Thursday, October 1, 2009

Free The Gosselin Eight!

Jon's on Larry King Live right now and he's saying all the right things...the kids and family are a priority, his values got off track, etc. Yippee, Jon! Keep up the great work! If you stick to this, in twenty years you are going to be so glad you did, not only for your own sake, but more importantly, for the sake of your children.


Judy said...

Thanks for your great posts, Werny gal!
This whole fiasco is ridiculous. I truly hope this is the beginning of the end. I hope Jodi, Kevin and the rest of the family will come rally behind Jon now. Kate needs to be exposed for her lies. She's been rewarded for her bad behavior long enough.

TVsnark said...

Go away . . . Jon is getting the cameras out of the kids faces and that is the best thing he can do.

Nobody justifies Jon's actions but some of us understand them. What I don't understand is how anybody can defend child exploitation.