Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dear Anonymous

Dear anonymous, although I am not obligated to answer your "questions" I will provide some clarification. This may also provide background for newcomers who have noticed the baffling phenomenon of some commenters repeatedly coming here despite their obvious dislike of my blog. I am making this an entry of it's own so when this discussion has run its course we can move on with our own respective blogs, interests, views and lives.

I started this blog because I happened to post about living in the same town as the Gosselins on my other blog, and discovered people were interested in hearing more about it. I decided to call myself Werny Gal not to hide behind the name but because it was a good summation of what I was doing here. I signed my real name in comments and friends called me by my real name in comments. Eventually I learned there are fervant Kate fans who harass anyone they perceive as hating Kate. By the time I discovered this and removed old comments with my name in them, I had already been the target of harassment for some time without even knowing it. I usually stick to my own blog and mind my own business, but I am aware that there is ongoing discussion on a few Kate fanatiK blogs on topics such as how much I hate Kate, how I am abusing her children, and how I must be exposed because I am a hypocrite and therefore unqualified to work as a professional counselor. These discussions are infused with exagerations and outright lies about me, as they often are about other bloggers the Kate fanatiKs dislike or disaprove of and have similarly targetted. Along with the other bloggers whom the Kate fanatiKs dislike, I have been given an acronym, I have received threats such as "this time you've gone too far," I have been sent multiple nasty comments by the same few people using different names in attempts to make the fanatiKs look like a large contingency, personal information about me has been posted online, and I am the target of a flog. This negative energy is being expended by people who are anonymous and who would have much bigger and important battles to fight elsewhere if they didn't spend hours looking online for other bloggers to pick on, and by association they unfortunately reinforce the more negative aspects of Kate's reputation.

Since I started this blog I've become much more educated about the exploitation of children in the media. I've worked with many adults who were abused or exploited as children and also been involved in child advocacy for many years, but I never realized how the exploitation of children in entertainment was connected to child abuse. As a result in the past year I've gradually changed the focus of this blog. It started out as a silly lark but over time I've realized there are many caring people who are interested in learning about how the field of entertainment exploits children, and maybe even doing something about it. This entire experience has deepened my understanding of various levels of child abuse and my resolve to be part of the solution, as well as my appreciation for the many caring adults who want to help children.

In the beginning of my blogging here I made two short videos of interviews of fans standing in front of the Gosselin house, from my car window. (I've actually always found the phenomenon of the fans and paparazzi much more interesting than the Gosselins. I just never got what the big deal was.) I wanted to know what motivated some of them to drive hundreds of miles to stand there, and my readers enjoyed the videos. Less than a handful of other times I've taken a total of less than a dozen pictures out of my car window, usually of the papparazzi and most not published. One time when there was no danger to traffic I parked on the side of the road and spoke to a photographer at the fence for approximately two minutes and took four or five pictures of the same thing he was taking pictures of while Jon and the kids were posing. I do not regularly pass the Gosselin house and when I do pass it it's because my travels take me past it. I have never hung out at the Gosselin house. I have never hidden anything I've done and my family and friends know about this blog. I do regret taking pictures of the kids and after I did it I decided not do it again because it was unnecessary and yes, hypocritical. Despite that decision, what I did that one time may be distasteful to you or against your personal ethics, but it was not illegal. I respect the law, have testified for various judiciary committees on behalf of laws regarding children, am a loving mother and wife, and am a good citizen of my community.

I've always heard things about the Gosselins, most of which I've never told here because I felt it was too frivilous and sometimes too damaging or painful. I knew about several instances of Jon's bad behavior and heard the rumors about Kate and Steve way before they were in the media, and in one instance I tried through mutual connections to contact Jon to let him know that information about one of his indiscretions was going to come out in the media the next day so that he would have an opportunity to stop it, out of concern for what all the media craziness might be doing to the children. I never discussed any of these events until they were out in the mainstream media, and when I have discussed them it has always been out of concern for the children. When you read my snarkier entries, don't mistake my sense of humor for not caring. I have always fact-checked, the same way I do any time I hear a rumor about anyone, because I know how harmful gossip can be. If I've written anything here as being factual it is because I honestly believed it was, if not I've clearly stated so, and if it's my opnion I've stated that. When J&K+9 moved here there was lots of talk about them. Now there isn't so much talk anymore, and most folks wish they would just move away. However, people do still tell me things because of this blog. Most of it I don't bother to print here.

I have never sold advertising on my blog or in any other way made any money from anything related to the Gosselins. Al Walentis offered that I could read the first draft of his upcoming book and after reading it I offered him feedback on it as well as suggestions on some corrections I thought it needed which he could take or leave, but I am not in any way vested in Al's book. I excerpted three relatively benign passages on this blog because I thought they would be interesting to my readers, not to plug or promote the book. I plan to review it when it is released, and like most books I'll probably like some things about it and not like some others. I have a couple of friends whose books have been on the New York Times bestseller list and my friends can always count on me to be kind but honest.

I don't hate Kate or any of the Gosselins and I believe they both love their kids. I don't agree with some of Jon and Kate's parenting decisions, and I believe this entire experience has been damaging to them and the children, as well as other family members. IMO they made a mistake allowing TLC into their lives after the first special, and because they are still caught up in it they probably won't realize the repucussions of that professional alliance on their family for several years. We probably all agree that even without having become public figures their job as parents would've been very challenging, given their young ages at the time and the number of children they had. I don't know how anyone, especially the children, could go through what they have been through in the past year and a half and not be affected in long-term negative ways. It would have been traumatic even for adults with more maturity and more sophisticated coping skills than they have. It is surely overwhelming for the little ones.

My opinions and beliefs are my opinions and beliefs and in the long run they don't mean a hill of beans. That's why I'm Werny Gal instead of Anderson Cooper (hubba hubba.) I hope you enjoy this blog and find it educational and interesting. There's a word for people who continually subject themselves to suffering and that word is masochist. There are sites that do nothing but praise Kate, there are sites that IMO are unnecessarily nasty toward the Gosselins, and there are sites like mine that fit somewhere in the middle. In a country that allows freedom of expression and prohibits cyber harassment and cyberstalking, I suggest you find and stay at sites that most fit your needs and that you most enjoy.

Wishing you peace,
Werny Gal


Hippie Chick said...

Nice post. I really wish you would post things you shouldn't though. :)

Chrissy said...

Great post WG but I fear it will fall on deaf ears. Anonymous claims that you taking pictures/looking at the kids is indefensible, yet she goes back to her fan blog and defends all the others taking pictures and intruding on these childrens' lives. They blog on and on about the horror of people speaking poorly about Kate yet demonize Jon and Jodi in even worse terms.

What about all the other states that have passed laws covering children in reality tv? New Mexico enacted just such laws after Kid Nation - were the NM legislators jealous haters too? Or were they just intelligent adults who looked at the situation and realized that something was just not right about letting parents sell their kids as cheap entertainment? Thank goodness for people who have always raised a stink when they see injustice. If not for them children would still be working in sweatshops.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know Sage way express has youre blog listed as a hate blog. Go read

Anonymous said...

pm says:

This blog proves that people do care about the children, and try to stand up for their rights even though their own mother values money and fame above all else.

Child stars had NO ONE in their corner before blogs. Now this type of abused gets exposed. No more in the dark exploitation.

REMEMBER the children have been paid not one dollar to date.


TVSnark said...


I've been meaning to make a blog post on fanatics. I don't understand their need to defend Kate. I like many celebrities that are extremely UNPOPULAR and I've never gone to sites to defend them or trashed their "haters." I don't "get it."

DH said...

Nicely said, WG. I have to agree with Chrissy, in that it will more than likely fall upon deaf ears, in spite of your "answering" their oh-so-insistent questioning.

I also appreciate the explanation and background info. I personally don't find myself overly involved in the "child advocacy" aspect of this saga, but rather am more interested in the sociology of how it is all playing out.

Most of the fanatic blogs chant incessantly about how the G's are targeted but not the Duggars or the Roloffs. I think that is because of the greater popularity of JK8 to begin with, and then the follow up of their way too public disintegration. It is sad.

I'll be one of those "pre-orders" for Al's book. Best of luck to him. I'm glad you BOTH have thick skin, I'm thinking you'll need it!

And I for one, enjoy the snark as well, you have a great sense of humor. And a caring heart. =)

NancyB said...

Excellent comments Chrissy and I agree :)

WG - I have been reading here since last summer and regularly lurked until this year. I have always greatly appreciated your fine sense of humor and the tone and voice in your postings is so "you". That is what makes this blog very unique and special.

Several months ago when I started to see other bloggers innocently mentioning or promoting your site by name or with a link I have to admit that I winced. I could see the handwriting on the wall.

I dreaded to once again be witness to totally innocent, upright, responsible, creative individuals be the target of cyber harassment, defamation of their character and cyberstalking. What these "anonymous" fans are engaging in is equivalent with a witch hunt. And I do mean to reference Salem. These are my beliefs.

WG - You express your thoughts eloquently and this post says it all!!!

Lisa said...

You have done a good job of spinning. Why do you have the links to Gosselin hate sites on your sidebar? You feel like your blog is kind? Where are your ethics and morals? Do you know that some of your regular posters are some of the biggest Haters out there on the Internet? Does that bother you? That Irene made a post about the children and a sexual act and vaseline. Are these the people that you want to associate with? Is there value in your blog, if so what is it?

These questions are asked, because we feel as a Mental Health Professional, you should know that what your are doing is wrong. Are you saying that your freedom of expression supersedes the welfare of a family that you do not even know? Where is your line?

Werny Gal said...

Like you, DH, I find the sociology fascinating. That's why I've taken more pictures of the paps than of the Gosselins.

Yes, it will fall on deaf ears because the questions were not really questions, but this will at least bring everyone up to speed and explain some of the strange goings-on to newcomers who pop in. I've already gotten a few new comments from Anon which ask the same questions I just answered in this post, and I'm not going to even bother publishing them. Que sera, sera.

Lucy said...

I enjoy your blog. Period! Keep up the good work and ignore those "anonymous" bloggers. Those people are never going to understand that child abuse is having your children work from birth for fame and profit.

SwingsandRoundabouts said...

Well said, WG. This is a moderate blog, informative and interesting. Please keep up the good work and try to disregard the Kate fanatics.
Fanatics of any stripe are suspect IMO

"The" Anonymous said...

Fair enough, Werny Gal. I do appreciate the thoughtful response. I'm also glad to hear that you regret taking the kids' pics, as that is the part of this that genuinely bothered me. I'd urge you to think about this statement that you made though:

"These discussions are infused with exagerations and outright lies about me, as they often are about other bloggers the Kate fanatiKs dislike or disaprove of and have similarly targetted."

It seems to me that you have also just described Kate Gosselin's world and you've done your small part to contribute to that. Thanks to you, the Ghettoville comment has been spread far and wide. She may very well have said it, I have no idea. However, your source heard it from someone who heard it from someone else, if I'm recalling the story correctly. That is gossip, not fact. Maybe you genuinely believe that you've "fact-checked" the stuff that you post but it all still seems like gossip to me. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

Werny Gal said...

Lisa, you make a good point - I meant to remove some of the sites from my recommended list and I'll do that now. Other than that point I've already answered your questions so here's one for you. Why are you so obsessed with a family you do not even know, and how do you believe your comment is productive or reflects positively on you or your hero Kate?

SG said...

Is it fair to assume that all bloggers know all the comments that other bloggers make on other blogs???

If someone makes an offensive comment on another blog but doesn't make that comment here, how would the blog author even know that? All she can do is control what is written HERE.

GeorgiaMom said...

Thanks, WG. Any reasonable person gets it when it comes to the Gosselins. Obviously, Anonymous from LA would sell his/her child to the highest bidder.

Werny Gal said...

