Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cutting Jon Slack, No Slack For Kate

Those who have been reading this blog for some time may wonder why I seem to cut Jon more slack than I do Kate. Why do I defend him and not her? The reason is my years of work as a therapist with victims of PTSD caused by childhood abuse, domestic violence and other emotional trauma has led me to view Jon as a victim of emotional abuse.

I believe that Jon is a victim of domestic violence and that the violence started way before even the twins were born. Everyone I've talked to - and it's been several people - who worked with Kate at the hospital years before the kids came along have spoken about how high maintenence, demanding, and controlling she was. She's always been the same old Kate we've seen on the show, only more so, at least before she recently started putting some spin control on it and started acting (as opposed to being "reality") nice (or pitiable) when the cameras are on. And she's still the same old Kate when the camera's aren't on - demanding, narcisistic, and just plain mean. In short, abusive of whoever she wants to be abusive to, unless she wants something from them or she thinks they can further her "career."

It looks to me like Jon never stood a chance. When they met he was younger than Kate, naive, and malleable. The first time Kate saw him at a picnic and decided she wanted him, he was a goner, and she has proudly stated that it didn't even matter to her that he already had a girlfriend at the time. One doesn't have to look far to see her abuse of Jon because years of it are permanently recorded on the show, in episode after episode - putdowns, nasty jokes at his expense, slapping him. If she thought it was okay to treat him that way on camera, in full view of the world, imagine how she treated him in private, without anyone watching. Reports from locals who have been in their Wernersville home say that she screams, throws things and is nasty, mean and cruel, and I believe it. One person told me that a friend who was employed (I won't say what for but I will say it involved household work, not child care) by the Gosselins refused to work there when Kate was home because Kate was so abusive and horrible, but she loved working at the home when Jon was there because he was pleasant and kind. Kate behaves this way in front of the children, either unaware that she is role-modeling unhealthy adult relationship patterns in front of them, or not caring.

Imagine years of emotional abuse in the form of putdowns about everything that makes you you - your appearance, your humor, your thoughts and your feelings. Then imagine your partner being rewarded for abusing you, in the form of national attention and big paychecks. Attempts to assert yourself verbally are ignored or bulldozed over until you know it's no use even trying. Everyone sees her treating you that way and no one speaks up about it or acts as though it is unusual or unwarranted. In short, it is accepted as normal and if you don't like it, there's something wrong with you.

This is the world of the emotionally controlled and abused, and I believe this is the world of Jon Gosselin for all the years he was under the control of Kate. He said, after the public became aware that the relationship had been a sham for some time, that maybe he'd been too passive, and now it was time for him to assert himself. Well, Hell Yes, but by the time he did, it was too little and too late.

Underneath all the tabloid drama, I believe that Jon is basically a good person who waited too long to take control of his own life and has made some unfortunate social choices, but underneath it all, loves his children and has not intentionally hurt anyone. Unfortunately, even though I'm one who tries to be fair and give everyone the benefit of the doubt, I cannot say the same for Kate.

I realize I may be in the minority in the above beliefs, but this is my opinion. Your comments are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Pure and absolute BS. I've seen all the shows and Jon was just as abusive to Kate as she to him and why do all the bloggers pro Kate or pro Jon always quote "inside sources". None of you know anything except unverified gossip.

Werny Gal said...

Hi Judy and Anon, thanks for visiting. I agree Judy, if the genders were reversed Jon would have been crucified. Anon, it's interesting that Judy and I saw different things in the show than you did. I saw many scenes where Jon looked humiliated or hurt and Kate just laughed or pooh-poohed it off, but not the reverse. He did stand up for himself more in later episodes but he doesn't seem to put her down for fun the way she does him, imo.

I realize it's hard to know what to believe. That's why I am very careful to only write things I am absolutely sure about, and have been told by people I know in my little community of Wernersville. Just because I don't say who told me, it doesn't mean it's not true. It just means I am protecting the identity of the person, often a friend, who told me. And if you've read this blog you know I am very skeptical of opinions thrown out randomly by anyone named "the source" in tabloids. Some of the crap they print I heard about months ago through the local rumor mill, and some of it I am sure is pure bull. But in my case, I would not write anything unless I felt secure in its truth. This entire situation is way too painful for everyone and harmful to the children, imo, to be gossiped about merely for the pleasure of it.

Please come back and write again, I value everyone's opinions.

Aunty Kim Kim said...

I totally agree with your post..and people who haven't been 'verbally and emotionally abused' just cannot understand!
I have been through the above,,,,and took it until I too got so angry and hurt, and eventually 'acted' out, before I got out.

I believe in some of the episodes, that's what Jon did......he was SO hurt, frustrated, and the anger and hurt infiltrates you until you yourself act out at some point..so I believe JOn got to that point at times in the show.

