Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Protesting on Behalf of the Gosselin Children

UPDATE: For more info on boycotting Kate Plus 8 go to facebook account. "4-8 Please boycott Kate plus 8 on TLC" It can be found under groups.

* * * * * *below is today's original post * * * * * *

As some of you already know there might be a peaceful protest of TLC filming the Gosselin children in front of the Gosselin property in Wernersville on Saturday, May 28 at 12 PM.

This wouldn't be the first protest against the Gosselin children being exploited in entertainment, and so far the attempts at protests haven't made much of a dent. A year ago in May 2009 Kate Gosselin’s sister-in-law Julie exposed the unreality of ‘Jon & Kate Plus 8 and urged viewers not to watch. In August 2009 a man protested the show by standing outside the Gosselin home with a sign that read, "It's not Jon, It's not Kate, the only losers are the 8."

I'm torn on this one. Like many of you, I am dismayed at the prospect of further filming of the eight, and I was horrified to read that they will be away from home this summer, filming one of their mother's two new shows. I am all in favor of social activism, which has a long history of being an assertive, not aggressive or illegal, way to inform and protest, but I feel so badly for the children, especially Colin at this time, that I can't condone anything that might create more havoc at the house. Therefore, while I support the rights and motivations of anyone who decides to protest in front of the house, I will not be joining them.

I'd like to promote protesting in a way that could not potentially further damage the children. Betty White just hosted Saturday Night Live after a very effective petition was started on Facebook. A facebook petition is something I'd be happy to sign and promote here. I'd also be supportive of a protest at the TLC offices. But not in front of the house where the kids could either see it live or see pictures of it later on. I just think they've been through way too much already.

Meanwhile I'll keep protesting in my own quiet way, by not watching any shows with the Gosselin children in them and by continuing to provide education right here at my Small Town Gosselins blog.


IATK said...

WG, from 15 minutes blog..

Kelly said...
I've read all the posts, some pro, some con on me organizing a protest in front of the Gosselin Home. I've also read the suggestions to do it in front of TLC Headquarters in Bethesda MD or in Harrisburg PA and all of them are good. I live 1.5 hours from the Gosselin Home, 2 hours from Harrisburg and 45 minutes from Bethesda Maryland. In order for this to be noticed and action taken, the protest in Harrisburg or Bethesda would have to be during the daytime, preferably during the middle of the week, at noon when people are outside of their offices heading for lunch.

The only problem I see with conducting one in Wernersville would be issues of being on private property, either Gosselins or their neighbors and if it were across the street, who's property we would be on in doing this. From what I've been told, the street they live on is only two lanes with no sidewalks and nowhere to park.

It would probably be more practical to do this in front of the TLC/Discovery Headquarters with signs stating for them to stop exploiting minors and toddlers on their airwaves, with no mention of Gosselin or the other exploitative shows. I'll arrange it for Wednesday, May 26th noontime, in Bethesda unless someone else has a better idea.

Those that can, "DO". Those that can't, Make excuses"

May 12, 2010 11:25 AM
Anonymous said...

Peachy said...

I agree. TLC headquarters would be a much better place. The kids aren't old enough to understand what the intentions of the protesters are. They're confused enough by the actions of the adults in their lives.

Mom5InTX said...

I completely understand WG and can see where you're coming from. That's extremely classy of you. I appreciate all you do on behalf of the Gosselin children.

I think that's the biggest frustration for a lot of us that are wanting to DO something to advocate for these poor kids. It seems like nothing can be done, or when someone does speak up, they are torn to shreds in the name of entertainment. It's really disheartening.

Mom2six said...

I cannot see that holding a public protest in the driveway of the children's home will do anything but HARM the very children the people state they are trying to help.

These children already have too much media attention. This will draw more attention and more cameras to their home and into their faces.

They have had their home become a stage, their front yard a photo staging area, cameras in their faces as they play or go on people think they will benefit from strangers with signs and perhaps yelling in front of their house?

I think that there are other ways to protest what is going on. Like WG said "Meanwhile I'll keep protesting in my own quiet way, by not watching any shows with the Gosselin children in them and by continuing to provide education right here at my Small Town Gosselins blog."

I will continue not to watch, no NOT click on links of pictures or articles about the family and to continue to contact people like Rep Murt and work towards legislation to protect ALL children in Reality show from the adults who exploit them for fame and profit.

(PS I have to wonder if TLC is chuckling with glee- the protest would equal more free media attention as the show is ready for broadcast and more people tuned into to see the controversy which meand better ratings and more dollars.
Wouldn't it be better to not stir up media attention and let these shows fad aware due to lack of interest than keeping the frenzy going?)

GKWay said...


I think they have decided to move the protest to the TLC office..this is from Kelly, a poster on 15 mins.