I have just reviewed my sites list and I stand by them. Remember it's important to not assume bloggers agree with everything their commenters say. I tend to be middle of the road in my publishing of comments but other bloggers may publish everything. This doesn't mean the blogger agrees with every comment, and I may not agree with everything in my listed sites, but I believe they have good intentions. They are certainly better than the sites labeling anyone who disagrees with them hate sites with comment after comment where the writers are gleefully plotting on how to personally target and shame their disagreers. I would never publish comments like that here and to my knowledge neither would any of the sites I have listed.

SG said...

I made this comment elsewhere and decided to just straight out copy and paste it here. I normally don't like to post everything I say all over the place but it was regarding this subject.:

I find it amazing that the same people that are against people stating their opinions about Kate are the same people that are looking to see some bloggers lives ruined for stating their opinions. They think their personal lives and business lives should be made known to everyone and essentially ruined because they are giving their personal opinions about Kate.

Kate put her name and personal life out there for everyone to see. That is how she makes money. Everyone knows her children's names, where they live, where they go to school, etc. KATE and JON put all that out there.

It's not the same as people online trying to find out a blogger's name and address and personal info as well as their business and try to ruin them based on opinions that have nothing to do with their livelihood.

It's different if the person is a journalist and making money writing stories and lying about Kate. If that's his livelihood and his name is on the newspaper or online website (like Perez Hilton for example) then that's different.

Just because someone is able to do research online and put two and two together and find out the identity of a blogger that purposely keeps their identity private for whatever reason, doesn't mean it should be made public so that they can be harrassed.

It's one thing to report the blogger to Blogger. If they are doing something illegal then Blogger would shut them down.

I just find it amazing that the people that are down on others for doing it to Kate are the same people that are okay with people doing it to a private blogger. Talk about hypocrisy.

SG said...

I think anyone that doesn't agree with what Kate does or that doesn't agree that Kate has the right to do whatever she wants with her own children are labeled haters.

Anyone that speaks out against Kate is called a hater.

Those same people that speak out about Jon or Kevin and Jodi always say The difference is I don't hate Jon, or hate Kevin or Jodi. They will say Show me where I've said I hate Jon?

Why is that argument good for them but not for the rest of us that aren't Kate fans?

The Kate non-fans don't say I hate Kate. Some real "haters" may but I know for a fact I've never said it and have been labeled a hater anyway by many.

I've seen horrible comments about Jon and about Kevin and Jodi by the same people that complain when similar comments are made about Kate.

They always comment on how Jon's or Kevin and Jodi's actions affect the children but that's okay. If we comment onj Kate filming her children and how it affects them they say we are out of line. There is no difference. I don't understand how they can't see that. It's simply because THEY don't agree with it that makes the difference in their eyes.

Werny Gal said...

No "The," you are not remembering correctly. I clarified the source of the Ghettoville statement at the time. It's there in the comments if you want to go back and review. Also please remember the Ghettoville post was an excerpt from Al's book which he researched as a journalist, and which you are welcome to either purchase or pass on.

"The" Anonymous from LA said...

GeorgiaMom said...

Thanks, WG. Any reasonable person gets it when it comes to the Gosselins. Obviously, Anonymous from LA would sell his/her child to the highest bidder.


Any reasonable person would recognize that your comment is a) unfounded and b) disgusting.

IDModo said...

Lisa, you haven't yet answered my question on the other thread: How is what YOU are doing helping the Gosselin children?
People like you apparently have no idea about Mental Health Professionals, and the reasons why they entered this demanding field. I am speaking for myself now and not for Wernygal.How dare you question the ethics of people who have dedicated their lives to improving the lives of children and families? We have seen pain and suffering and cruelty that you cannot even imagine.We have tried to make it better.When we see abuse, it is imperative that we disclose it so that it can stop.
If posting on this blog can alert even one person to the horrors of child abuse and exploitation, I will continue to speak out.You may have freedom of speech, but you have no right to attempt to diminish my profession and the work I have done for 33 years.
I believe that you are speaking from ignorance.
Please answer my question:how is what YOU are doing helping the Gosselin children?

"The" Anonymous said...

From your post:

Ghettoville is the name Kate calls this little Pennsylvania town that originally welcomed her with open arms. As a neighbor told my friend, “They always say they live in Wernersville, but they never even drive through town. Kate never comes near us. She always goes the other way, down State Hill Road. That’s more high society, I guess. She calls Wernersville ‘Ghettoville.’ She thinks she’s better than the rest of us.”

Let's analyze this statement rationally. A neighbor who says that Kate won't come near him/her claims that Kate called the town Ghettoville. Since Kate won't come near the neighbor, the neighbor could not have heard the comment first-hand. So, we have at a minimum second-hand information passed along to your friend. That is what most people call gossip.

Irene S said...

"That Irene made a post about the children and a sexual act and vaseline." Lisa

I am that Irene. I made a comment on Z ON TV "The Gosselin children are getting ******* and not given vaseline" or very close to it (I am sure you have it copied and pasted) It is in the archives of the Baltimore Sun z on tv. While it is in poor taste for 2 reasons: #1 It is a slam on the kids and that isn't fair & #2 I am seen by the flogger nation as some sort of threat to the livelihood of TLC's programming. (which I find kinda stupid)

I think though that horse has been beaten to death. And, most rational people who blog & who read the entire post on sites & not that one line realize I was just a little bit angry that these children are returning to filming Kate plus 8 . I should have said, "The children are getting a bumb deal." Regardless, I do apologize & I do realize that cyberbullies will make that case against me all over the internet. And, that is fine.

This is like playing the game ring around the rosie.

And, yes, Nancy B, I have learned through all this that the darkness is not going to stop me. I will continue to speak out & the flogs will continue to do what they are doing. If you read comments on the articles all over the internet the floggers can be seen from a mile away & at the end of the day it is exactly the bullying they are doing that is taking a toll on the Gosselin brand.

But, Lisa thanks for bringing that over here and getting it out in the open. Because I am not commenting any further on it again. I am moving on. And, I hope sooner than later Kate plus 8 ceases production and the children get what is left of their childhood's film free.

Werny Gal said...

No offense "The" but that sounds to me like an excuse not to believe it. We can analyze this scenario any way we want to. For example, I could conject that Kate called Wernersville "Ghettoville" during a conversation in which after saying it she then told the neighbor to get off her lawn with his cupcakes or she would call the police. I mean, we really don't know the details or in what order they happened, right? Bottom line, my source, who is credible, heard it from the person it was said to, and like 99% of what we hear in this world you can believe it or not.

Zee said...

WG, great! Your job here is done. Now what other family, either real or reality, will you be defending? Surely there are others in need of your help.

TVSnark said...

Standing 'O' for SG!

Anonymous said...

So, you admit that selling children is disgusting. Why is it okay when Kate does it? Why isn't it okay for people to criticize?

Judy Smiith said...

Fantastic post. I just don't get the middle school mentality of grown women who build a shrine to someone they see on TV. What do they hope will ever come of that?

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate you admitting taking pictures of the children was wrong hypocritical, I honestly do. I just think between that, this blog, trying to contact Jon before what he did got to the press, being involved with AW, the drama, etc., doesn't help your case. It just does seem, as a casual observer who hits gossipy blogs on a somewhat regular basis, that you are a tad bit more involved than you are willing to admit. What you gain from this (personally or otherwise) remains to be seen.

Threats of any kind are absolutely ridiculous. It constantly amazes me how caught up people (not you) get in the interwebz. Hiding behind a computer screen sure makes people have a magnified opinion. And with that, I'll sign off....anonymous. ;)

Irene S said...

You know it just seems sad for the kids. Every part of their life is a production. And, Khate & Jon just allow it.

It is already starting with the birthday. Can't they just have one occasion where Khate doesn't feed the media & let's it be about the kids? I know I am asking alot.

Have a great day neighbors.

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to make a blog post on fanatics. I don't understand their need to defend Kate. I like many celebrities that are extremely UNPOPULAR and I've never gone to sites to defend them or trashed their "haters." I don't "get it."


Fans, haters, bloggers, it's all the same thing. Certainly you can see how GWOP can be considered as going to great lengths, as well as other blogs. Somewhere in the middle is the truth, and sanity.

Anonymous said...

Round and round we go....if anything the Gosselin's have given obviously a lot of people (not exclusing myself) hours of entertainment even when they aren't on TV.

It's a circle that never ends. I keep thinking I'll read a rational side sooner or later, but sadly, I see that probably won't become a reality.

I just find it weird that people are criticizing you for having a blog and tending to it on a regular basis, yet the "haters" take equal amounts of time to counter balance the "sheeple".

Please pass they Tylenol.

Ellena said...

Werney Gal - I really feel that you have been more than fair with "Anonymous".
They really didn't deserve your response. I thought you were going to not post all of the negative, snarky posts. I hope that you are satisfied, Anonymous. Please find a website you agree with, or every post will be wasted on YOUR opinion.
Anonymous, Maybe you should start your own blog, and not monopolize this one, and tyring to take people's minds off the real issues at hand. Then, get creative enough to at least come up with a name!

Werney Gal,
Keep up the good work!!! You are a very fair and responsible person.

Jill P said...

Werny Gal, you have my support. I share your concerns about all children. The Gosselins represent a new phenomenum -- children working in *reality* TV whose rights have been violated. I have emailed Rep Murt with my thanks for his work so far.

An MSW, of the macro (bureacratic) variety I've followed the Gosselin family (and am somewhat embarrassed to admit it publically) for over two years from afar. Why? Because after watching only a couple of episodes, I felt that the children were working, were being exploited, and that TLC was taking advantage of two naive, desperate parents unaware of Child Labor Laws. Then the way those parents were behaving bothered me, big time. I saw possible emotional/verbal abuse of each other, and blatant exploitation of the marketability of their children that scared me.

The way they have subsequently behaved is a case study in itself. Jon has disappointed me, badly. I thought he was the best hope the kids had.

I've also had a real education as to the irrationality of some internet blog addicts. Wow! Please don't let the nasty ones get to you. You are a courageous and ethical person.

I very rarely post anywhere on any blog, but I have posted here before once or twice. I can't even remember the moniker I used back then!

Just call me Jill P. :-)

PS. I would also be very interested in Goria Allred's testimony.

MaryP said...

WOW! TLC must be in a real panic! DWTS was a major PR nightmare,the book is a loser and the new show is about to premier. So they send out their troops to try and bully anyone that speaks intelligently to the real issue, the welfare of the children!
IMO Lisa,"The" and commenters like them are trying to divert the attention away from the fact that the children are being filmed again and as a result will continue to have their privacy sacrificed for entertainment of strangers and TLC profit.
WG, I thank you for a respectful site to express our genuine concern for these children.
"The" please have the courage of your convictions and name yourself.

GeorgiaMom said...

To "The"...

So if selling your child to the highest bidder is "disgusting", then it must hold true that you find Jon and Kate Gosselin disgusting, if I follow your logic, as they have sold their children to TLC. Yes, my comment was unfounded, only because I don't know you and it was a low blow, but your response was normal---disgust at the suggestion. Get it now?---it's exactly what Jon and Kate Gosselin have done. So, I take it back. You can be a reasonable person.

Speaking for the Kids said...


Thank you again for trying to help and protect not only the Gosselin children but others who parents want the children to earn the wages for them and not the parents supporting their family. This is insane madness that is pushed down our throats and at the expense of the children who should be living a normal life without cameras following them all the time. How anyone can justify making children work is beyond me. And yes, it is work, not the norm. Jon and Kate could be providing for the children by forgoing the expensive lifestyle they have chosen and doing what millions of others have done and still do by getting regular jobs and working hard.
the cuteness is wearing off of these children and Kate must be pretty stressed out knowing that gravy train will run out and she is desperate to not give up the lifestyle they have provided for her. I hope Al's book makes a lot of people more aware of this madness and helps to get the kids off TV. I will buy it as soon as I can and make sure others read it also.

Again thanks and don't give up the fight!

Casey said...

You go, WG. I enjoy your blog.

