

Very well said, Cherier1. I agree, Linda in NS. Toddlers & Tiaras is so sick it's hard to believe it's even on the air. It's even edited to show how exploitative the parents are and the parents STILL don't get it. They are the ultimate stage mothers, trying to fulfill their lost dreams through their children. On the other hand, shows like K+8 and the Duggars are more insidious because they are intentionally filmed and edited to make these shows seem harmless to the kids. Unless someone pokes around or bumps into information educating them otherwise, or unless they have the common sense or appreciation of childhood to realize what being on these shows could do to kids, they could watch these shows and think everything's okay when it's really not. What's worse? Being openly and obviously sick at the expense of the kids, or being intentionally phony and unreal at the expense of the kids?

Chrissy said...

Linda in NS - I don't know if it was a typo or snark, but 199 Kids and Counting just made me laugh. It sure seems like that many when you watch that show.

IDModo said...

Toddlers and Tiaras is another reason that our protest should be geared to ALL children in reality shows.Many of the "pageants" are in Southern states where the child labour laws are as slack as they are in PA, or worse. It's not a coincidence that TLC is there. Pageants are a good ol' Southern tradition, but children should not have to be paraded like little adults in skimpy costumes, being taught suggestive moves, and made up like showgirls.
Some people see shows like this and think "How awful! I'd rather watch something wholesome like the Duggars or the Gosselins!" They don't realize that pimping your children is the same whether overt or insidious.
And then of course there are the pedophile fans...for both kinds of show..making it dangerous as well as distasteful. I can't fathom the sort of mind that thinks this type of programming is appropriate or entertaining.

pa mom too said...

I don't watch TLC at all anymore, but even back when I did, I never watched Toddlers and Tiaras because it is a disgusting show. TLC should be ashamed of themselves for producing such a thing. I wonder how the ratings are for that show, and how many pedophiles account for the number of people watching it.

GeorgiaMom said...

Since we're talking about protests, I think ABC needs to be taught a lesson in regards to the fakeness of DWTS. Apparently Kate will be back for the finale and ABC execs think it'll bring in monster ratings since the ratings have been down since she left (IMO it's because the show is rigged and people have wised up---why else did they keep her on?).

Send ABC a message that she's not worth it by NOT WATCHING on May 25!

Jake's mom said...

I'd like to point out the laws in Arkansas seem a little lax (read: Duggar children at risk). I do truly believe TLC, its parent company and its affiliates do their homework to seek out families for these "reality" shows with children who live in states with little to no entertainment laws. Easy come, easy go...shame on you, TLC. Shame on you, Discovery Channel. You have no moral compass, none.

Irene S said...

Hi neighbors!

Hope everyone is having a great week! Just wanted to stop by and invite everyone to take part in a 5 minute moment of awareness about children in reality programs.

Wednesday 05/19 7pm to 7:05pm
Where: Anywhere U.S.A.
What Kan I do?
Please take 5 minutes after a long day. STOP, LOOK & LISTEN around your homes, businesses, computers and think about how your life would be changed by cameras, especially for your kids or kids you know.

It is just a little grassroots attempt for awareness that there are many people behind the scenes trying to change laws & public awareness to children in reality films. Not only will Kate plus 8 launch this summer but there are many kids on these shows with no contracts, pay, safeguards or 3rd party to advocate for them.

If you further want to email a note of encouragement to Rep Murt, Minor consideration or people who run your blog you stop at daily.

Thanks Wernygirl for having a great neighborhood & the local perspective you give this blog!

lalaland said...

So for PA it says -Minors 7 to under 18 need special permits from Dept. of Labor and Industry, and can’t work where there is alcohol.

How old were Mady & Cara in season 1? I know it's a moot point about the permits and the DOL's sham investigation, but were they aware the kids worked where there is alcohol? At Jon's 30th bday party he had too much wine. Does Murt know about that episode?

Gabby22 said...

Where the rubber means the road:

TLC chief Eileen O'Neill on the pros and cons of 'Jon & Kate'
July 29, 2009
The guarded O'Neill, who was instrumental in the development of "Jon & Kate" when it initially premiered on Discovery Health Channel, acknowledges that documenting the rocky road that the Gosselins are traveling has been "tough to navigate."

"Their status as a couple has obviously been disappointing; we can't change anything about people's lives," she said, adding that the show had "delivered for the family things that were important to them ... opportunities for them and the kids."

It also has delivered things that were important for Discovery Communications-owned TLC. Before O'Neill took over, the knock on TLC was it had lost its way creatively and financially. Though she won't talk money, industry consulting firm SNL Kagan said TLC's ad revenue tumbled 5% to $270.5 million in 2008, a figure the channel should easily beat this year, according to people familiar with the situation. TLC also is now positioned to negotiate better distribution fees from cable and satellite operators. According to SNL Kagan, the channel currently gets 16 cents per subscriber. That is less than half of what cable networks such as USA and FX command and below the industry average for a network of its size.