It would probably be more practical to do this in front of the TLC/Discovery Headquarters with signs stating for them to stop exploiting minors and toddlers on their airwaves, with no mention of Gosselin or the other exploitative shows. I'll arrange it for Wednesday, May 26th noontime, in Bethesda unless someone else has a better idea.

Those that can, "DO". Those that can't, Make excuses"

I posted to ask what we can do in the West coast, Canada or other countries to rally for people to show up whether it be a FB group, asking WG (you) and your newspaper friend to spread the word to the locals, asking AMC (Paul Peterson) to see if he has contacts/clients in the area to assist.

Any idea is a good idea I think!

Irene S said...

I have just started a facebook account. "4-8 Please boycott Kate plus 8 on TLC" It can be found under groups.

Anyone that cannot attend the physical protest that has a facebook account is welcome to come join 4-8 that day or any day.

As far as TLC, if they truly believe that people are outraged that the children are back to work is a good sign & advertising $$$ for them, then I feel sorry for the fact I ever turned on the learning channel. These are kids we are discussing not props, cartoon characters etc

Great Article Werny. When I get home tonight I am changing my picture to me & if I can change my name I will be posting with my real name. Someone on facebook tried to tell me today that my efforts are "futile". Sorry, I will never believe it in a million years.

Appreciate ya'll. Thanks for being such great neighbors!


Susan said...

I agree totally with those who have stated that a protest should not be in front of their house. I also agree with Kelly's latest post (listed above) that any signs should be generic so as not to draw any more attention to Kate. I feel that any type of protest will be her PR team's dream in that it will get a lot of media coverage and draw attention to the new show(s).

Like WG and others, I will not watch anything on TLC nor will I click on any K8 related links.

I'm on the west coast so I wouldn't be able to take part anyway. I will, however, sign any FB petitions.

Irene S said...

Hi Neighbors! I am hiding behind a screen name no more. My name is Irene and I am against children being filmed for reality programming. These children have no protections, little safeguards, terrible pay, and are being exploited.

IDModo said...

I'm really glad people are deciding to protest at the TLC headquarters rather than the Gosselin home.I would like to reiterate what I posted on the 15 minutes site- it's important to hand out leaflets and/or press releases at the demonstration so that people will know what it's about,also to contact members of the press both locally and nationally to let them know about it.
I was an activist during the
1960's and these tactics worked then, and they will now, if we add the component of the internet and Facebook to complement them.
I also really like the idea of making the protest about ALL children in reality shows. This will only reference the Gosselins by implication, therefore depriving Kate of the spotlight.
DeKon, I will find you on Facebook and lend what support I can.
Power to the Kiddies!

Werny Gal said...

Thanks DeKon, I'll edit my post to state your facebook group.

IATK said...

Werny Gal, this was posted at 15 minutes. I'm not sure what to make of it....

Jessica said...
Please don't physically protest, protest by not watching the show. Jodi and Kevin are staying out of the limelight. They have their own family but are doing things the right, quiet way this time. They lived and they learned. By the way - Kevin never tried to sell a book -- that was planted and picked up in the media. They are working with the appropriate people now. They did not make a mint off of their nieces and nephews - that is another general statement put out there by Kate without specifics to guide the public into assumption. People think they paid off the house etc etc. These people do NOT know the truth behind any such payments. Jodi and Kevin have good contacts that can help them. More attention of any kind, no matter how well intentioned will bring media and controversy which will bring ratings because, unfortunately, America loves a good controversy.

I know you mean well but please think this through. Believe me I know how you can get all worked up -- I firmly believe the children are exploited, I think it is pretty obvious they are not being filmed doing their everyday things when they can't even move in their little cars because of camera, sound people and Kate are all in the way. I realize it is your right but the best thing in my opinion from someone who knows information, stay off the Kate adoration sites - just ignore them -- I GUARANTEE you they do not know any more than you do and are a plethora of misinformation --

You are not going to change anyone's minds on the adoration sites. They do not know the family and they are buying into the public relations image. There will always be people who do that. I know it is hard to understand when you see exploitation so clearly. IMO - They hate just as much as the so-called hate sites that they object to.

Things you can do to help -- Write your Representatives letters to make this a National issue to protect children in Reality Television. Contribute to a Minor Consideration if you can. Boycott sponsors and send a short note on why you are boycotting. Don't criticize Kate's looks or who she is or is not sleeping with and she is not Steve's girlfriend, never was. Stay credible.

The national spotlight on Dancing with the Stars did not help her because they showed footage of her personality. People on DWTS
are not going to say anything bad because of their own PR and handlers to stay away from this controversy.

The lack of book sales speaks volumes, the polls of people objecting to another show with the children are very high. My opinion on her other show - it's her right to earn a living as long as the children are out and people can choose to watch or not watch.

I sincerely hope I didn't offend anyone as I feel your frustration but things look to be moving in the right direction. Maybe patience would be the best idea for the moment. JMO

Anonymous said...

We need to boycott the advertizers on Kate's show. THAT works.