Mocha said...

Oh, WG, at first, when I read this, I thought it was your goodbye post!
I have so many comments to make, but first, I need to check your home page to see what sites you link to. I'll give you my opinion when I get back. BRB!

Lisa said...

I thank you for your response and I hope that you will post my response back.

To the contrary, I am not obsessed with a family that I do not know, but I am interested to hear why you would be obsessed with a family that you do not know, that you would dedicate a blog to them.

You asked how I feel that my comment is productive. Well, I think that the answer is obvious. Anything that anyone can do to try and combat Hate is a good thing in my mind. I not once mentioned idolizing Kate; however, I have focused on the intention of your blog and how I feel that it will adversely affect the Gosslin children. It seems as if you do not wish to take any accountability on how this blog may impact the Children today and in the future, as you do not answer many of the questions that I have asked you, like is this blog kind?

SG how would someone's personal life be ruined because they are giving their personal opinion? IMO the only way someone's life/livelihood would be ruined is if they were doing something wrong, am I right? It is not hypocrisy to think that the opinions/actions of a Mental Health Professional/Life Coach would be held to a higher standard, otherwise why even state it someone’s profession on their blog, if it is not to try and bring credibility to the Blog and Blog Owner's opinion.

WG if you knowingly leave hate sites on your side bar then you are giving them your seal of approval. Also, if you stand by your blog then what would you be ashamed of?

IDModo says that if posting on this blog can alert one person, then I feel the same. If posting on this blog can alert one person to this blogs contribution to the Hate Kate phenomenon than it is worth it, in my eyes. I am doing this to help the Gosselin children. A lot more than you are doing.

Irene your comment was more than poor taste. It was disgusting and you she be ashamed for making it.

Thank you for your time.

DH said...

Lisa, just out of curiosity: who exactly comprises the "we" to which you refer in your comment?
"These questions are asked, because we feel as a Mental Health Professional, you should know that what your are doing is wrong."
Where and why is your opinion of WG's blog and topics, relevant???

Lisa and her colloquial "we" that are of the opinion that WG is "wrong" to write this blog, has zero impact. It is meaningless. Lisa' entitled to approve or disapprove of WG's actions. And WG is entitled to approve or disapprove of the Gosselins actions.

I think the LINE Lisa mentions would start and end, in all instances, with the truth. Lisa can spout her opinion of Small Town Gosselins from the rooftops till she loses her voice. As long as she's not LYING about WG, that's her right. WG can write this blog till her fingers fall off. As long as she's not printing LIES about the Gosselins, that is HER right.

Laurie said...

I just recently found this blog and I'm glad that I did. This was a very well thought out post and explained a lot to us newcomers. I for one will pre-order the book as soon as it it up for pre-order. Keep up the good work.

CanadianGal said...

Well written WG. I applaud your professionalism, and most of all your profession. Too many times, when child abuse is 'prettied up' or not mainstream, we are willing to give 'free passes' to people/parents/caregivers, etc, of these children because of money, fame, who they know or who/what they are. From personal experience I know this to be true. Just because the abuse may not be physical, does not mean it is not abuse. Children are screaming silently EVERYDAY, and seeing first hand that because "daddy is a good man, or mommy is a good person", no one will believe it is happening!
I'm sick of hearing anyone defend a parent/adult (and that applies to ANY parent or adult, not simply the Gosselins) who make money off, or get personal gratification off, the backs of children, simply by thinking they have the RIGHT to, just because they are the parent!!!
This has to STOP!!! I cannot stress enough how demoralizing and damaging it is to small, innocent children!
It is not my business to judge how people/celebraties, etc, make their living. That is THEIR business. I do take offense when there are children involved in that money making process.
I'm sorry for the rant; and perhaps it does not belong on this post/thread.

Mocha said...

Nancy B, I too winced when I realized this blog would be invaded by the posters from other sites. I can't stand the blog wars and the telling on each other like little kids. I knew WG was having troll problems but what she writes about makes me so angry. Who is exposing people's identities? Shsame on you. It's wrong on so many levels and all posters on all sides should condemn it.
WG, I checked your links. Here's my opinion (not that you asked, lol)-
15 minutes, that's a draw for me
AMC: Basis for Concern, good
A Minor Consideration, good
Truth Breeds Hatred, good
Gosselins without Pity, hater site

I base it on the quality and qauntity of nasty comments about any of the Gosselins, usually Kate. One thing I look for is, do the posters start nasty rumors or imagine situations that never happened, then blast Kate or Jon for it? For example, did they complain about her taking the kids out of school or using the kids on DWTS? Did they complain that she is away on a book tour? Do they imagine she is having a lesbian affair or stole fertility drugs? The 15 minute one sometimes degrades into a "hate party" but sometimes there is a great discussion and interesting points and perspectives. GWOP? That's just beyond belief at this point. I'm not sure how this passed the smell test?

One of the worst comments I have ever seen was the one made about child rape. The woman who joked about it apologized here. Why is there snark in the apology? She is 100% wrong, never should have commented like that, it was awful to read. I condemned the comment when I read it. I condemned it here, and Wg agreed. I am not a cyberbully. I don't think that condemning it all over the internet makes anoyone a cyberbully. Everyone should agree that the people who condemn mocking child rape in any context are right, and the people who have fun about it are wrong. It shouldn't depend on what you think of Jon or Kate. The comment should have been deleted or at least condemned on the very board where it was written. Was it? No. No excuses. None. I know people don't like to be called "haters" or "sheeple" but in my opinion some people ask for it and seem to love it. I wish they wouldn't post here. They end up painting everyone else as silly or hateful.

Paprika said...

Geez, now they have changed their tactics. They want everything to be literal and correct. Unless they did not hear the Queen queef it herself, it aint so.
You want to know what I think is sick? That Queen freebie Irene knows all about the spicy flog. You know she does. And you know she knows what they talk about and how they operate. If she were a true Christian, she would want them to stop it.
I like this blog and I am sorry that it has been infested.

Mocha said...

I want to add that you have always been so patient with my questions, WG. I think that you have been very nice to the Kate fans who post here, and that there have been a few who were very respectful. I think you work hard to maintain that atmosphere. I am so disgusted to think you have been harrassed. I have read about this family for awhile now, just out of curiosity, trying to understand if the children really are harmed or is this a tempest in a teapot. This was the one sane blog.
Since I am typing more than I ever thought I would say, I might as well go all the way. I'll get labeled a sheeple or a hater or something for this but there are certain posters here who came over and spray painted a big old bullseye on WG's back in my opinion. You know who you are. You have been going from blog to board to blog, cooking up conspiracy theories, calling fans pedophiles, being trolls, playing the great victim, making cruel or ridiculous posts, inventing nasty words, stirring up the hate against the people who'd like to discuss this show like adults, who actually think these kids may need some serious laws protecting them. I can't stand being in league with immature people who value their own blogging popularity, alliances, or snark all at the expense of a serious issue. Yes I hold both sides of the aisle responsible. If you have a blue screen name and you jump from blog to board to blog poking at people cutting and pasting and dragging dirt after you, I won't miss you if you decide to stop posting here in Wernersville. It's time someone who wants those kids off TV call out the shameful behavior and posts from our own side. Does anyone reading this understand me?

Baby Mamas blog said...

requests..Mainly because the people here prefer to remain private. But any page dedicated to Kate's success on Facebook is always a good one.

OMG I was getting all excited to see that you were discussing my Pandora obsession and I realized you were talking about a different Pandora! I'm starting my third bracelet and now my daughter wants one. Those charms are so expensive some of them ;)

Now, about this Weenie Girl (sp and I'm KEEPING IT!) I had no idea anybody knew about her and this stalking hate crap she spews. I find it funny that those people find a fan site odd, but isn't more crazy to be stalking someones house taking photos & video? This is where I truly see a crazy person in the making and not someone that puts up a fan site to meet people for her own enjoyment. THAT is the reason Kate has a bodyguard..Weenie Girl is holding fort in the other tree...

In other more important and less psycho-related news.. Kate was picking up wrapping paper yesterday for the Tups birthday on Monday! lol and while that is note worthy for fans of Kate, I was wondering what she will do for Tups, if she does a party this weekend. I'm sure everyone is watching for any tents being pitched behind the house via choppers...

May 6, 2010 2:12 PM
SchmeckyGirl said...
Baby Mama,

Maybe Wernie Girl will blog the Bday party! lol.

I just heard of her recently... maybe even this month? The earliest was last month. I'm not sure how I feel about her blog. I didn't read the past blogs, just the most recent few.

If I lived next door to Kate wouldn't some of you want to know any details from me as to what I see on a regular basis? Ask me if it's true they only play in the driveway?

If someone here lived near her and passed by her house driving into town or whatever, wouldn't you share what you saw? Like the paps hanging in the trees, or Kate chasing her kids around playing with them, etc?

Like I said, I'm not sure how I feel about a neighbor giving their input. Kate put herself and her children out there for the world's entertainment pleasure... How can she or anyone else complain that they've become a human interest story in more ways than you can count?

May 6, 2010 2:24 PM

Werny Gal said...

Lisa, I consider you one of the biggest hypocrites on here, and how ironic that you are also think you are one of the most entitled to answers. This is a blog and I don't owe you anything, nor do I think it's humanly possible to answer your demands veiled as questions to your liking because you have already made up your mind. This line of yours says it all:
"Irene your comment was more than poor taste. It was disgusting and you she be ashamed for making it."
I have published your abusive comment above and excerpted it here to make a point but the next time you tell anyone on my blog that they should be ashamed your commment will be deleted. Meanwhile why don't you go places that make you feel good instead of places that upset you and cause you to be so rude and abusive?

Mocha, I haven't had time to did deeply into it but I respect your opinion and I will unlink to GWOP. Thank you for your input.

Werny Gal said...

GWOP has been deleted from my recommended sites. Thank you everyone for your input on it.

Irene S said...

So that everyone knows for the record....cuz floggers know the way I roll.....

On April 6th we were talking on Baltimore Sun's blog Z ON TV about DWTS & watching Buzz Aldrin get the boot.

This is what I commented on:

Okay Z....see why I could not watch tonight?

The accomplished astronaut American Hero gets the shaft so that the lyin' griftin' sack of.... (can't be said here) gets to keep leaving her children with nannies & ABC can milk her some more.

That is exactly why I cannot bear to watch. This is a completely fabricated season. ABC is low....Kate is lower for not bowing out gracefully to take care of her children.

Gosselin children you are ******* and they did not even bother to leave vaseline.

Granny zlogger is not going to like this one bit.

Goodnight zloggers!

Sherry I am so sorry you had to do it alone tonight. are a better person then I am.

Posted by: Irene | April 6, 2010 9:00 PM

Now bloggers that come to visit the Small town Gosselin site. This is the subject at hand. There are floggers that are against the maybe 1500 comments I have made on the internet because they are gonna make sure I am put in my place. They have been cyberbullying me since approximately 11-2009 to present. This is the best mud they could come up with.

I am not trying to start a blog war. I am giving perspective. These same floggers do not do their homework. Go to the Jon & Kate TLC approved Facebook fan page and you will see more vile, more exploitation of the Gosselin children then should be allowed in this world. But, TLC & their floggin' community aren't worried about that. They are worried about the bottom line....PROFITS.

I said it before I will say it again the children do not belong to a corporation. They are kids. Let them have what is left of their childhoods

Anyway, the whole reason I think this is an issue today is Werny's article is right on. They are not helping Kate's public relations because they are showing that they are only interesting in bashing/bullying & ruining people. They will mess up somewhere & be exposed.

I am a wife, a daughter, a mother & a sister, a friend and a coworker. Any & everyone that knows me knows my intentions & is well aware of the type of person I am. No flogger will change that.

It is just a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

Team kids!

Werny Gal said...

