Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Bad

Like I said a couple of posts ago, sometimes I just can't help myself.

The next post will be more thoughtful. I promise.


Anonymous said...

I just happened on your blog today, round-a-bout through this & that on the Gosselin melodrama. Very interesting to read a local's point of view. Sorry to see where you were invaded by a few nutcases in your comments here & there. But I just wanted to say hello and that I enjoy your POV on the subject. Your lack of promoting "gossip" does indeed lend a greater level of credibility to your blog overall. Good luck to you, I will continue to read as you continue to post.

Anonymous said...

I was reading over some of your older blog posts, specifically the "faster than a speeding kate gosselin" - very scary! Where did you get this info? You said it wasn't the first time; why doesn't this type of behavior get any media attention? She is seriously endangering her childrens' lives, in addition to her own. And what about the innocent bystanders going about there normal business who just happen to have the bad luck of sharing the road with her/her driver? Does a horrific accident need to happen before anyone pays any attention?

Werny Gal said...

Hi dhwh and thanks for visiting. I got the info about the speeding from a friend who has worked freelance for a major tabloid magaizne. A photog friend of his who lives locally was following Kate and finally gave up when she got onto the turnpike. Her driver was at the wheel and she and all the kids were in the back. Jon has been seen speeding too but as far as I know he's never done it with the kids in the car. He has done it drunk though, and I do mean dRuNkoLa. Thanks for your comment. I do try to remain drama-free, as as kind as I can under the circumstances.

jersey said...

That is too funny! I just read on there she had fertility problems but the twins were born 1 yr and 4 months after their marriage? June 1999 they were married, kids born Oct. 2000 so they were married only 7 months when she got pregnant? Or am I counting wrong?