As soon as the show starts we will know who the advertizers are. We can post the corporate headquarters phone numbers, and start a petition.

These are the people paying Kate's salary.
Without advertizers...there IS NO SHOW.

Anonymous said...

Boycott the advertisers too. They are the ones paying the bills.

Kelly said...

I'm glad you're here and perhaps you can share some of the activist activities you participated in during the 60's that worked.

I was a high school teenager during the 60's. I was the second youngest of 8 kids during that era and my oldest brother was an activist at that time as well. We looked down on him for his anti social ways. Thought he was embarrassing the family with his outspoken ways and were raised to think, during that era that Nixon was doing the right thing.

How blindsided we were back then but we were kids. Politics aside, I wrote my oldest brother the other night to share with him my participation in a "Protest" that I took on last weekend with the death of Yeardley Love, the UVA senior that was beaten to death by her ex boyfriend.

I was so incensed that the Westboro Baptist Church was going to show up and protest her funeral, I said to myself, "NO WAY". I got off my ass, drove the 25 miles to show up to let my voice and presence be known to protect her family from this bunch of nuts but for the first time in my life, I actually got up and did something constructive for the benefit of someone else.

Yeah, I used to be a cop and and it was part of my job to stand up for victims as I was getting paid for it. It went with the territory. Last weekend, taking a stand, getting out there and making a statement, without pay, without identity and doing it because it was the right thing to do empowered me to want to do the right thing for many more people.

As much as you and I were probably diametrically opposed to idealogy during those highly charged '60 years, you had more balls in that era to do what you did than I would have ever endeavored.

Different time, different issues but the fact that we're both on the same page and want to take a stand, make a statement and hope our voices are heard is what matters.

No matter what you protested against during that era, you and those who stood next to you, made it easier for those of us, today, who want to do the same thing, peacefully but loud enough to make a difference.


Irene S said...

Thanks Werny!
IMDo thanks for the information. Lordie bee I wasnt even alive in the 60s. LOL. :-)

I was thinking this evening that the Gosselin children will never know anything but all this chaos of the media swirl. The Dilley's sextuplets (1st set in the U.S) will be 17 on May 25. Their parents did let the kids do a little media, commercials they wrote a book etc. Yet, they raised these children in Rural Indiana without forsaking their children's childhood. I think Kate saying this is the only going turn out to be the very words that she will be eating before its over. TLC will use the parents & the kids and then move on one day. Then what will Kate do?

Werny Gal said...

What a great group of readers I have - I am so proud of you all for being such good people. Welcome Kelly, glad you are here. Let me know if you are ever in Berks County. I would love to do lunch and you and I would have a lot to talk about.

I love the idea of picketing at the TLC headquarters and this is something I might be interested in participating in. It is an honorable and effective way to protest. I also love the idea of writing to advertisers. That would probably be most effective of all. Anonymous is right, Without advertizers...there IS NO SHOW (...and don't you just love it when we get a sensible anonymous on here? :)

I personally don't care if Kate wants to continue in entertainment. It's not what I would do if I were her because it would keep me away from home too much, but it is her choice to make. What I object to is continuing to film the kids. They have never had a normal childhood and there's still time. It's not too late. But now summer is coming and they'll be away from home filming their mother's show with her. Sad.

I agree with what Jessica said on 15 Minutes. Today on another blog a commenter was very insistent that I used to sell advertising on this blog but then removed it and now lie about it, and that I tried to sell pictures of the Gosselins house on GWOP. Someone tried correcting her but she insisted she had screen shots. Then of course she refused to produce the screen shots, claiming she doesn't have to prove herself to anyone. It was so petty and she pulled it completely out of her ass because it was all lies, pure and simple. There's a lot of crap like that out there. Truly a plethora of misinformation.

Again, I am so proud of you all!

IDModo said...

Hi Kelly and everybody- In the 60's I protested the Vietnam war (We were pro the troops but anti the war itself),child labour in third world countries, Business (oil) industries in the Gulf of Tonkin, demonstrated in favour of the migrant farm workers here and in the U.S.(Cesar Chavez et al.), and in favour of the rights of Quebecois to self-determination.
(Among other things.) It was a time when we believed that we could change the world, and we did- for a while anyway.It takes more courage now than then because there is more of a culture of repression since the Bush Government in the U.S. and the Harper in Canada.
It makes my heart very warm to hear that there are still people who are willing to put themselves out there for their beliefs and to bring justice to helpless children who have no rights. WG, if you wind up with Kelly's email address, please pass mine on to him. I would love to talk more about this.
In the meantime you guys are bringing tears to the eyes of a little old lady radical. Bless your hearts.

Disgusted in TX said...

I am hesitant about protesting at the kid' house, but I think it can be done properly there AND at the TLC/Discovery offices too. I cannot be there because I am in Texas. BUT
Will someone write a sign to Cara and Mady encouraging them to ask any teachers or adults around them for help if they are unhappy working! Someone needs to send them the message that we are behind them and that they should not be afraid to use their own voices too in talking to their teachers.....