DeKon, it was a strong statement but it was not a pedaphiliac statement as it has been described online. "Getting f&%#ed" isn't about sex, it's about getting screwed, er, um... I mean it's about getting shafted, um, no... I mean it's about getting ripped off. Yeah, that's it, getting ripped off. Which I agree with you DeKon, the G kids certainly have gotten ripped off. :)

"The" Anonymous said...

Anonymous Ellena said...

Werney Gal - I really feel that you have been more than fair with "Anonymous".
They really didn't deserve your response. I thought you were going to not post all of the negative, snarky posts. I hope that you are satisfied, Anonymous. Please find a website you agree with, or every post will be wasted on YOUR opinion.
Anonymous, Maybe you should start your own blog, and not monopolize this one, and tyring to take people's minds off the real issues at hand. Then, get creative enough to at least come up with a name!
Perhaps you should take your own advice and start your own blog. I have just as much right to express an opinion as you do. If the blog owner (not YOU) chooses not to post my comments, that is her right. It's not up to you to decide, since it's not your blog.

Werny Gal said...

Everyone, please think about whether or not your comments are constructive before sending them. Thank you.

"The" Anonymous said...

GeorgiaMom said...

To "The"...

So if selling your child to the highest bidder is "disgusting", then it must hold true that you find Jon and Kate Gosselin disgusting, if I follow your logic, as they have sold their children to TLC. Yes, my comment was unfounded, only because I don't know you and it was a low blow, but your response was normal---disgust at the suggestion. Get it now?---it's exactly what Jon and Kate Gosselin have done. So, I take it back. You can be a reasonable person.


Your logic assumes that I agree with your premise that they "sold" their children to TLC. I don't. Would I have made the same choice? No. Would I have continued the show when the marriage was falling apart? No. Does that automatically translate to "I think these people are evil and sold their children to the highest bidder"? No. If Kate genuinely believe that the pluses outweigh the minuses, then she is making choices that she thinks are in the best interest of her children. You may disagree. I may disagree. That does not mean she is an evil person, an abusive parent or any of the myriad horrible things that are said about her on a consistent basis.

Anonymous said...

Irene S said...

Yes, and Werny, I am a very strong kind of zlogger. If a flogger only knew...

Mocha, yes you are right to some extent. I have a different take on that though. I don't care that people read articles & posts comments to blogs, boards, articles, etc. That is fine in my eyes. But, if you came over and were sitting with me I could show you the way it happens. At this point in the TLC strategy they are just glad anyone is still talking about Khate. There are people who like me are against the filming of the kids then there is a group that believes in filming & the show must go on. But, I have seen Radaronline for example. Oh, they get 900 comments when they post a Kate Gosselin article. Sure, look at it there are 5-10 people who post over and over and over. And, let Us magazine put out an article and the same thing only the difference since this past January that I have seen is that if I read an article somewhere & post my comment 4-5 posters will show up that I recognize names and they will post comments so far out there...& go back to their boards and claim victory.

I have received phone calls & emails from all over this country from people who have seen 1st hand what I am talking about. And, I appreciate their kindness and support.

Anyway, Mocha, I do not believe the Gwop is the problem or bloggers in general. I think there is a company TLC that has been trying to stir the kettle and discredit GWOP, etc. But, the problem is the show has run its course. People, like my mom, for example think she should just fade out of the limelight. Kate looks like she is being exploiting now in addition to her children.

Look at this blog. They are here with a vengence and when an unauthorized book comes out they will go on to that.

Goodnight neighbors. Tomorrow is a new day.

littlemissperfect said...

Maybe I'll start a blog and name it Gosselin Anonymous and ya'all can come for an intervention and rehabilitation :)

Mocha said...

Werny Gal,
I appreciate your comments to me. Several times I have seen you reconsider and I wish your stalkers would notice it too. That is what being open-minded and flexible means. There is a middle ground.
I disagree with you on very little. Sometimes you change my mind (like about the effect the show has on these kids) and sometimes you come around to my way of thinking. I think because you are a counsellor it makes you more sensitive to what others have experienced in their real life. Thank you. I disagree with Dekonstruction Bloggers' comment, I think it is shocking and cruel even in context. I have had my say about it and I won't be re-reading it.
To whoever thinks it is OK to reveal private information about a blogger, please stop. We are talking about TV stars here, not private citizens. Can't you disagree without trying to harm the other person? You can't force everyone to think like you by threatening them. I for one can attest that Werny Gal's blog HAS evolved to be more sensitive to the children. For example, the pictures she posted had a purpose that did put the kids' interest first. I thought it was wrong, spoke up, and Werny Gal defended her decision sensibly. I hadn't seen it from her perspective. So I will share the reason with you- posting pics of the kids devalues the paprazzi photos. Good call, WG.

MickeyMcKean said...

Werny Gal, wow, great post!!! Even though I also think it will fall on a lot of deaf ears, it may also open up some ears too.

So many thoughts are running through my head right now, where do I start? In the beginning God created ... oops sorry, tooooo far back.

In the beginning, when I first realized that something was seriously wrong when it came to the Jon and Gosselin and I could not put my finger on it, I found GWOP. I'm sure there were other blogs before GWOP but it was before my time and no, I do not really know about any others.

In the past year I found this blog, as well as the divorce/legal one. I'm willing to bet that both WG and the atty are/were posters on GWOP who wanted to push different angles than perhaps the GWOP mods would allow. Since I am in CA, I appreciate both blogs for different reasons, and yes I still post on GWOP.

Werny Gal, if I was a local and had read about the Gosselins from the beginning in my local paper, watched their show and then they moved into my neighborhood, I too would be doing what you are doing. I know this because I have called Gloria Allred's office, written letters to sponsors and journalists, watched several hours via web cam of a hearing in PA, and contributed $$$ to A Minor Consideration. But I'm in CA and feel helpless most of the time; all I can do is to stop watching and adding to the ratings.

It IS about the kids. There is no doubt in my mind that the kids are going to have issues going through life but guess what, I'm not the one who sold their privacy for fame and fortune. I am, however, guilty of being a long time dedicated viewer which prompted TLC to continue to exploit them. Anyone who starts a blog about helping these children get their privacy back are to be commended; the blogs who want the show to go on and continue to watch the kids in a fishbowl ... words fail me.

Thank you for this blog. Thank you for letting us know that a new book is coming out - there is no doubt that it will be a best seller! Yes the kids will hear about the book about their parents but guess what, it NEEDS to be published. The truth needs to come out in order to help the children in the long run. I'm grateful that Al is writing this book and I also look forward to buying his book.

I hope and pray that by the end of 2010, because no PR team is going to be able to continue to spin lies, TLC, Jon and Kate will know once and for all that the gravy train is once and for all OFF THE TRACKS!!!

GeorgiaMom said...

Thanks for all you do, WG. I think we've expended enough time dealing with the gals who have invaded this site with their venom and attacked your profession. BTW, my daughter is a therapist for children, so I am particularly insulted by their idiotic comments. Block 'em. You have ignited a firestorm because your friend's book has touched a nerve with them. It's called the truth.

IDmodo said...

Lisa, please don't co-opt my words. When I was speaking about alerting even one person, I was referring to alerting them to child abuse.
WernyGal's (and my) profession wasn't even an issue until you people brought it up. Please tell me why you think that Mental Health Professionals should be held to a higher standard than others. I believe others should be held to the same high standards as Mental Health Professionals!
I tend to be quite reactive to criticism of my profession because, over the years, I have been involved in cases in which the only protection children had was the intervention of a MHP.And those interventions often had to take place in spite of the fact that the parents' feelings might be hurt by it, or their livelihood curtailed.Protecting children is more important than the right to privacy; in fact "privacy" is often an excuse to allow abuse to continue unchecked.Keeping silent is not an option; but I am tired of the abuse that child protection workers and others have heaped upon them simply because they were doing their jobs.That's why I react so strongly to people who question the ethics of my profession, without questioning the ethics of the abusers.
My profession is also a big part of who I am as a person. I would not have done this job if I had not been brought up by parents aho instilled in me a strong sense of justice and compassion. I wish the Gosselin kids had parents who shared those values.
WernyGal has stated that she regrets taking those pictures. What more do you want? Can we move on now?

Blogs, Flogs and Snake Oil said...

Personally I think it's a mistake to remove the link to GWOP because of the wealth of information available on the blog and the fact that it's only a handful of people who haven't figured out if they don't like the blog they have the option of not reading there OR any other blog they don't like. Let people decide for themselves whether GWOP is of value when it comes to the Gosselins and other related issues.

Second, any fool can see these other blogs that have recently popped up claiming to be PRO KATE GOSSELIN blogs are nothing but ANTI Jon Gosselin, GWOP, 15 Minutes and Small Town Gossip blogs. They are the true haters.

mommyinca said...

Here's my 2cents. I have seen fanatics come here and other places spewing judgment and hate. Their argument for why the kids should remain on tv.....crickets.....their argument for anything and everything Kate does/says? "You are all haterz, and she deserves to be left alone. Jon is a loser who cheated on her and now she has to make a living".
I honestly don't think there is a way to have a constructive conversation with people who cannot have two sided conversations.
I am sure not all Kate fans are as I described but the majority who blog are.
The bottom line is always the children and their lack of privacy. At the end of the day, if you take away all the gossip, all the tabloids and all the blogs, you STILL are left with 8 children who can never regain their childhoods and their privacy because their parents sold it to TLC.

SG said...

Lisa asked...

SG how would someone's personal life be ruined because they are giving their personal opinion? IMO the only way someone's life/livelihood would be ruined is if they were doing something wrong, am I right?
No. You are wrong. Take Kate for example. You feel she is doing nothing wrong, but still feel the haters can ruin her personal happiness and her livelihood.

If someone is harassed by a Kate fan and gets personal threats or fears for their safety or their family's safety it is wrong.

If their business is harassed... Or their clients are harassed... They could lose their livelihood. How would they support their family?

A blogger's private info should not he made known. It should not be spread from site to site or send others over to find the info. It is wrong. You are a party to whatever the outcome may be.

SG said...

I hope my last comment came across well... It's hard commenting on my little BlackBerry screen.

SG said...

Wernie Girl,
I'm not sure why my comment at another site was copied and pasted here... But I have not had a chance to read any of your prior blog posts so I could not really give an opinion about your blogging. From what I have read so far (your last few posts) I don't have any problems with any info you have provided.

If you do see the birthday party let us know! :)

SG said...

I find it amazing that someone is concerned how THIS blog is going to affect the Gosselin children while they ignore how Kate and Jon using their children to entertain others and support a moderately lavish lifestyle adversely effects their children. No mention of their loss of privacy... Of how they need LABOR LAWS to protect them... Just how a blog that puts all this out there might affect the children in the outside chance that they come across it.

Robin said...

I love your blog. The comments, though, give me a headache. Oy.

Lisa said...

I am surprised at your reaction to my comment about Irene's comment. Mocha almost said the same thing that I said and you did not even say a word to her about it. LOL

This was also said on your blog:

"I think the LINE Lisa mentions would start and end, in all instances, with the truth. Lisa can spout her opinion of Small Town Gosselins from the rooftops till she loses her voice. As long as she's not LYING about WG, that's her right. WG can write this blog till her fingers fall off. As long as she's not printing LIES about the Gosselins, that is HER right."

So is she saying that as long as lies are not written that it's ok? If so then that standard belongs to everyone, right? Then why would you be upset if someone were to start a blog about you, if there were no lies? You also stated that Kate supporters would make Kate look bad, if that were to happen. Don't you think that some of your supporters make you look bad?

It is obvious that your blog is not kind and you have no intention of making it kind.

Have a nice evening.

momsby said...

Mocha, I agree with everything you have written tonight. Thank you for your observation's on the site's linked. Thank you WG for taking off GWOP, IMO 15 Minutes Gosselin Style is still not a very nice site. However, I've heard it's been better recently. Mocha, perhap's you may want to read some earlier posts, and see what you think. I've seen very little child advocacy on either of those sites in the past. As always my concern is what the Gosselin children may be reading.
WG, it takes a very big person to publicly(on a blog anyway) admit that they may have made a judgement error. Thank you for addressing the pictures of the kid's.
I do however agree with Mocha on the other apology made tonight:( I've already stated my feelings about that elsewhere, when the comment was made.
*Waves* to SG, my non-fan but not a hater BM compadre.