Then, when he finally left Kate,,,,,,,,and got PROPER HELP....he's step-by-step doing the right thing.......
YES, they'll be mistakes while he's learning.....but to have the media 'Boast about Kate"......and try to make JOn look like the "bad guy"....doesn't help JOn......it makes it harder for him to continue to grow in healing.

SO< I agree with your post....I really hope and pray others will see through the "FOG" of how TLC is trying to make Kate the GREAT ONE......and that Jon will be the main caregiver.......as I now see the children acting out....as they have been emotionally and verbally abused since they were born......and unless they get help AND NOW,,,,,they will grow up to be victims, and do it to others, or they'll hurt themselves with other self-harming incidences..that would be so sad.!

I pray there's a great judge that will get these children counselling that's very though....and that the Judge will LIMIT Kate's contact while they heal.....or it should be supervised visits only.!!!!!!

This is just IMO!!!

Tired of this BS said...

This gets me. You print your opinion and yet to have any interaction with Jon or Kate in your "tiny" town. How is that? You sound very familiar...PennMommy anyone?

I personally don't give a rats ass about Jon or Kate but can't stand it when someone gives "insider knowledge" and then just goes on to state opinion that some looneytunes on GWOP think. (Yes you all are looneytunes and bat crazy if you think anyone thinks you are child advocates.) Help me out hear. Tell us something we didn't hear in the tabloids.

kamilleon said...

Wow. Are you the pot or the kettle, Tired of this BS? What makes you think you are any better than anyone else? Seriously. You're not. So don't sit there with your holier than thou behavior because YOU, my dear, are doing the same exact thing.

I have some insider info. It came from a friend of mine whose brother and SIL are friends with J&K. The wife is pictured in the picture book Kate did. Jon spent Easter with the family and told him ALOT of stuff which later came out in the tabloids. There is more stuff... and there is more, lots more to come! But I am sure you don't believe that as Kate is your messiah....

Who or what is PennMommy?

Werny Gal said...

Thanks for commenting, everyone. Tired, I know about GWOP but I never went there regularly, I haven't been there in a few months and I have no idea who PennMommy is. And if you read back through my blog you will find things that haven't been in the tabs. I have chosen to not share some things because I wasn't sure it was true or I didn't entirely trust the source, or in a couple of cases, because I felt it was too ugly to share. That's what happened with thr stuff about Kate and the bodyguard hooking up, and Jon and Deanna Hummel - I knew about those events way before they were tabloid fodder but I chose not to write about them because I didn't see the point of telling about ugly stuff that could only hurt the family and kids. Then it all came out in the tabs anyway. But whether someone knows something first or last, or whether I have sat down face to face with either Kate or Jon doesn't matter. We are all welcome to our opinions, right? And since I live in the same small town and hear things all the time, sometimes from people who have had direct contacts with the Gosselins, and since I have been involved in the field of child advocacy since 1980, both as a survivor of child abuse and as a professional who has worked in the healing professions, I do have one.

Lynn W. said...

Love your blog and your insights. Keep it up! Doubters will always doubt and believers will always believe, no matter what truths may come to light.

kamilleon said...

I think many people forget that to the locals, Jon and Kate are not celebrities! This is Smalltown, USA. It is all foreign to us that we have paprazzi stalking these people whose only claim to fame is having 2 sets of multiples. That's it! Nothing else!

Mello Cello said...

Great post; I've been following your blog since I found out you were local to J&K. I feel so sorry for Jon and those kids. I was once a fan, but as Kate got uglier and uglier to Jon it became very uncomfortable to watch. She is indifferent to the emotional needs of her children and this is the worst part of all, I think. Jon has known a better life before Kate, but those kids have not. It's really a tragedy. Thanks for your thoughts and please keep us posted.

Werny Gal said...

Thanks for your comments, all. Mello, thanks for commenting. Your comment "Jon has known a better life before Kate..." is related to my next entry. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments and having the courage to state them.

While I don't agree with some of Jon's actions of late, I do agree with your assessment.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe than anyone who follows this crazy Gosselin story does not know who PennMommy is. That alone makes me suspicious of what they say or say they know. The PennMommy debacle is all over the net. How could you not know about it?

kamilleon said...

Last night, I Googled PennMommy. Wow. That is a sick person. That was WAY before I even had a remote interest in the Gossleins. I was a fan until the episode where they moved into the new house. Shortly after that, my niece told me she met Jon at a bar in Reading and that he was with her roommates FEMALE cousin. I was like "Yeah, right! What is a guy with 8 kids doing out with another woman while his wife is at home WITH 8 KIDS!" This was WAY before anything hit the tabloids. I guess my "Bullshit" detector went off and yes, I have been critical of both of them since then. Sad thing is they had a great act going on but someone contacted a tabloid and that is how all of this blew up in their faces. Shame for everyone involved.