Anonymous said...

Know this: there is a property line and a "right of way" (aka ROW). Usually fences are along the property line. Right of way is the area between road and property line where the county (or city) comes to mow the ditches, etc. ROW is public. This is how the paps get away with being stationed outside that fence.

While I am not advocating a protest in front of the property, you still have every right to do so. You will not be entering private property. However, you may still need a city/county permit to do so; you should look into that.

SG said...

I'm interested in knowing who the advertisers will be also. Especially the ones that do product placement during the show.

Do we "need" word verification? It's so hard in my BlackBerry... ;)

Werny Gal said...

You're right last anonymous, people and paps who hang out in front of the house do so between the road and the fence and it's not a problem. It is the ROW. The only problem is in parking there.

Disgusted, I am sure some of the kids' teachers and other adults who come into contact with them understand the situation and are there for the kids if they ask for help. It seems to me the real problem is that the kids have expressed at various times over the years that they want to be left alone and their parents and TLC keep filming them. This is one of the reasons I think there might be some serious rebelling in future years.

Good morn Schmecky. I think the word verification thing cuts down on spam and it serves someuseful purpose because most blogs use it. I guess it involves switching from caps to smalls and letters to numbers? Sorry about that and thanks for going through the effort to be here.

Irene S said...

Good morning Neighbors,
I will try to find out about some advertisers this afternoon and get some addresses. Great Ideas.

Also, just to throw this out there. There are alot of blogs & sites. I will not mention one because they need no further advertisement. I have been reading blogs since January 2010. Just ignore them. They are getting tripped up in their own devices. Let's all ban together & focus with blinders on about our task at hand.

Please try to tell 10 people you know about reality programming and how companies use these children who have no contracts, protections, safeguards, pay (well the Gosselins recently got a crumb to split between all 8 of them).Anyway, you will be surprised at people you work with etc. They don't realize it. I have already gotten 20 people to commit to not watching TLC for awhile. 5 of them were willing to call my local cable company and request TLC be taken off the lineup.

Kelly, you are awesome for taking on this and trying. Werny, I hope you get to go to the protest. There is a whole world of moms & dads out their that wouldn't allow their children to be put through the ringer as some of these children areFOR ALL THE KIDS.

Talk to ya'll tonight! Have great day!

marie said...

itsaboutthekids . . . I totally agree with everything you said. I think working behind the scenes is more effective and anything else just gives relevance to Jon and Kate.

NJGal said...

Not only will I boycott the advertisers but I will box up any of their products that I might have and send them back to them (I need to clean out my cabinets anyway!) with a note telling them that I won't purchase their products until they stop supporting the exploitation of children. It's not my idea as someone up thread or on another site mentioned but just maybe the advertisers will get the message if we all ban together and send back one or two will speak volumes to them. We can tell them until we're blue in the face that we won't purchase their products but if we actually send some things back we're sending them the clear message that we don't want their products in our homes.

IATK said...

Hi Marie,

I copied a post from the 15 minutes blog that came from "Jessica" if that's the post you're referencing so I can't take credit for her words. I think as long as this peaceful protest is about the exploitation of ALL reality show children and that we focus on the need for new laws and safeguards for these kids, it will eliminate the publicity angle that TLC might try and use to promote any particular show.

IMO it's mainly about making people aware that the laws have not kept up with the reality show industry and then getting legislators to provide the legal protections these children need and deserve.

sfsdgfdgdf said...

The box that fell the other day that Kate was pushing the two wheeler was a Sketchers sneakers carton. I guess they needed new wardrobe for filming.

just wondering said...

I'm wondering if there would be a way to possibly organize some sort of web cast with perhaps Paul Peterson, a child psychiatrist, a former child star, Gloria Allred, a media consultant, etc., where all of their opinions pertaining to children and reality television could be stated and sent out via internet?

I am looking for some brain storming ideas here since so many of us are scattered around the country. If each of these "guest speakers" addressed points of view from their own personal expertise we would have some sound bites to work with. They wouldn't all have to meet at one place, they could each speak from various locations. It wouldn't even have to be filmed. It could be sort of a radio broadcast, if necessary.

The Murt hearing was so enlightening and so on target that I would really like to see more of such a thing. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or does this spark any sort of ideas? I'm just looking for a way to find some glue to our various groups as we seem to need some cohesion in our efforts.

Just tossing out some thoughts that have been waggling around in my brain for the last few days and hope someone else can add some substance. Hang tough, WG!!

2Cents said...

Kate has survived this long off of controversy and a protest will create the type of controversy Kate thrives off of. Please rethink your actions as you are helping to keep her in the news, front and center - the exact opposite of what we all want. Do not create Kate's drama for her!