TVSnarkie said...

It is obvious that your blog is not kind and you have no intention of making it kind.


Kindness goes 2 ways. WG has been very kind to all the anonymouses, Lisa, Mocha and others who come here to 'school' her on right and wrong.

How many times does Irene have to get slapped for one distasteful comment? That one comment wouldn't see the light of day if Kate's fans, or should I say, Irene's haters, didn't continually refer to it every time they saw her name.

I don't agree with everything Irene writes but I respect her passion and her right to express herself. If she bothers you so much, skip over her posts. Nobody forces you to read things that upset you.

LisaNH said...

MickeyMcKean said...
Werny Gal, wow, great post!!! Even though I also think it will fall on a lot of deaf ears, it may also open up some ears too.

So many thoughts are running through my head right now, where do I start? In the beginning God created ... oops sorry, tooooo far back.

In the beginning, when I first realized that something was seriously wrong when it came to the Jon and Gosselin and I could not put my finger on it, I found GWOP. I'm sure there were other blogs before GWOP but it was before my time and no, I do not really know about any others.

In the past year I found this blog, as well as the divorce/legal one. I'm willing to bet that both WG and the atty are/were posters on GWOP who wanted to push different angles than perhaps the GWOP mods would allow. Since I am in CA, I appreciate both blogs for different reasons, and yes I still post on GWOP.


I'm a long time lurker and finally decided to post. I am exactly like you, Mickey. I too realized after watching a few episodes of J&K+8 that something was wrong with the whole situation. GWOP was the first blog I found that echoed my concerns. I posted on there for quite some time as well. Now, not so much. Not for any specific reason, but there are so many more blogs now than there were two years ago.

WG, I do appreciate your blog for the forthright nature of it. It is honest and it is based on facts, not conjecture or hearsay. But more importantly, it is based on concern for the affect all of this media craziness will have on 8 innocent children.

Anonymous said...

Whats funny is the fans say the kids will read all the bad comments about Kate one day. But ive seen radar online and other Kate pro blogs wish awful things on Jon. What aboout theyre father? last time I checked he was still a loveing Dad.

mommyinca said...

Lisa~ There are LIES posted about Jon on Kate's fan sites all the time. Do you defend him?
This is definitely a two way street.
If you are going to pontificate on right and wrong/truth vs lies, then by all means, go back to the Kate fan sites and repeat the same things you are saying here because it applies everywhere.

That said, I'm done with all of this arguing. I love your blog, WG. I truly believe you have a heart for the children.

My suggestion (not that you asked...LOL) would be to just publish the posts that are constructive. Many posters here, even if they do not agree with you, seem to be respectful. If they can't play nice, then they can go home...LOL

IATK said...

Werny Gal,
There are other pro-kids blogs that are asking about Al's book; who is he and what's it all about. I posted the link for a few minutes and a bit of your explanation and then deleted it because I'm not sure, with all the crap that's going on, if you want your link out there. It seems that horse has already left the barn but I just wanted to check with you if it's okay to give the link and answer their questions. They would be very receptive and very interested in this information but who knows who else reads there. Just let me know and, thanks again for everything you do here towards exposing the real truth about the abuse children receive at the hands of reality programming. You are to be commended.

NancyB said...

IDmodo -I am so glad that you addressed this issue that so very much needed to be said and you said it well!

DH -such a calm and logical thinking person...I like you.

Mocha - I'm in agreement about the bullseye. This behavior I have no tolerance for under any circumstances, and I don't hate Kate but I do hate liars and cyber

Robin - you made me giggle! :)

I just love this community that WG has built at Small Town G's! So many excellent ladies and I really enjoy reading all your comments.

Linda in NS said...

I am not a Kate hater or a Jon hater but I am very afraid for the eight children involved. Their personal lives have been invaded and I am sure this will affect them long into adult hood. The Dionne Quints from Quebec were put on display like zoo animals. Those children never had a "normal" life and it affected them well into adulthood. I'm not sure if it was one or two who committed suicide.

What I truly do not like about Kate is she is so very hypocritical. She says she "does it for the kids". If she was truly thinking about her children they wouldn't be put on display for the world to see. Hasn't she, or TLC, given a thought to the number of pedophiles that are in this world. Are the children truly safe?

WG you are doing a good job and this is an informative blog. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Being a new person to this blog I was shocked to see you're post was addressing me. LOL

MickeyMcKean said...

One of the things that totally amazes me is how people can watch the same episode of J&K+8 and walk away with polar opposite views of what they saw. The viewer is now labeled either a lover or a hater and go to their respective blogs. Problems happen when bloggers sneak over to the other side and make comments with the intent to stir things up.

The blog wars. Talk about a phenomenon! Over what? A family that 99.9999% of us will never meet in person. Children who did grow up in front of our eyes but yet the show was scripted, it was NOT a documentary. The children were born into a job and the parents who sold their privacy and childhood do not feel as if they should fairly compensate their own children. Where on this planet does this scenario about children supporting parents sound acceptable? Especially where parents continue to seek fame and fortune and rely on nannies to raise their children after the parents themselves have put the children at risk to every pedophile out there?

Mocha, you feel that GWOP is a hate site and have requested WG to remove the link and she did. My 2 cents re GWOP is that it is not a hate site but at times it may seem that way. GWOP is a valid site for information because not everyone posts on every blog; most bloggers know about GWOP. I agree that at times, no doubt due to frustration of how slowly the wheels of justice for the children turn, some bloggers do post snarky comments about Kate's hair, body and clothing. I am not one of those bloggers but I understand it is just a way to vent. However, what I find amazing is that when I sneak over to BM's site I find they also comment about the same things, just from a different point of view BUT they attack Jon's hair, body and clothing.

Lisa said ...
Irene your comment was more than poor taste. It was disgusting and you she be ashamed for making it.
Hey Lisa, I post on Z on TV and I read Irene's comment the night she posted it. Here is another example of polar opposites - I read the line and agreed with it 100% and I feel no shame whatsoever in saying so. In fact I did not even realize that it caused such a fuss until recently. Fact is I knew that Irene also watched Rep Murt's hearing and felt the children got screwed. It is estimated that Jon and Kate were paid an estimated $2,000,000 and yet during the divorce it came out that Kate put $80,000 away for the kids. If these figures are correct, based upon the number of episodes filmed and the fact the kids WORKED, they got screwed. Plain and simple. The kids are living in a house that they bought but yet they are not on title. Granted we all know that life is not fair and in time the children will learn this tidbit. But what will hurt the most is WHO screwed them royally - the two people on the planet who should be protecting them at all times, and certainly not exploiting them.

Werny Gal, I love your blog and what it gives to the bloggers who love these children but at the times feel helpless because we are miles away. To have a local who can answer questions like how many paps are watching these children while they play in the driveway is appreciated very much. I admit I will always feel attached to the kids because May 10th is my birthday too. What I find sad is that even though I know they will get more presents than I will, I happen to believe that there is a lot of sadness in their young lives. But to know that someone local who feels like I do is comforting.

To any blogger who feels that they must resort to threats to other bloggers has stepped over the line. We are all entitled to our opinion just keep those opinions on your own blog where they belong.

As soon as Al's book is released with the new revelations about Jon and Kate, I hope and pray that we will all be Gosselin-free by the end of this year and it will be Kate Who? Jon Who? Knowing that a tell all book is coming ... I really see lights at the end of the tunnel now ... their 15 minutes are truly almost up!

Irene S said...

"The bottom line is always the children and their lack of privacy. At the end of the day, if you take away all the gossip, all the tabloids and all the blogs, you STILL are left with 8 children who can never regain their childhoods and their privacy because their parents sold it to TLC." Mommyinca


Linda in NS said...

Kate Gosselin should read this; I think it sums up motherhood beautifully.

A Newborn's Conversation with God

A baby asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow,
But how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

God said, "Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.."

The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in heaven I don't have
To do anything but sing and smile to be happy.."

God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you.
And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy.."

Again the small child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand
When people talk to me if I don't know the language?"

God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words
You will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will
Teach you how to speak."

"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"

God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach
You how to pray."

"Who will protect me?"

God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life."

"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."

God said, "Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach
You the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you."

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth
Could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, "God, if I am to leave
Now, please tell me my angel's name."

God said, You will simply call her, " Mom ."

Lift a mother's spirit; send this to every mother you know (no matter how old her child is).

Happiness is wanting what you have, not getting what you want!!!

Lucy said...

Having read all the above comments, snarks,"disagreements" between one another I just wish and hope we all agree on one thing. Children should not be born to work! My belief is filming is work! My mother lived near the Dionne Quintuplets. I heard her firsthand accounts of the media, the filming, the intrusion of privacy she saw happen to those children. Can our children not just enjoy childhood and privacy?

For those who believe Jon and Kate need to film their children to financially support them I say my grandparents supported 12 children and my parents supported us 5 children and we thrived and became all successful happy adults. Sure we didn't get to go to Disneyland but we lived surrounded by the unconditional love of our families. O.K. time to get off my soapbox. I just want the filming to stop. I want the Gosselin children and any children to have their birthright ... a private childhood.

From Sages blog said...

Ima Nonamus said...
Dr. Shawn said...

Ima what is worse is that the Therapist supported her comment and found nothing wrong with it.

May 6, 2010 11:28 PM


Hi Dr. Shawn, unreal! A TRUE therapist has a code of ethics they have to uphold. I hope she is not treating any children! If she is, to not only have a hate blog but to condone such a vile pedophile like comment, then this therapist needs to be reported to NASW (National Association of Social Work), with her name and her hate blog URL and the comment included, for she is violating her code of ethics that she was to uphold in order to keep her license.

She should not be treating any vulnerable client when she herself is engaging in unethical, immoral, and unstable acts. To run a hate blog hating on a mother of 8 children? What kind of a therapist does that?

I think some therapists have more issues and hidden dark secrets then the clients they treat! SERIOUSLY!

She needs to be reported if anyone knows her name. They'll investigate and verify if the blog is hers and if what she is engaging in, in her personal life is effecting her core values, her principles and ethics she is to uphold in her practice.

That is like a drug addict going to a addiction counselor and yet the addiction counselor is shooting up in the bathroom in between sessions.

Therapists like her make it frightening for vulnerable people to seek help.

May 6, 2010 11:44 PM

Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.

May 6, 2010 11:53 PM

Marie said...

Lisa is being dishonest. She says that WG shouldn't write a blog about the Gosselins because it may affect the kids in a hurtful way. Yet, she seems to think it's okay to place the Gosselin children in the limelight day after day and on television, even though in the opinion of many psychologists it may be harmful to the Gosselin children.

You can't have it both ways Lisa. If you're really concerned about the Gosselin children like you say you are then you should be very concerned about the Gosselin children having their whole lives filmed and put out to the public, some of who are very unsavory.

There's a reason that California has some very stringent work laws concerning children in the film and documentary business.

You obviously support Kate Gosselin and that's fine. She can do whatever she wants to make money, but she should let the children have their privacy. It really bothers me that people like you feel like they NEED to see the children. They aren't YOUR children. They weren't put on this earth to PLEASURE you. If your life is that empty, you need to go fill it with family and friends and leave these poor children alone.

Creeper. Seriously. I don't get it.

go away gosselins said...

My comment is, that I wish you would not have validated the mudslinging of Kate and her fans by defending your actions.

You have done nothing wrong, or unethical. You did not need to explain yourself to anyone. You are NOT on a reality show. You did not sign up to be a celebrity. Kate did. She invited the intrution into her life. You merely comment on what she puts out there.