Werny Gal said...

I am definitely going to have to check this PennMommy person out. Drama, if you have any links to see her, let me know.

I don't usually read anything if it looks like pure gossip to me, and lots of time I don't have time to read everything on the net, since I work, am a mom, have a property to take care of, do another blog, etc. Somehow, I missed her, but I'll check her out now and let you know what my two cents are.

Werny Gal said...

Hi All, I just read up on some PennMommy stuff and she sounds like a real sicko. Did anyone ever find out who she really was? It's hard to figure out why anyone would do such a thing. She reminds me of someone with Munchausen syndrome, who hurts others to get attention herself.

I never heard of her because I wasn't blogging about the Gosselins back then and even after I started to blog about them, in early spring 2009, I didn't go back and read other blogs. I try to separate facts from opinions when writing about this stuff. I've read some GWOP but not much. I've also talked with Paul Petersen over the phone and am a big fan of his.

lisa k. said...

This is exactly why I cut him a lot of slack on my site. I see Jon as a victim. He has been pushed around like a dog. I have noticed how he hangs his head down, and that is a sign of insecurities as a result of being put down throughout the years. I don't know how his childhood was, but for the last 10 years, this man has been told he can't do anything right IMO. Nothing justifies how Kate talked to him. Abuse is abuse, not matter what....

Lisa K said...

I even talk shit about the kids on my blog. I hate Kate and Jon. http://realitywithoutapologies.blogspot.com/2009/10/open-discussion_19.html#comments

Nina said...

I'm a first time visitor to your blog and totally agree with your post.

Anonymous said...

;;Lisa K said...

I even talk shit about the kids on my blog.;;

And that's somehow a good thing??

lisa k. said...

Oh thank you Anonymous for Advertising my blog for me, love ya!

Werny Gal said...

Landstar, welcome. I'll probably blog again tomorrow so come back for a new entry on things I've heard from people who knew Jon's father. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Link to penny mom. http://blog.psychic-wisdom.net/index.php?s=penny+mom

Anonymous said...

Penny mom is Bohemian Moon. Thats her link above. Shes nuts in the head.

kamilleon said...


Who or what is Penny Mom? Is this Penn Mommy? Color me confused. I thought he blog that they say was owned by someone with the same IP as Penn Mommy is "Atheist in a Minivan" .

I have read this "Musings By The Moon" before... Isn't the kind of blog I enjoy reading so I moved on.

I will check out Lisa's blog later.

Anonymous said...

If you dont like curse words you wont like Lisa K's blog.

Anonymous said...

Lisa's blog is filled with hate, bullying and just plain nastiness. Best to avoid.

Anonymous said...

This how they like to fight with other people. They wont use theyre own blogs. So watch out they will fight with people on your blog. http://mattheckman.wordpress.com/2009/07/30/know-the-gosselin-drama-or-have-something-to-say-about-it/#comments

Anonymous said...

Read how much Lisa K loves to put people down. http://realitywithoutapologies.blogspot.com/2009/10/looks-like-it-is-time-for-another-rdok.html#comments

kamilleon said...

Anon: If you are the same person posting all of these links, would it be too much to ask if you pick a name, any name, so we can direct questions to you if need be? Thanks! :-)

I did some more Googling last night. Wow! How long has their been an Anti-Gosselin movement? I was really surprised to see so much HATRED for them by some people. And frankly, some of the things I read are just NUTS. As my name clearly states, I don't do drama and well... Some of these blogs/opinion sites lost me in less than 60 seconds ESPECIALLY if they diss the kids.

Kathy said...

This person has a blog read her tweets. http://twitter.com/TVsnarkie

Anonymous said...

Lisa K;s tweets. http://twitter.com/lisakn16

Werny Gal said...

I agree totally No Drama, this is why I may not always sound up to date on all the Internet goings-on. I really don't have the time and patience for the gossip and negativity, especially when it's unsubstantiated. I'm sure there are blogs devoted to that and they may even be lots of fun, but my time is tight so I budget accordingly.

Werny Gal said...

p.s. After my first blog about the Gosselins, I started getting private email about them, and one of the first ones was by a gal who referred to Kate as "Khate." That totally blew me away. Can you imagine disliking someone you've never even met enough to call her that?

Sue said...

Wery Gal, thats sad I cant believe someone would call her Khate that blows me away how sad to dislike peole you dont know.

kamilleon said...

I have wasted half my day Googling people after reading the Matt Heckman piece. I have never, EVER seen such childlike behavior by so many people in my life. Do some of these people LIVE at the computer? Wow. Sad. I almost feel as if I need to make a spreadsheet of "Cast of Characters".....