Besides, do any of us really know anyone's true motives. Protests about Kate's new shows right before they are set to air would advertise her shows to a larger audience, create the "controversy" buzz therefore ensuring a bigger viewer audience - sounds like a good PR move to me. Just a thought, be careful who you get behind, it might not be who you think it is.

The best course of action - do not watch her new shows! Shows with no viewers get canceled.

2cents said...

Blogger Irene S said...
--- 5 of them were willing to call my local cable company and request TLC be taken off the lineup.


While many of us no longer watch TLC, let's not infringe upon others rights to make their own choices.

pa mom too said...

2cents said...

While many of us no longer watch TLC, let's not infringe upon others rights to make their own choices.

It's a shame the children do not have the right to make their own choices. :(

Irene S said...

Just wondering that is a great idea.

Janet Palazotto from AMC is the creator of the facebook page for A minor consideration. If it is okay with you Just Wondering we could copy/paste your idea and pass it on or you can ask her.

Janet is asking for letters of support to go to Rep Murt also!

IATK said...

2cents said...
While many of us no longer watch TLC, let's not infringe upon others rights to make their own choices.

IMO infringing upon the rights of others happens only when you try to force them to do something against their will. To invite someone not to watch the show or to participate in a peaceful protest is not demanding that they do it. It's asking if they want to participate, their choice.

This protest is not about Kate and the Gosselins specifically and getting them off the air. It's about ALL children on reality TV shows of which TLC is a big part. Obviously TLC does not self-police. The laws needed to protect the rights of these children are either non-existent or not strong enough in most states. It appears reality shows are here to stay and networks like TLC will push children to the limits without regard to their welfare.

IF people do tune in as a result of the protest, hopefully they will watch with a different perspective and realize what these children suffer in order to provide their entertainment. If this encourages them to tune out the next week then all the better. Awareness of the truth is a good thing. JMO

Kimberly said...

2Cents - I kind of agree with you. The timing on this "protest" and the "tell all" book seem a little suspect to me also. I have been wondering if this is TLC's PR machine in action once again. She failed miserably on DWTS and people lost interest. What better way to generate interest again than to have a big controversy to get people to tune in.

Sabreena said...

I often suspect that TLC/Discovery fans the flames of controversy on some of the blogs, and that other media drive traffic to their own websites by posting links on blogs.

The media creates their own buzz using TV shows, newspapers, magazines and websites. Is it such a stretch to think maybe "the media" is also directly behind one or more of the blogs?

For a few months I stopped watching, reading blogs, searching the web for information, everything. But here I am sucked back in again.

It is so confusing trying to decide what to do to help the exploited children.

If we watch shows (first run or rerun), record or DVR shows, click on websites to view photos or read articles or watch videos, discuss the children on blogs, put down the parents on blogs, it seems like it will all hurt the children in the end.

No child wants to hear people talking bad about their parents, even if the child is thinking or saying the same thing. And no matter how badly a child is treated by their parents, I know at least some, maybe most, will still love and try to protect their parents. I've seen this in my own life experiences.

I commend those that are attempting to make life better for all exploited children.

TLCFree said...

It's about ALL children on reality TV shows of which TLC is a big part. Obviously TLC does not self-police.
Excellent point. A recent episode of 19 kids apparently showed the 911 cal and baby Josie (who was Premature) being rushed back to the hospital.
Have they no decency?

Irene S said...

Look take it for what it is worth in the internet world. The protest May 26th is a grassroots effort started by a real father who has blogged about children in reality shows. His name is Kelly.

Twist/spin anyway but the fact of the matter is there are people around the America who are fed up & want to have their voices seen and heard. The "TLC Shuffle" may very well want to take kredit for the Kontroversy, but in the real world of bloggin' we give credit where credit is due.Hooray for the Kelly's, the Z's, the Sherry's, the Werny's,the Admin's, the Krieder's, the Murts, the Peterson's, the GWOP's, the Just Wonderin's, the Itaboutthekid's and on and on. When you see something wrong you try to make it better. At the end of the is called making progress...not expecting perfection.

Yes, the laws need to be updated. Sure the children need protected. And, the social awareness needs to become that these 23 minute reality shows are not all packaged squeaky clean...Children & also their parents are sucked into a whirlwind that changes their lives almost overnight. And, oh, the industry wants everyone to believe that it is to make the families lives more comfortable. Well, by golly take a look at what happened to the Gosselin's in 2 1/2 years and anyone with a heart can see...they have been used, manipulated and takeover by a Corporation & the sad thing is the mother & the father are willing to do it EVEN after seeing some of the collateral damage, their own 8 kids.

Jill P said...

I have already sent a letter of support to Rep Murt. I did that a few weeks ago, immediately after the Hearing. :-).

I wish everyone the best for the demo outside TLC Headquarters. I do think it is important to focus on *all* children exploited by Reality TV, not just the Gosselins.

Anonymous said...