I suppose if you wanted to be famous, you would have attached your name to the blog. You didn't.

Crows only pick at the best fruit. Don't worry about critics. Do not validate them. They love it. It is what they live for!

The internet has created some interesting characters. I have heard them called, "energy creatures". 'Energy Creatures' favorite feeding tactic is to try to hurt people's feelings or get them angry. Then they can feed off the pain and anger they've generated. Their second favorite tactic is to gather the sympathy of others. That way, when the injured party lashes back, others will jump to the Energy Creature's defense! Then the Energy Creature need do nothing except feed off the attention and the negative energy generated by the people fighting.

We'll never be completely rid of these noxious beings, but we can do a lot to keep the herds under control by remembering this simple formula: DNFTEC. This stands for Do Not Feed The Energy Creature. When you encounter such a beast, your best bet is usually to say absolutely nothing. No matter how hard it is, sitting on your fingers and posting nothing in response is usually the best bet.

Remember, if you fight them, they just get stronger. If you ignore them, eventually they weaken, wither, and go away. The temptation to fight back is incredible, but remember, fighting them only makes them stronger. Believe it.

Tippit said...

Hey Lisa! Fancy seeing you here!
Get tired of being ignored by the other bloggers?
Way past time to start your own thing. You're certainly articulate enough, and besides, your jealousy is showing.

TVSnarkie said...

WG, you can delete my comment to Mocha if you want to. If you'd prefer I don't post here anymore, I would honor your wishes without a problem.

I can be "anonymous" but I own my comments and my past mistakes. However, I've been accused of so much that I'd have to be 3 people to do what Mocha is suggesting. Also, is she the blog police? going from blog to blog to warn blog owners about the reputations of certain posters?

Yes, new day and I'm still annoyed.

Werny Gal said...

In the spirit of opening this discussion up, here's a comment I posted on Sage's blog this morning:

"Good morning Sage and others. Since I'm being talked about here I thought I'd come over and clarify some things.

I didn't say this blog is a flog and I wasn't specifically referring to this blog anywhere in my blog entry to Dear Anonymous. I was referring to the Z and HH flogs, which were clearly designed to humiliate and shame the targetted individuals, myself included.

I never insinuated you outed me. In fact I was referring to the outing of the BL, whose real name and work info was posted online along with comments about threatening her livlihood by contacting her employer and licensing board. Similar harassment I have received is consistent with some of the false and assumptive comments I see about myself here.

I agree Irene's comment was inappropriate but I also think it was said in an emotional moment and it certainly doesn't indicate she is a pedophile. I have studied pedophiles and trained other professionals on identifying them for years. Irene's comment was just something stupid she said that she is now sorry for, but she can't take it back. I hope you will accept her apology and move on.

Yes, IMO this is an over the top fan site just like in some of your opinions my blog is a hate site. Those are our opinions and nothing more, but I want you to know I don't hate anyone. We just disagree and there's plenty or room for everyone's opinions.

The Murt hearings were not about the Gosselins, they were about child labor laws in PA, and the Gosselin case was utilized because it provides examples of areas that could use improvement when considering enacting future laws. Because of the Gosselin family getting so much attention in PA, children involved in filmed entertainment in PA will have better financial and other protection in the future, and I'm sure you'll agree that's a good thing.

A commenter here said they'd never treat a neighbor the way I've treated the Gosselins. Yes you would, because we are neighbors. The Internet has connected us all and no matter what part of the country we're in, or even what country we're in, we're all connected now. Just like in real life, some neighbors like each other and get along better than other neighbors. The great thing is we don't all have to go over to each other's homes if we don't like it there. But that doesn't give us the right to go to another person's home and demand that they live the way we want them to. If we don't like it there, we just don't visit.

Thanks for allowing me to clarify and Sage, I hope your dog is better and everything turns out okay. We have a beloved pet too and they are such an important family member."

IATK said...

WG, Perfect comment!

JG said...

WE all have that little voice in our head that guides us we fell uncomfortable about something. It usually guides people in the right way. That is what I hear when I read the things you write. Yes, I know, I can read elsewhere etc...but I too am drawn in by this catastrophe. I still feel like what you are doing is wrong, and I personally don't trust you or your motive, or who you say you are. I suppose time will tell.
For now, I am just disturbed by you and your actions. And while I don't believe in stalking and the like, I do believe that you are setting yourself up and there will be a blog with pictures of your home and work place. Too many people feel strongly about you.

And, IMO, when you use words like fantaKicks, or other similar slurs, your discredit yourseld even further. That is very immature.

Irene S said...

Hi neighbors!

It is a great morning. I just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to all out there. I have learned through life there are all kinds of mothers. Some of us are mom's who have had children, adopted children, given a kind ear or a helping hand to children, etc etc.

Mother's day is a day to honor all of that. I am so glad I came to this blog. Because in reading the posts today I now realize just how many internet moms there are. Thanks neighbors!

College is out for some of my kids & all but one of my children are going to be home this weekend. That is the best mother's day present anyone can ask for.

Everyone have a great weekend & wishing you all the best.

IDModo said...

WG-I think your comments to Sage show that this is a kind blog..That should answer that question. I admire the fact that you are able to answer these people with rationality, caring and concern.
As to their threat, it is so sad and misguided. I wonder where they developed their hatred for therapists.It seems excessive to me, and I sincerely hope they are not writing out of personal experience with a therapist who was unable to meet their needs. This is the only thing I can think of that might explain why they feel so strongly.
I know that you would not have written this blog without reviewing your Code of Ethics and your professional obligations; and that you have exercised restraint in what you have written.
Having lost my dear Zoe dog in February, I can feel empathy for Sage and hope that her pet gets better soon.The potential loss of a life companion can be heartbreaking.

DH said...

Oh my goodness but you sure did manage to kick the hornets nest!

LOL - I'm in the midst of reading a book, which contains an excerpt from another soon to be published book by the same author, entitled "the girl who kicked the hornets nest" ... and couldn't help but to see the parallels.

The crazies have just about worked themselves up into a lather over your recent visit to their blog; I imagine that more than a few heart palpitations are occurring, even as we speak.

I've often felt the urge to try to inject common sense and logic into their warped world, but have finally had to realize that those who do not wish to see, will not ever allow themselves to see the situation any differently.

They've long ago made up their minds: any criticism of Kate is looked upon as "hate," is motivated by jealousy, and must be stopped by whatever means necessary, up to and including "outing" those involved in destroying poor Kate. And now they are quoting various ethical proclamations you've broken.

Good grief, talk about melo-dramatic!!! I know it's tempting to try to talk sensibly to these individuals, but it's about as useful as beating one's head against a brick wall. They will NEVER see anything outside of the blinders they've had permanently attached to the sides of their head. In reading their various responses to your post, I could easily visualize the venom with which such a response was written.

WG, your post was neutral in tone and very very calm. You were polite and logical in your attempt to broker some sort of truce, but they pretty much just slapped the proffered hand away.

Ignore, ignore, delete, ignore. It's not worth the effort to go beyond that. It's sad, really.

MickeyMcKean said...

So I decided to figure out where to find this Sage site and found the Z one too.

I find that I want to refer to my post above where I said it amazes me how people can be polar opposites on the same subject.

There is a letter, no author's name of course, to Rep. Murt on both sites. I see discrepancies with information contained in the letter but no, I did not post any comments. Why should I knowing in advance that I will be setting myself up to be attacked for having an opinion?

Werny Gal they of course are making comments about your post to Sage, including of course that you posted there in the first place which labels you a hypocrite.

Just more reason for me to hope and pray that Al's book is published and released sooner than later. I kid you not, once the truth comes out it start the process of getting the world Gosselin-free and Jon and Kate will have to go back to obscurity.

Whereas I'm sure Al's book will initially give more ammunition to the blog wars, at least I find comfort in knowing that most of the general public are not online fulltime. Yep, that's right folks, not everyone has the time to blog. In fact, not everyone even knows what a blog or flog is, they do not have twitter account or even know what facebook is ... no, they get email and news updates and that's it because they have real jobs and families that they want to spend time with.

Alas, I, like Al, got downsized due to the economy and changing times ... which reminds me I'm floored that there are those who believe that Al after 31 years ... oh nevermind. People amaze me at times, no doubt because they have way too much time on their hands and no life. At least even though I do post, I am not always found in front of my computer.

IATK said...

Hi Werny Gal,
Just my 2 cents,
You, and we, have had to spend way too much time on "neighbor" issues when there are eight children (and many more I'm sure) that woke up this morning knowing that their day would be full of cameras, mics, directions to, "move this way, smile, don't smile, play here, play there, don't play, and on and on. This is their childhod. I wonder if, when they have a truly free moment, they even know how to act or what to do?

We've been pulled away from the real issues here. Everyone has had a say and you've responded and clarified in a most polite manner. Please, let's move on. I would vote for moderating out all comments that are only meant to humiliate, chastize and otherwise demean you and the other posters. There will be kicking and screaming because some posts don't go through, but if it's not this, it will be something else. It will always be something. If a comment meant to provoke or belittle does slip through, I suggest we simply ignore as NO response is the best response of all. It would be great if we could go back to intelligent, non-threatening discussions where people are repectful of other's opinions.

Thanks for allowing me just my 2 cents worth. Keep up the good work! The road to change is never an easy one...

not anonymous said...

oh great. TV snark is back starting crap again. Go back to your own blog. Please.

Mocha said...

Your last comment is great! 88 comments, I wish I could read them all. I hope it's not all blog warring.
There is a comment just a few above this one by TV Snark. She asked you to delete her comment to me. I hope it wasn't a very nasty one. I have no idea why she would write something to me that needed to be deleted.
Someone else said I am here trying to "school" you WG. You know it's not true. I do have some opinions that differ with yours WG, but not many. You give great answers. you have given good information I never saw anywhere else. And usually, it's emotion-free and doesn't need to be deleted! You have changed my mind about some things. Most I already agreed with. I would never presume to "school" anyone who is obviously an expert. Also, while I didn't ask you to remove any links, I think that your considering it again is proof you are a good lady! I don't like Gwop so I stopped reading there. I know some people like it. I am glad you aren't linking it because it is too mean to Kate and Jon. There is enough to criticize them for without making it up. I have a lot of respect for your judgment, even when mine is a tiny bit different.
I am no fan of the show Jon and Kate, I am no hater either, as you know WG. I see problem behavior from bloggers on both sides. I was very angry because I thought you were being exposed and harrassed. I misunderstood. Someone is though, and it is still wrong. I think people on both sides contribute to that atmosphere that causes such nonsense.
I hope you are well, Wg, and not too stressed by all this. I await another post!
Your friend,

Mocha said...

You are one of the nice fans who has been here before. Thank you for your words of support for my comments. I was feeling more passionate than usual last night. I was upset that WG had to defend herself in this post. Even though we agree on little about WG's neighbor, Kate, you ask good questions and raise good points. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Interesting... I don't see any HATE here. Just a lot of interesting information.

The only "hate" blogs I've seen is Sage's. LOL Though she is clearly in denial.

Claiming to be about "truth" and asking questions. She seems to be avoiding a lot of questions about Kate.

Which makes her a sheeple. Someone who blindly follows and worship a person or cause w/o asking any question. To show 100% support.

Yes I tend to favor Jon over Kate but I don't support Jon 100%. That would make me a sheeple. We all know Jon has done a lot of stupid things. And we acknowledge it.

Sheeple however see Kate is this perfect woman. Best dancer, best mother, best wife and very famous actress.

One word. Delusional.

TVSnark said...

oh great. TV snark is back starting crap again. Go back to your own blog. Please.

Do you own this blog?
When WG tells me to leave, I will. What CRAP did I start? Read this thread, Mocha is starting crap, not me.

TVSnark said...

No Mocha, your accusation was much worse than my response.

Yes, you are trying to tell WG how to run her blog, what links she should have and 'if' she should post pictures. Just something I've observed.

Anonymous said...