There is alot of background to GWoP I did not realize. I am subscribed to that blog and do enjoy it but lately have noticed any "nice" comments I have, get rejected.

Hey I also found a reference to ME on a blog thanks to a posting I made on Facebook! LOL I use the same name everywhere I post and the fact that someone "outed" my real name does not bother me in the least. The funniest part is that they think I removed pictures of myself because I was reading their blog and saw I was being talked about! I have no idea what they mean since I have had the same pic up for 10 months!

Anonymous said...

Gwop and Lisa's blog are probably the worst as far as hating Kate. The name Khate is used regularly on both. Lisa is lower than low, very hurtful and crude. She must have been a real bully as a kid. I can understand people not liking Kate but she takes it to a whole new level. Scary stuff.

Anonymous said...

I read at this blog. http://gwop-without-pity.blogspot.com/

kamilleon said...

What bothers me about THIS site http://gwop-without-pity.blogspot.com/ is the fact they seem to spend so much time dissecting the lives of people who post on other blogs. That's just plain creepy. Don't they realize for every click they give that blog that it increases their sitemeter and makes them more popular? Also, I keep seeing the same names being brought up: Baby Mama, Bohemian Moon, Penn Mommy, TVSnark and LisaK. It's like they are obsessed! I just don't understand it! And then they stalk each other on twitter! When does the madness end?

That is also the blog I found my info on. I started a thread on the GWoP Facebook Group about Blooger Names. They apprently stalk the FB group as well and copied and pasted my personal info. No big deal to me because I would have never posted the topic had I wanted to remain anonymous.

I just find the whole thing a tad creepy and alot of drama.

Werny Gal said...

I guess that's what some people look for in a blog. In my case, I like getting into serious, sincere discussions about a situation I find interesting and socially pertinent. I grew up in a household with a lot of turmoil and drama and as an adult I tend to be more comfortable in a supportive, calm enviroment. Not that I don't have strong opinions - I do. To me the point is not to always agree, it's to respectfully contribute to meaningful discussion and to learn from each other. That's why I didn't know about PennMommy and the others. As soon as I see it degenerating into a bitchslapfest, I'm clicking away and going someplace more positive.

No Drama Mama lies said...

lisa k. said...
Oh Hell,
Hailey on ROL, its true, Jon is taking his frustrations out on her! Jon, go to counseling for craps sake. Jon didn't like it when Kate emotionally abused him, so why is he doing it to someone else.

October 28, 2009 8:16 PM
No Drama Mama said...
Where does The Insider tape? Los Angeles? If I see a picture of her and Kate together, I will shit a chicken.

October 28, 2009 8:24 PM

And you said you dont like drama said...

No Drama Mama said...
Where does The Insider tape? Los Angeles? If I see a picture of her and Kate together, I will shit a chicken.

October 28, 2009 8:24 PM
No Drama Mama said...
Well... It had to happen sooner or later. Iz dunz gotz me a STALKER! Yup! Someone with ALOT of free time on their hands is jellus that I am posting here so they spoofed my name on Small Town Gosselins and copied and pasted stuff I said here. Should I be HONORED or scared shitless? Maybe I should hire me a bodyguard.

BTW... Stalker... I really, truly am honored that you chose ME, today. I feel so speshul.

October 28, 2009 8:43 PM

kamilleon said...

Again... Pick a name, stick to it, and I MAY just pay attention to you. Probably not because apparently you cannot do anything other than copy and paste. Until then, have fun following me around the internet and critiquing me. I really, truly am flattered.

Werny Gal said...

Good lordess, I go away for a few days and what do I come home to? I think I'll write a new entry now and we can start fresh all over.

Werny Gal said...

Whenever I see stuff like this I wonder...is it Kate? :)

lisa k. said...

Anonymous (aka Sammy) is a nut who is a cyber stalker person. She is harmless, just a little nutty. Its all good, she doesn't really know what she is talking about..as she cuts and pastes her way through blog to blog. She does that because she can't even spell her own name right most of the time. Watch her though...she will jam your site up with cut and paste. I am assuming she is off her meds again.

ACleverName said...

lisa K- drop dead

This how Lisa k treats people said...

TVSnark said…
I don’t think you should be posting his picture. It makes *us* as bad as *them* when we post pictures of people we disagree with.

Truthfully? I don’t think he’s bad looking at all. I judge people by their insides anyway. Nice skin and he looks pleasant.

I hope those of my coven and ilk won’t excommunicate me from our group. I’m just giving my opinion and I do not think this man deserves to be called out.

November 19, 2009 9:09 PM
lisa k. said…
LMAO! OK, so when he calls my site a hate site and talks it down..I shouldn’t retaliate…fuck that and screw him..my opinion, that’s all! I think he looks like a fucking lunatic!

November 19, 2009 9:13 PM