Best way to protest is to not tune in. Don't watch!

2Cents said...

itsaboutthekids - taking away someones ability to even have a choice is also a form of infringement. I don't watch TLC but that's my choice. I am not going to be so self-absorbed as to believe I need to save everyone from themselves - they can make their own decisions.

LifeinOH said...

Copied from 15 as I am in a huge hurry!

Hi Irene & Kelly, (I also posted this on the FB page)

I sent a letter to Paul Petersen at AMC letting him know about the protest and received this email back from him. Great job guys! (GKWay)


I can't see another cross-country trip, although I'm sure some of our "locals" will show up to support the protest.
I have to be in PA on June 3rd as it legislative hearing.
The sad truth is that TLC, as you correctly said, is without conscience.
It's the Law that is going to do them in...that and the reality of "Disaffirmance" when the twins turn 18.
I'll be writing more on this, so please, stay tuned to AMC.
Paul Petersen
Good Job GKWay!

A thought: If PP is referencing a hearing with Mr. Murt in PA on June 3, why not have the peaceful protest there in conjunction with the hearing?

What do you think?

Kristine (aka Monster Mommy) said...

If there is anything, we were on the West Coast, can do to help in the peaceful protest... Please ask!
I've already alerted Showbiz Tonight and HLN of the tentative info. Kate will also be out here in L.A. on May 24th and 25th- so, I'm all yours!

My goal is to stop the 8 Gosselin children from being exploited by TLC and their mother. Jon could not do what all of us collectively can together!

Werny Gal said...

The simple fact is channels only produce shows that they know will make money for them. Personally I think the best way to go is through the advertisers. If we let them know we won't buy anything they advertise during certain shows, they'll stop buying advertsing space during those shows, and then TLC won't be able to generate income from those shows and they'll stop producing them. This method can be combined with picketing at TLC/Discovery. Picket signs can educate people not to buy products used in product placement and offered in commercials aired during those show. Many people have seen the tabloids and heard of J&K+8 but have probably never thought about how the whole circus impacts the kids. Once they learn about it they may see it in a different light. Picketing and boycotting products and advertisers is a simple, direct and assertive (not aggressive) way to protest. If some protesters want to go further they can boycott TLC altogether until all TLC shows that include the Gosselin children are taken off the air.

We all have to find our own personal comfort level in what we think is right and what our goals are. I personally would feel comfortable boycotting all TLC shows with the Gosselin kids in them and all products advertised in commercials and product placement during any shows with the Gosselin kids in them.

IATK said...

2Cents said...
itsaboutthekids - taking away someones ability to even have a choice is also a form of infringement. I don't watch TLC but that's my choice. I am not going to be so self-absorbed as to believe I need to save everyone from themselves - they can make their own decisions.

Let me say this another way because I'm certainly not talking about taking away someone's ability to make a choice. I'm not even sure if that's possible. All I'm saying is you can talk to people who might not be aware of a situation, give them your position on the issue and what you're doing, and then let them make their own choice. No strong-arm tactics are involved, just awareness. I'm sorry if I made it sound otherwise. I think that's what everyone means when they say "spread the word".

justice 4/8 said...

Three advertisers that I know of so far.

Those new Power Wheels the kids are riding around in are made by Fisher Price. The Black Cadillac Escalade and the Pink Barbie edition. Both run 374.00 on the FP website. Mattel is the parent company. Personally I think the kids are too old for these. The max age is 6. But hey, product placement and free, Kate's favorite word and a perfect filming opportunity.

Next is These are the black and white hoodies all the kids were wearing and the black shirts all the boys were wearing in one of the photo ops. They are even bragging about the kids wearing the clothes on their FB page and their twitter account. They also have the pics of the kids on Jon's balcony wearing their shirts. I wonder how much Kate and/or Jon are making off this? Kate was also spotted the other day picking up a large box from PWL. PWL is also exploiting they children by using their images of them wearing their clothes.

She was also spotted picking up a large heave box from Skechers. It just so happens that Brook Burke from DWTS is the spokesperson for Skechers. I'm sure she hooked Kart up with a sweet deal for freebies. These are the 3 companies I've already contacted.

SG said...


I could be wrong but I think they were referring to calling a cable provider and asking them to get rid of TLC in their cable lineup... That would take the choice away from others.

Werny Gal said...

I personally would rather see TLC become more responsible than have them go away entirely. Did you know that more than once Paul Petersen/A Minor Consideration has offered free consultation services to TLC in order to help them provide the most responsible programming involving children, and TLC has never responded to the offer? Wouldn't it be great if TLC, which appears to promote itself as a family-friendly station, became the leader in responsible programming involving kids? How great that would be for their image as a family-friendly station, instead of just looking like the station that likes to make money off of families.

IATK said...

SchmeckyGirl said...