The fanatics are trying to shut down all blogs that dont worship Kate. But the radar online nuts can talk bad about Jon all day. They say the kids will read all the bad comments about Kate one day. The way they talk about Jon is just plain sick. Jon does have the right to keep his kids off tv if he wants too.

Tippit said...

Despite the dissension and anger among some of the posters, and no matter what blog you're from, one thing stands out very clear: We all care very much for the Gosselin children. That said, I wish all of you a peaceful weekend and happy Mother's Day. Even you, Katie Irene, and I never thought I'd say that. Somehow, someway, may joy and sanity find its way back into the Gosselin home.

Irene S said...

I got to read some of the earlier days of this blog. Like the one where you gave the tour.

Can I ask a dumb neighbor question? When can we book a private tour? I have just a few demands though:
1) I never travel with my kids. It is for their own safety.
2) I need bottled water, organic monkey munch, and fresh not processed snacks
3) I require a limo to and from the sprawling orphanage tour as I am too famous to ride in regular cars.

This blog is just fine just the way it is!

Anonymous said...

Sage's blog has posted peoples private info more than once. They think if they report people and out them. They will have to shut theyre blogs down.

Werny Gal said...

Thanks for the giggle, DeKon. Yes last Anonymous, it's an intimidation technique. In about two weeks Al's book will come out and the focus will be on him. Tippit, I'm with you. Happy Mothers Day to all.

DH said...

I have to agree with several posters above, who commented that this is a fairly NEUTRAL blog, all things considered. Regardless of what some other blogs claim about allowing various points of view, not moderating, promoting open discussion: THIS blog, SmallTownGosselins - THIS is the ONLY blog I've experienced where the opposite sides of this polarizing topic have managed to actually post with any degree of civility. Nowhere else. WernyGal is to be commended! Her calm, logical presence speaks to the resultant atmosphere. So this is a great big THANK YOU to WG, you are doing an excellent job.

And another point of "agreeance" (thanks Kate!) is that Sageway has indeed posted private identifying information about other blog owners. Yes: Sage did come back through and delete the offending post. However it did get posted, and seen, and likely there are screenshots. And it still exists in cache. Outside of the "deletion" - others have posted comments (which sage allowed to remain) providing links directly to where the information could be found. Those that promote such behavior often find themselves on the receiving end eventually. They will at some point offend the wrong person, and for those willing and able to spend whatever it takes, any info can be had. THAT particular blog, while its 1/2 dozen regulars spout loudly and often about how FAIR they are to differing sides, are better compared to a sleeping nest of vipers. They strike quickly and viciously.

KUDOS to WernyGal for achieving a neutral locale, where so many others have tried and failed.

And now that everyone has said their peace, I agree with whomever suggested DELETE, IGNORE, and DISALLOW the crap-stirrers their soap box.

DH said...

And lest I forget ---> happy HAPPY mother's day to each and every one of the wonderful mothers online. Ya'll are amazing women!

Mocha said...

This comment is to TV Snark. What are you even talking about? Who did I accuse of what? What response did you give?
Is this because I gave my opinion about Gwop? I am honest and gave my reasons why it I think it is more a hate site than advocacy site. I listed my examples. I haven't liked it in many, many months. Must I? I didn't say if the link should stay or go. It was a discussion point, and I joined the discussion, with WG. WG makes her own mind up, I don't do it for her.
I disagreed about the pictures of the children playing with their dad and a big red ball the first time WG posted them and said so. She gave a good reason for posting them, that they devalue the paparazzi photos. I changed my mind about it on that thread. WG, do you remember that? Now the pictures are gone? I didn't do that, I didn't even think it was necessary.
Stop telling untruths about my positions.
Stop bashing me.
I don't like blog warring. I have been consistent about that. It has nothing to do with whether someone is a fan or not. If you like it, please choose another poster to go to war with.
I knew I would get treated like this. I dared to admit that there is bad behavior on my side of the fence and it could potentially hurt this blog owner. I have never said anything to you in my life, but you argue at me and about me.

Werny Gal said...

Mocha and TVSnark, please don't get your undies in a bundle. Both of your opinions are valid and I don't think anyone meant to offend anyone else. To clarify for Mocha, TVSnark didn't ask me to delete the comment, she just said I could if I wanted to. I chose not to. I try to err on the side of freedom of expression so I only delete comments that are way over the line. Also, with the Blogger software I cannot remove just part of comments. If there is anything objectionable in a comment, I can only delete the entire thing, so sometimes a great comment might be deleted because of something like having one line in which the Gosselin's address is listed. I really enjoy both of your contributions and hope you will let this go.

Yes Mocha, you remember correctly. The pictures were from the single time I took some of the kids, that I regretted taking, and they are gone now.

15 Minutes has a link to a birthday list of things the Gosselins kids really need for their birthday. Has anyone been able to read it? I keep trying to go there with no luck. Maybe the traffic volume's too high?

Ellena said...

Does anyone know if Kate has been traveling for her book tour, or if they dropped it?

Mimi to 3 said...

I am continually surprised and don't know why, that the people who call themselves fans, thereby setting themselves up and the far superior beings, are the most hate filled I have ever seen, in real life or Internet life. They speak of Jodi and Kevin as if they know them personally, as if they know their thoughts. If we do that about Kate, we are soundly bashed. They talk about Jodi needing a brush, that Kevin's hair is a mess. If we mention anything about Kate's hair, we are soundly bashed. They constantly defend themselves against 'outing' people and their private information. Yet, they are the ONE site that consistently does that very thing. They talk about Jon as though he were scum, when we saw what Kate did to him on every show. But the revisionist history in them now says that he deserved that, that he was her 9th child, that she had to treat him that way. Kate claims to have donated her DWTS shoes to charity. Oh how generous, she didn't even buy them. So, no hardship on her. It just goes on and on.

And now, you send your missive, and what do they do? Is there even one civil reply? Not one. They are foaming at the mouth furious with you. I have never seen such hatred. Please don't go into the den of vipers again. They don't make the rules, they just think they do. And the only people they are 'kind' to is each other. And their utter BS about wanting all opinions is just that. You just better be real sure your opinion doesn't differ from theirs. They can deny that from now til kingdom come. All you have to do is go back and read.

TVSnark said...

Oh, WG, I don't wear panties!! :)

Mocha, you may not have been referring to me but "I resemble that remark," ha ha

It was this comment: but there are certain posters here who came over and spray painted a big old bullseye on WG's back in my opinion. You know who you are. You have been going from blog to board to blog, cooking up conspiracy theories, calling fans pedophiles, being trolls, playing the great victim, making cruel or ridiculous posts, inventing nasty words, stirring up the hate against the people who'd like to discuss this show like adults

I've been around these blogs a long time and I've had trouble and issues with others, but I don't know why you had to "warn" WG about me, or whomever you are referring to. I've used the word pedophile and been blasted for it. I NEVER said the fans were pedophiles. I said pedophiles were fans. There IS a difference.

NancyB said...

These are excerpts from an article that Dr. Glass did last fall. Her comments ring so true and are particularly timely:

The fact that they have not put these kids into therapy is horrible! It is bad parenting ! And speaking of bad parenting, the last show was filled with Kate’s bad parenting! It was abusive and nauseating. Thank God we won’t ever have to watch her abusing those kids again. But in a way it may have been a good thing seeing them on the air, because it allowed us to keep a watchful eye on Kate . Now we can only pray those kids won’t continue to be abused by Kate.

It was awful to see Kate alone with those kids. She took the joy out of any situation with them, harping on them all the time and now allowing them to just BE! When we used to see her with Jon, he was the buffer. She took things out on him, so she didn’t have to take things out on the kids. Now that he is out of the picture, those poor kids may no doubt get the direct effects of Kate’s hostility.
No matter what you say about Jon, he is a loving and affectionate daddy. The kisses and hugs are so important to the kid’s psyches and to their emotional development. Hopefully his love will cancel out the effects of Kate’s harshness and nastiness towards them.
He better fight for joint custody of those kids and not be selfish. They need him desperately! He can’t leave them alone with Kate all the time. Then they will be completely messed up! This way they at least have a chance. While he is an eff up in his personal life, he is not an eff up around the kids. Kate is an eff up around the kids- a mean (Mady;s words) and nasty one. I hate how she talks to them, I hate the sarcasm and snide comments and remarks and I hate the tone of voice she uses to them.

And for you blinded Kate lovers, if you cannot see through her abuse and nastiness and still love her and see het doing no wrong, like I said in earlier blogs, you are identifying with her for some reason. Either your man did to you what Jon did to her, or you are like her personality -wise. Being a bitch and abusing others is not being a strong woman, In fact, It is being a very weak woman with a weak character.
There another reason you can’t see past her egregious behavior. It has to do with scientific research, that was conducted back in the in the 1970’s. Studies found that those who are physically attractive are perceived as being more successful, kinder, sexier friendlier and even less guilty of committing a crime.
That’s right, I am talking about classic studies where people were shown photos of two people and told they committed the identical crime. Those who were perceived as being more attractive, got off scot free. That is what many of you blinded Kate lovers have done here. You have given her the free pass and let her get away with her crime of verbal and physical abuse “ scott free”
There is no question that Kate is now physically beautiful – especially when you see earlier photo of her. She was cute in the earlier seasons, but now she is stunning. Objectively speaking, she is in great physical shape, ( thanks to a trainer and to Hailey Glassman’s daddy) she is now stylish in her dress, and even though her hair 1960’s do has become a joke visa Halloween wig, it does look cute on her. Her face is proportional as is her small nose and her large blue eyes are absolutely beautiful .S he has a beautiful large white shiny teeth a a lovely smile.
But when all that sarcasm comes out of her mouth and abuse and yelling it’s not lovely. She turns from being beautiful to being UGLY as sin. If you could get past her looks, you would not be giving her a free pass.
Dr. Lillian Glass
This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 at 5:05 pm

Werny Gal said...

I agree Barbara, and not only that, but from what I've seen today they don't even treat each other well. Go figure.

NancyB said...

Mickey McKean - you make some very valid comments concerning the Irene's choice of words that was offensive to some. She gave an actual apology, which shows character and courage, IMO. The people who continue to rage on Irene after she posted her apology On Sage's blog and on this one are hypocrites.

The thing about forgiveness doesn't make the other person right, it makes you free. Find some statistics that show how holding grudges can affect a person's health.

DH said - Ignore, ignore, delete, ignore. AMEN! Your later post at 5:57PM, I agree with every word. This IS the only blog that has achieved civil discourse of dissenting opinions. That most certainly is a tribute to WG. I also agree that we must move foreward. It most certainly is true what you stated about Sage allowing the personal info and even when deleted still accessable in cache and the links that remain. Facts are Facts.

Happy Happy Mom's Day to all!

NancyB said...

TVSnark - I just wanted to tell you that when I read Mocha's bullseye comment and that you know who you all are, I agreed with her and even posted that.

BUT, I sure wasn't thinking about you! Just to be clear, I can't know who Mocha was referring to but I made the assumption that Mocha and me were referring to the Ragen Sagens who condone cyberbullying and "outing" bloggers and posting personal information. The folks who have successfully cloned themselves into vipers, is who I was making reference to.

TVSnark said...

No problem, NancyB, I realize reacting was the wrong thing to do but I've been accused of doing things when I didn't even have internet access!

If I'm wrong, sorry, but my name is blue.

GeorgiaMom said...

I have to agree that a parent has the right to make decisions regarding what is best for their their family without interference; but, IMO, not when the parent has issues that cloud the best of intentions. For me, even with TLC's santized editing of the show, Kate's personality was disturbing in her treatment of Jon, the kids, lack of intimacy, etc. It has been my experience that people who behave badly in private put forth a different public personality. I have seen this played out, so shocking.

So what has me concerned is that if her public face is one of bad behavior, then her private face must be very bad indeed. Right now TLC is running a very tight ship in regards to her. There's a reason for that.

Irene S said...