Although no network would turn down the ratings and revenue that "Jon & Kate" have brought to TLC, the flip side is that the pressure increases on O'Neill to capture lightning twice.


It's all about money and sponsors for TLC. Remember what happened to Tiger Wood's sponsors?? Everyone watches him play....BUT the sponsors did NOT want to be identified with him.

If you read the whole article it even identifies the demographs of views.

A boycott of sponsors will get those children off the air.

Who in their right mind want to be identified with someone called Mommy Dearest?

Movie channel needs to play that movie all month!

Laurie said...

My guess is there have been no leaks or photos from FL because TLC doesn't want you to know the timeframe that they're filming. When the episode airs they want folks to think that it happened during their summer vacation. We can all now tell that the paps are not following them around UNLESS called by TLC or someone on a PR team. If paps were really following them we'd see loads of pictures from FL.

Werny Gal said...

Thanks for your comments, everyone. Very interesting, Gabby22. I'd love a link to that if it's online.

justice 4/8 said...

Kate will also be special correspondent for ET for the next 3 nights. I am advocating sending TLC a message. Please do NOT watch ET for the next 3 nights. It's 30 minutes out of your day to turn off the TV. It's not that hard to do. Send them a message that we are tired of everything Gosselin. It can work if we all stick together. I know, I'm dreaming. Why is it some people just can't help themselves? Don't they realize they are playing right into the networks hands? Please turn her off and sooner or later she will go away for good.

Irene S said...

The DWTS thing is standard all dancers return. Of course TLC is spinning it like Kate is the draw so they are letting her back. Lol. They are grasping at straws.

And, Laurie is right TLC is controlling the leaks etc. Let's just hope the show does not get the viewers. That is our only hope for this summer.

Gabby22 said...

Werny Gal....the link is just under the story.

A petition directly to O'Neill would not be a bad idea either. AND the Board of Directors...of Discovery, TLC might be a separate company and might have their own board as well. These people need to hear our opinions.

Pamela Jaye said...

Exploitation - it's not just for kids anymore.

A friend who has a houseful of ducks and chickens and birds and has taken courses in rescue, was recently contacted by Animal Planet about being on a show. She tried to get them to tell her the tenor of the show. As it turned out it was about Animal Hoarding. I looked up Animal Planet to see if it belonged to the same "family" as TLC. Yup.
Btw, my friend's house is clean. There are more piles in my house than in hers. She just has to check the dishwasher for stray chickens before running it.

Linda in NS said...

Hi Chrissy. I do have to admit my comment about 199 kids was a total snark. That family is either so backward or so phony it makes me sick. TLC filming their "everyday activities" is disguisting and "aids and abets" them breeding more children. Hopefully the last pregnancy was a wake up call to Jim Bob and "little girl voice Michelle" that enough is enough. TLC are preadators; sucking up what should be happy years for young children and spitting them out like yesterdays trash. TLC is a channel I no longer watch.

GeorgiaMom said...

Any word from anyone as to why there are no pap photos of the filming at Discovery Cove? Security must have been tight---maybe they closed certain areas to tourists? If any photos surface, they will most probably be with TLC approval.

Who was keeping track of how many hours these kids worked?

This is so opposite as to when they filmed in NC----paps were everywhere, filming was public, so it was easy to track amount of filming days and hours. TLC is one sneaky corporation. I wonder if this will be the pattern on filming from now on.

Werny Gal said...

Hi Georgia, they probably didn't allow any photographers in and may have closed the park to tourists that day. Since that would've been expensive for the park maybe TLC paid for exclusivity that day. That would've been the thing to do if they wanted no pictures to get out of the kids tired, cranky, pouting, or shrieking, "Mommy, I told you when I put that sign on my door, no more filming!"

I Have Questions said...

I would like to know if there is a blog where people are discussing/admitting their complicity in keeping Kate’s ratings so high. I’ve seen many, many posts where people have expressed their understanding that the reason Kate shows up all over TV is because of the high ratings she brings in, and yet those same people also watch whenever she’s on. I consider this almost as big a phenomenon worthy of discussion as the whole Gossein phenomenon.

I am beginning to wonder if this addiction to all things Gosselin is so strong that people cannot give it up and that’s why they tune in to watch. Intellectually, they know they shouldn’t but they can’t resist. She will never go away, even though that’s what so many people seem to want, as long are there is discussion 24/7, Google searches, clicking on all the links with even one photo of Kate that everyone can discuss and dissect. Hasn’t everything been said? Isn’t it possible that the constant attention given to Kate not only informs a few to what she’s really all about, but also piques enough curiosity that some people actually watch her to see what all the talk is about?