I could be wrong but I think they were referring to calling a cable provider and asking them to get rid of TLC in their cable lineup... That would take the choice away from others.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it all makes sense! Thanks, SG! I missed that part all together. I'm sorry, 2cents. I agree, you're right about the cable thing. I do try not to be self-absorbed but sometimes I just don't read very good.

Chrissy said...

Schmecky Girl -

I don't think calling your cable company and voicing your displeasure with a station it carries is taking away someone's choice. I've let my cable company know that I personally don't see the reason for having the 3 game show channels that I pay for. I'd much rather have some other kind of programming and have given them suggestions. If enough of their customers complain about the same thing, maybe they'll do something, maybe they won't. Companies will and do make decisions based on customer input. Dropping a channel because many people dislike it may not please everyone but that's just the way business works.

Irene S said...

Yes, Itsaboutthekids, I was meaning that I influenced people to ask our cable provider to not carry TLC in the programming. I have lived on the Gulfcoast for 19 years now, and we have had shows not shown in our area. NYPD Blue was one of them right off the top of my head as far as shows.

I think Werny & ya'll bring out a good point though. It is about choice. At the end of the day we all have our ideas, etc. & people do have a choice. Even Kate, she has a choice to do this to her children. Why she would want to is beyond anything I can comprehend as a mother.

Yes, Werny, TLC & the Gosselin parents have the ability to turn this all into a positive for children & their business. I don't understand why they would not want protections for children.

Robin said...

I am really torn, here. I find the Gosselins disturbing, but how the heck are they going to raise 8 kids without the show at this point? I think Kate was a nurse, but Jon has no skills that I know of. I wish there was a way the kids could choose, and the parents could be forced to use proceeds for the kids - education funds, lessons, etc. It's the fact that the kids seem to dislike the attention, and that the parents blow their money on livin' large, that makes it so uncomfortable (for me, at least).

I think that without the show these people would be living in a "van down by the river", to quote a beloved SNL skit.

Kelly said...


You are always the voice of reason. You come off as a good natured, reasonable person who doesn't strike from the hip. Your input is appreciated and your soft but outspoken demeanor is always appreciated.

kimmie said...

why can't y'all leave the whole gosselin family alone? you're way to invested in them. it is taking over your lives...what about your own families?

if you want to do something for/about the gosselin kids pray for them. don't hurt them by all this hate.

kimmie said...

irene s. i agree about choice but i know i get certain channels on my dish network that i pay for and never watch. would never watch.

i have the option of not watching them and that is my choice. but dish network has them available for those who do.

i consider that a choice. for everyone.

momsby said...

I'm really happy that the location of the protest has been changed. I think it would have been very upsetting, for the children if it was done at their home. I agree with WG, that not watching the show is also a good form of protest. I'm just curious if those of you who do not agree with the show & will not be watching it on TLC. Are planning on watching it some other way, like Yutube for example? If everybody agree's not to watch, how will discussion board's keep going? Perhap's from the tabloid articles & old show's like they have been for the last 6 months? I wonder if boycotting the tabloid pictures & articles, would also be an effective protest. As long as there is a need for Gosselin gossip they will keep producing it. It might give some of the more critical sites less to discuss, but would it not also be in the best interest of the children?
Also, for those of you who plan to boycott advertiser's & return product's from your home. This could also be a wonderful opportunity to evaluate where all the good's you consume come from. Is your coffee Fair Trade? Was a family displaced in the Rainforest so your vitamin can be produced? Who's picking your fruit & veggies? Are your shoes, clothes & toy's made in sweatshop's using child labour? Are the toy's your children play with safe? Does your wedding ring contain a blood diamond? A careful examination & some changes in what you buy, could change many children's lives. We as consumer's really do have the ability to be child advocates in many way's.

Werny Gal said...

Hi Robin, I personally think Kate should continue in entertainment because she seems to love it. Until this last book she's done well with her book sales too. I just don't think the children should be involved because I believe it's exploitation. The kids brought Kate to the public's attention. Now Kate should fly on her own and leave the kids in the nest where they can enjoy the rest of their childhoods as noramlly as possible. At least as normally as they can considering they've never been off camera, and considering that a large portion of their childhoods are already gone.

I'm happy for Kate that she has two new shows. But I do not support her having the kids on those shows. She has a choice but unfortunately the kids do not.

Werny Gal said...

Kimmie, praying is great, but social activism, which is bringing a social need to the attention of the public within the limits of the law and without aggression or violence, gets things done.

Ellena said...

I don't live where I could join in protest. I just hope it is done in a well thought out manner, and that what to say is discussed beforehand. Can you imagine how it could backfire if the one person they interview from a TV station was a radical that came off badly? It might make the whole group look bad.
Be careful, thoughtful, and I pray that the goodness you are trying to do comes to light! You are courageous!!

Irene S said...

"I think that without the show these people would be living in a "van down by the river", to quote a beloved SNL skit." Robin

I am sorry but that is just not true. There are many families that raise their kids without putting their kids lives on public display. The Dilley sextuplets come to mind.