"IW Did editing play a part in the way Kate was portrayed?

JG No. The way she is, is way worse. That’s not acting. That’s the way it is. But editing escalated it. Conflict, no resolution. That’s a big problem. What kind of example is that setting for other families?" ~ Jon Gosselin

Many that are neighbors here have seen this. I think it drives home Georgiamom's comment that "
So what has me concerned is that if her public face is one of bad behavior, then her private face must be very bad indeed. Right now TLC is running a very tight ship in regards to her. There's a reason for that." Georgia mom

And, yes I agree TLC is running a very tight ship but the ship is sinking because they cannot control the PR. Khate is not liked & they marketed her as polarizing & she lives up to that reputation. Also, she has had the best/worst of PR & she hasn't broke through. She doesn't make a talk show host cuz she doesn't have anything to add to a conversation unless it is about her, she knew she couldn't dance but I think she underestimated ABC's producers. Cuz, they paid her well but they ended up with all the editing rights and it was not an image remaker of Khate.

pa mom too said...

I totally agree about Kate's private and public "face". Her public one leaves much to be desired, so I can't imagine how bad her private one is. :(

Judy said...

I just wanted to say that I hope all mothers here will have a wonderful "Mothers Day" tommorrow.
I personally think that we are all here because we truly love children. And yes, that includes the Gosselin children.
My prayers for "The Eight" is for peace, privacy and love.

MaryP said...

I would like to wish all the wonderful women and men on this blog a Very Happy Mother's Day! The behaviors that define mothering are not nor should they be a strictly ascribed to women. I wish the Gosselin children a peaceful,private Mother's Day and birthday spent with both their parents!
I myself will be reading a good book,watching my beautiful grandchildren swim in our pool, enjoy my children as adults and eat a wonderful dinner prepared by my husband of 30+ years. Life does not get any better then this. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Werny Gal said...

Thanks MaryP, I love your line, "The behaviors that define mothering are not nor should they be a strictly ascribed to women." Hope everyone has a wonnderful day.

Werny Gal said...

Note to MaryP: I understand, and thank you for your comment.

Suzanne said...

Love the blog! Keep it up. YOU did not start all of this; no one would have ever heard of the Gosselins if they had not sold their kids (and their souls) to the highest bidder. Everything spoken/written/thought about them they brought on themselves.

IDModo said...

I am starting to see Kate a bit differently as I reflect on Mothers' Day. I believe she loves her kids, insofar as she is CAPABLE of love. I believe that within the small parameters of her understanding, she thinks she is doing what's best for her kids.The problem is, you can't make really good jelly without enough apples.
I am in no way excusing her behaviour by saying this.What she does is reprehensible.The fact that she may be incapable of true love and insight does not excuse abusive behaviour under any circumstances.
If Kate were capable of seeing her need to work through whatever has caused this emptiness, there might be some hope for those children.And hope for Kate too, because she certainly looks neither happy nor fulfilled with the life she is leading.
In the meantime, it's important to continue the efforts to protect the children, as they are the vulnerable ones in this scenario.
Happy Mothers' Day, Moms, Grandmas, Aunties,and Dads and Grandpas too!

Kates too busy taning to spend time with kids said...

DH said...

Happy happy HAPPY Mother's Day, to ALL the mom's and dad's out there, doing the best they can for the little ones (and big ones, LOL) that look to us to protect, nurture, and raise in what is often a crazy world. As hard as it is, as much as it hurts, to see them change and grow and eventually leave us, we know then, when that day finally does come, that we've done our jobs. If we succeed, they succeed. Happy Mother's Day!

Lauren said...

Happy Mother's Day to Wernie Gal and all the other moms on STG.

GeorgiaMom said...

Happy Mother's Day to all.

Very disturbing article from "Intouch Weekly", scan courtesy of Preesi. In it there's a photo of one of the boy tups covering his face with his jacket exiting the school bus rather than have his picture taken. Further, a source says that Kate is not giving her kids any choice in regards to filming despite some of the kids objecting. She has told them the show is like going to school, it has to be done. (This sounds plausible to me).

Isn't it time for some authority to step in to question these kids as to even whether they want to be filmed or not and let the ones who don't want to "work" opt out?

Oh yeah, Happy Mother's Day Gosselin kids. Good luck.

IATK said...

To Werny Gal and all the other bloggers,

I want to wish each and everyone a very happy Mother's Day! I hope your day is filled with laughter, love, family and most importantly, many children both young and old.

PaMa said...

GeorgiaMom said: Isn't it time for some authority to step in to question these kids as to even whether they want to be filmed or not and let the ones who don't want to "work" opt out?
I have to disagree. A 6-year-old isn't capable of making such a choice that impacts his entire life, both present and future. Parents are expected to make those life-altering choices, in the best interests of their children. Unfortunately, the Gosselin 8 came up short in the parent department and seem to have 2 that aren't capable of putting their children's needs fist.

Mom2six said...

Wishing everyone a peaceful, joy and love filled Mother's Day!

Even Kate.

My hope is that as she looks around at the beautiful, healthy children she has brought into the world, her heart is able to embrace the treasures (beyond money and fame) these children have brought to her.

Every Mother should be blessed with the knowledge of the gifts they have been given.

"Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved." ~Erich Fromm

GeorgiaMom said...

PaMa, you are so right about the parents. I bet that the contract with TLC is explicit that all 8 children must be filmed, hence there is no choice. But, a six year old can make a choice about their likes and dislikes, so I don't think jamming something down their throat that they show no interest in or don't like is helpful in building a solid relationship with your child. Losing your privacy is life altering and maybe that 9 or 6 year old has more sense than the parent.

pa mom too said...

Elisabeth Hasselbeck's 5 yr old daughter had more sense than she did, so it wouldn't surprise me if the Gosselin kids had more sense than both of their parents put together.
I can picture Kate giving the kids a sob story about all the things they won't have if they put up a stink about not wanting to film. I don't think guilt is beyond her at all.

Anonymous said...

I do think the Gosselin kids should be provided counsel as to their personal feelings about the show. Someone on set with them, everyday, that they can go to for whatever may be bothering them, independant of TLC.

We have seen many episodes in the past where not all 8 are present. I really think if one kid isn't into it that they day they do their own thing. Unless it is a family trip, well then they are all going to go. Remember Sesame Place? Mady DID NOT want to go. They could have edited that out, but TLC chose to leave it in. That show bothered me so much because the kids were so hot. In reality, HA! though, I bet there were lots of opportunity to go into the air conditioning in different places.

Army Wife

Amy said...

I don't understand the big deal about removing (or not removing) a link to a different site. Does having the site in your link mean you're endorsing every post and every comment that was made in the site? If I were you, WG, I'd put all the Gosselin related blog sites on there regardless of which "side" they're on. They as a whole represents a phenomenon, picking one group over the other does not show the full picture (though no doubt you agree with one group more than the other -- but it sounds to me that you do visit both sides. And I'd think you'd want to encourage your readers to visits both sides to get both sides of the argument). Just my 2 cents.

Pamela Jaye said...

Hi Werny Gal,

I'm terribly behind on my Gosselin reading and I'm not sure why. I'm still trying to get thru the comments on the last post (I think it was the last - maybe even older), I read an actual book in the past week (In honor of Kate, actually - I had never seen or read Mommie Dearest, and it seemed like I should, so I did.) went to a movie (that's really unusual for me - there was one time I didn't go to the movies for 3 years, and spent a good bit of time on the new changes to Facebook Privacy - trying to figure it out, complaining about it whereever possible, and trying to explain it to other friends who are on Facebook. Then today I had accidentally deleted half a season of Grey's Anatomy from my DVR and had to wedge it back in by editing the database. After my brother figured out what the password was.
Oh and my duck is still nesting. I've given up repairing the damage she does to my room and i'm letting her stay on her nest in the bathtub in "her" bathroom. I do hope nesting is over soon, though, cause I miss her little diapered butt lying on my bed while I watch TV (when I can get off Facebook long enough to watch TV)

Anyway, I do plan to get back somehow, someday soon, and hope everything will still be here (and there won't be a big Facebook LIKE button showing my identity to the world)
I wish your friend the best with his book and hope it will come out soon (yeah, I didn't read the post). Much as I dislike Kate, I do hope she's not as bad as Mommie Dearest... (she didn't like boys either, you know)

Werny Gal said...

Hi Pamela and welcome back. Yes, that Joan Crawford had some issues didn't she? I spoke with Al this afternoon and his book is going to be out in a little over a week. Take care.

Irene S said...

Hey Pamelajaye,

I know this is offtopic but I just wanted to say hey to you & tell you I understand the things you write about facebook, Mommy Dearest etc.,

Yes, it has been a long haul in the Gosselin-spin-o-rama. I know though that no matter what side we are all on this has been so passionately played out because it involves the lives of real people. I really don't care how the parents have ruined their lives but watching 8 kids be taken hostage-like by a corporation makes my head spin.

Anyway, Pamelajaye it is a pleasure to be in the trenches with some of the best group of bloggers I have ever seen. The keen insights has brought us to this point. I hope by the end of the summer the Gosselin children are freed from the clutches of TLC. My hope is this production is just too costly for the poor viewership they may end up having. One can hope right?

Take care of that Duck Pamelajaye.

Pamela Jaye said...

Thanks for info, Werny Gal. Do let us know when it comes out (as if you wouldn't). I'm wondering if I can put out a watch on it, somwhere (Amazon, whereever). Some days it takes hours to get thru my email (my email is largely content-free - I have to follow the links in it to get to facebook group discussions, etc)
btw, I'd love to see the flog on you (though more if it were snarky than outright hateful. still...)

I managed to get thru some comments on "by the end of the summer" today. It's always fun to read comments (except at Sepinwall's new blog, where, every time you reply, you get bounced back and must click More comments to see your own)
I seem to have developed a short attention span due to the web. TV never affected my span, but hyperlinks and their multiple options/forks in the road have done it. Also, in some cases, I have developed such a pressing need to reply to thing (to feed back) that I have been known lately to call a friend and read a piece aloud to her, in order to get through it in less than 7 hours! (the theory is, if I want to comment, I do so verbally, to her, in parenthetical statements). It does help. As for the book, it took three or four days, in between other pursuits (so I'm not hopeless. Put me in a room with no internet of ducks and I could have done it in a day. (can you tell that my recent issues with reading and attention have me somewhat disconcerted?)

Joan Crawford - my goodness! She made me realize (if Kate did not, and she might have) that my father wasn't nearly as bad asa he could have been! He didn't stay up at night devising tortures for me. I hope that Kate also does not do this. Her snap reactions are bad enough, I'm sure!

I found the story of the baby chicks quite telling. I've met people who it was not possible to love enough. In fact, I can count 3 off the top of my head. I know a narcissistic duck owner who seems to "collect" ducks (she has at least 6, in her house (without diapers!)). She keeps getting more. I think that she expects to "get" love from them and is angry that they expect things from *her.* (like food and water. she complained often about feeding them. I had the feeling she might be hand feeding them. I'd put out a dish.) You may note that I have just one duck. Although her arrival was an accident, the fact that she's an "only" is not. I'm not clear on whether Kate had kids "to love her" or just "to be special" but maybe one would have been better. My mother and I were very close. My father was very jealous. I love my "baby" - I'm 50 with no kids and she's virtually my first pet, due to allergies - but she has a strong "I'll be going over there now" streak. I've found that if I don't wish to be snuggled by Snuggles (who got her name for a reason) then I won't be disappointed. She still knows I'm Mommy and if something scares her, she will run to me. And she's too adorable not to love, even when she's biting my toes.

PS - DeKon, thanks. She is nesting at the moment, on an infertile egg. It's been like 40 days. I seriously need to fake a hatch but an having trouble finding a small plushy ducking toy.
And feel free to check out my Facebook Privacy group for hints and tips to keep Mark Zuckerberg from selling you to his customers in an amazingly detailed way.