Yes, I’m also addicted. However I find it’s much easier for me to avoid the blogs and gossip when there is no TLC manufactured chaos. Still the talk goes on, mulling over everything she’s ever said and done, and saying in the next breath hopefully her shows won’t last long.

Kate and her shows need to be ignored completely. Investigations into child labor laws is definitely worth discussing and following, and far as I’ve seen investigations are still going on. The Kate-gossip isn’t helping that, it fuels the fire of curiosity, even for those who say they want her off television.

I’m afraid everyone is in for another big disappointment very soon unless more people can curb their curiosity and not watch, ever.

If there is such a blog that anyone knows about, I’d appreciate a link. I’ve found this site to be a little less gossip and more fact filled. That’s why I’m here asking. Thanks.

pa mom too said...

Werny Gal,
tired, cranky, pouting or shrieking....or throwing up .

GeorgiaMom said...

Egads, WG. With the cost of transportation of her, the kids, nannies, crew, bodyguard, paying off Discovery Cove for exclusive filming, it's amazing just how much money they are pouring into her brand.

Z now has a poll up about the filming. Someone posted they read that Jon will appear in the first show regarding the tups' b-day. Maybe true, maybe not, but I believe it. What a loser.

Werny Gal said...

Georgia Mom, I used to believe Jon was a much better parent until I read Al's book. I guess I wanted to believe they had one parent who made their needs a priority. All I can say is I'm very disappointed.

IHaveQuestions, I don't know where that blog might be but there's always room for more if you want to start one. I must be the only one who doesn't watch her anymore. I didn't even set my VCR to tape the entertainment show she's hosting this week. Why bother. The spin continues to amaze me - how can the producers of these shows continue to make such blatant fiction and call it "reality?" I might tune in to the last DWTS where she, like others before her, traditionally guests in the last show of the season, just to see how everyone pretends they liked her and that she was pleasant to work with. Tony ought to get an Emmy for that television acting role as well as a Nobel for keeping the peace.

Irene S said...

I have questions. Your post does raise some good questions. I look at alot of blogs, articles and comments on a daily basis. I don't think that all the "Hype" is all it is cracked up to be.

The majority of people overall in their commenting don't want to see the kids back on television. The comments from articles seem to indicate that Kate is using the children to remain in the spotlight. There are pockets of people who comment that they support Kate. I received an email from a Kate supportor yesterday. He wanted to explain his position and said he understood my position. He joked that this too shall all pass. The best of stars fade into the sunset with many more credentials than Kate.

Her book is a good example. It was estimated to sell 450,000 but has only sold 10,000 so far.
As far as ET I went online and saw the clip. It was 4 minutes 21 seconds of Kate twirling a wooden spoon (microphone) in people's faces. Repeating "What da ya think" and shrieking. That won't cut the mustard even in tabloid land.

All~n~all, I don't see what she is gonna do short of filming the kids for 40+ episodes again. The permits TLC now works under probably will not allow it.

As far as DWTS. I decided not to watch tonight. They brought her to sit in the audience and try to make us believe Kate got along with the others. If anyone is fooled by that I have the the 1st set of crocheted yarn that was knitted in Kate's hair for the taking. And, yes, Werny, Tony D is nothing short of a saint.

And, as far as Al's book I am eagerly awaiting. Are we allowed to advertise? It is time for someone else to be in the hotseat. LOL.

IATK said...

Hi WG, I too used to think Jon was the hope for the kids as far as getting some stability in their lives. And I too have been disappointed that neither of them have stepped up and willingly made the sacrifices that all good parents are more than willing to make for their children.

I haven't watched TLC for many, many months and it's blocked on my remote so I really could care less about watching any TLC shows, let alone Kate or Jon. I do think it's important to continue to exert as much pressure as possible to get laws in place that will protect kids from just what has happened to the Gosselin children. It is so very unfortunate for them that their parents, who should be their safety net, are actually main contributors to their exploitation in exchange for the lavish lifestyle they both seem to deem more important than the children's welfare. It's a very sad story and I hope some good can come from the sacrifices these children have been forced to make.

Gabby22 said...

Has Al's book come out yet?

Werny Gal said...

Al's still working on his book and it'll probably be done by the end of May. He has his own blog and you can ask him anything about it there. Here's the link to him first announcing it.

Pamela Jaye said...

oh, was Kate on ET or something? I was outside feeding the ducks...

GeorgiaMom said...

Orlando Sentinel comments regarding filming at Discovery Cove:

"My niece had the misfortune of waiting on her and her kids at dinner. She said that she has never met anyone more rude and hateful. I hope she never comes back to Orlando. That kind of visitor we can do without."