Everyone has a different opinion. That is what is best and shining about America we all have a right to our opinions & to take a stand on issues that are important to us.

just wondering said...

Google indiscriminate friendliness.. Most of the articles are related to children in orphanages, but there have also been studies on HOMs who had many caretakers in the early months of life.

Robin said...

OK. You guys convinced me. No kids. You're right. They can be in the entertainment world without the kids. I'm sure their talent will shine through.

All I can say is, don't buy waterfront property in Wernersville.

Mimi to 3 said...

While I do agree with somehow getting this show off the air, I don't think Kelly's protest will do one thing to cause that to happen. It would need time to get organized so that the maximum number of people would be there to protest. A small number will not impress TLC in any way. It will only draw attention to her show coming on one week later. I for one, will do the only thing I can do which is not watch. I hadn't liked the show in a long while and wasn't watching and I sure won't watch anything now. Kate is so entitled and arrogant and does not deserve the good things she has because she doesn't appreciate them. She considers them her right.

I am really glad you are not allowing the reverse haters at other sites to chase you away, WernyGal. You and we have just as much right to have our opinion as they do. I appreciate coming here to read from someone who lives in the vicinity and can give some inside information. You're doing a great job. Thank you for that.

Concerned in PA said...

Hello locals... I've been spreading the word about the protest on Wednesday, May 26th at the Discovery/TLC HQ's as well.

Please note- Gosselin boycott in PA is on Saturday, May 29th... (Not the 28th as reported earlier). Go to the Facebook Page for more info.

speaking for the kids said...

In response to how are the Gosselin's going to raise all those children without a television program?
Why is it our worry? No one helped my parents raise their ten children.
By that I mean when did society decide that others must help with raising the families who decide to increase their members and expect help from everyone. I am all for helping the poor and needy but the Gosselins do not fit either of those descriptions.
Both parents need to earn their own
income with decent jobs that do not require the children giving up their own childhood to support themselves and the parents.
I cannot understand how anyone thinks it is the public's responsibility to help support the greedy Gosselin's. I have a full time job supporting my own family and just get by. I also am contented with what I have and most of all that I do not live above my means.

IATK said...

Concerned in PA said...

Please note- Gosselin boycott in PA is on Saturday, May 29th... (Not the 28th as reported earlier). Go to the Facebook Page for more info.


Werny Gal, do you understand this post? What is this about? I understood that there was NOT going to be a boycott of the Gosselins in PA and rightfully so. The kids don't need this.

Concerned in PA, can you provide more explanation or show where you got your information?

Irene S said...

I did not know there was a Gosselin boycott in Pa?


IDModo said...

I went right to the Facebook page and didn't see anything about a PA boycott there. What's going on here?I hope this is not going to happen as it would be really counterproductive to what we are trying to do.Please clarify, Concerned! I find this kinda suspicious, but then I'm naturally paranoid where the Gosselin Fame Machine is concerned.

TheresaB said...

Boycott and Protest are not the same thing. Boycott is ONGOING, the protest is next week.

Boycott =

IDModo said...

You're right,TheresaB.Should have said protest. Still want to know what is meant by the PA protest though.It's several hours after my last post here and there's still nothing on the Facebook page about a protest in PA.Wassup??

Irene S said...

I have heard nothing of a protest in Pennsylvania. Just one in front of Discovery by Kelly on May 26 @ 12pm.

I think everyone decided in front of the home was too much for the kids. I do not/will not support a protest in front of the kids studio(home)

GoPoshGo said...

Kelly said...
"SchmeckyGirl...You are always the voice of reason. You come off as a good natured, reasonable person who doesn't strike from the hip."

I have to echo Kelly's sentiments, SG. I've read many of your posts on numerous Gosselin blogs and they are always reasonable and open-minded. I especially love reading your posts on Baby Mama's blog, as you are so often put in the position of the lone devil's advocate. Your posts are always well-argued and level-headed, and I enjoy the fact that even BM can't deny that you make many valid points.

As one who can't resist the snark in most of my posts, I truly admire your self-restraint and "high-road-taker-ness" (to paraphrase the Queen. See there I go again...). :)

SG said...

LOL! Thank you GoPoshGo.

It's difficult sometimes. I try to be fair. Some people call me "passive aggressive" but I think I am being outspoken with my opinion while trying not to be rude. It's a fine balance and not easy.

It helps that you can't hear my NY accent. lol.

My husband calls me a pit bull in the body of a chihuahua. ;)

OrderlyL said...

IMO this could backfire. Reporters are often sympathetic to Kate. Secondly, any action that seems to support Kate's position that her Gosselin kids are "special" is a bad idea. In her twisted mind, if the kids are special, then they are a good and worthy why would you want to stop the filming -- it's for a good cause, silly!

Sorry, but that's her rationality, or rather lack thereof.