"Kate and gang spent 2 days at discovery cove, where i work. more than any other "star" we've had come to the park she disrupted our day and schedule the most. I've been there 4 years and all the other celebs who come in are great, you'd hardly know they were there. Kate on the other hand had a huge tv crew, a "bodyguard", and wanted to be isolated, but still found ways to make her presence known. having her in the park was not a pleasant experience it was an inconvenience."


What a great parenting example she is! You can't tell me that some of those kids don't already have a sense of entitlement and behave rudely just like their mother. I'd be curious to know how they get along with their classmates.

DH said...

Interesting discussion in reference to "All Things Gosselin" ... i.e. the articles, blogs, googling, guest spots on other shows, etc.

I obviously have know way of actually knowing the outcomes of constant traffic via all the available sources, but I do believe that it is true: the more site "clicks" on a K.Gosselin article, comments made, et al, the more in-demand she will be.

I do have one particular blog I visit daily, where she is often the topic - and definitely the topic that brought us together - but now I am there more for the friendships I've discovered than for the JK8 gossip and snark.

I watched DWTS when she was on, and continued to watch after she was voted off. I will very likely watch the finale (they hooked me in with K.G., but in doing so, earned a fan of the show itself, which I've never watched prior to this season.

But I gave up watching JK8 and TLC long long ago. I don't google, I don't seek out articles about her/them. But many many many do!

And I believe, as long as that interest persists, regardless of the "why" behind it, KG will remain a media darling to networks/sponsors.

I don't know how to correct that or avoid it, but I do believe it to be true. It is all truly fascinating.

Does Al have a publisher already?

Anonymous said...

WernyGal, this is just a "FYI" for you ... and you can take it for what it's worth, second hand hearsay thrice removed (LOL)!

A "pro-kate" blog, which has been in a tizzy about the up-coming planned protest outside of TLC, had a commenter who claimed to have "notified" TLC of this impending event, via telephone, claiming to have actually spoken to a real-live human being (not voicemail).

Supposedly TLC was already aware of the protest and had taken "appropriate steps" (what does that even mean?).

Apparently, this TLC employee stated that they kept close tabs on the "big 3" hate blogs out there, specifically GWOP, 15 minutes G style, and here.

Please don't take this as a criticism, I LOVE your blog and think you do an exceptional job of keeping things calm, rational, and logical b/w the various warring factions.

But I can't imagine WG being on TLC's radar, nor 15 minutes. GWOP maybe - likely - but they were first, they are big and visible, and they are loud in their critique. It just seems far-fetched that this fun & friendly little local blog is under the TLC microscope.

Seriously, no offense is intended, I think you do an AMAZING job with alot of difficult people, sometimes. Good luck, and STILL looking forward to the book!

GeorgiaMom said...

This is nothing new that TLC keeps tabs on the blogs. TLC is no different from any large corporation. They all do it.

TLC can do nothing if the protest stays within the law. Maybe the "appropriate steps" just means they have notified their employees. Who cares? We can picket in this country whether you are one or many. Besides, they certainly don't want TV coverage of moms getting cuffed ;) --- that's their target audience.

Werny Gal said...

DH, it's hard to tell if Kate really gets as many viewers as some say, and if so, how many are fans and how many just enjoy watching train wrecks. I guess time will tell if Kate will actually have staying power or if her flame burned brightly for a brief moment but then quickly burned out. I hope her dreams come true, but I also hope she leaves the kids out of it so they can live the rest of their childhoods as normally as possible.

GeorgiaMom has given another example of Kate being nasty and entitled when it would've been just as easy for her to be nice and easy to work with. Sure would be good to hear a pleasant story about her some day. It's been years and we're still waiting...

Anonymous, most people who come here can see that this is a peace-loving site where people express legitimate concerns about the children. A couple of rabid Kate fans have tagged this a hate site but that doesn't mean it is one, it just means it upsets a few and as a result they want to discredit it so they call it a hate site. I'm careful about moderating comments but some bloggers allow their commenters to say anything, and allowing comments doesn't make them true. I doubt TLC would see this little blog as a threat and I suspect that TLC would respond politely to such a call and then hang up the phone and go about their normal business, which would be the professional thing to do.

Thanks for your comments everyone.

IDModo said...

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the pro-kate people were to mount a counter-demonstration on the day, at the TLC offices.I hope that the people demonstrating who are truly interested in getting kids off reality TV will be prepared for this eventuality and have a non violent strategy for ignoring them; not getting sucked in to what could be some very loud and vicious criticism.
I'm hoping this does not happen but it's good to be aware that it could.

Gabby22 said...

I really wish someone would spill the beans on Steve. Something odd there. Kate chose Steve over her own husband.

I also think Kate is manhunting. She had her eyes on poor Mak, but we all know where that went.