Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Too Much Information

No news lately. The locals don't seem to talk about J&K much anymore. Most folks seem to be glad the press has dried up. The less we hear, the more the townsfolk of Wernersville seem to like it. Jon has always been pleasant and gracious when approached but Kate has not ingratiated herself with the locals, and neither of them has really been active in the neighborhood. If they hung around The Cone or The Trolley Stop and people got to know them as familiar faces that would be great, but everyone's had it with the papparazzi.

The witty Al Walentis had this entry about Jon's ex Hailey the other day. I've never understood people who share intimate information about former lovers, but in this case I think Hailey Glassman is really discrediting herself. At one point she was suspected in the case of Jon's NYC apartment burglary, and then Jon himself was suspected of having staged the whole thing for more publicity. While observing the chronological tabloid reports about their affair it seemed to me that Hailey was becoming another one of those people that begins to believe their own press. As our tabloid culture has grown over the past twenty years, and especially in the past ten, people, especially young people, seem to not understand the differences between notoriety, infamy, and fame. They seem to think if you're in the press, you're famous, and that's always a good thing. Then, when they start to fade out of the public eye, they start to feel like failures, not realizing that all the press they were a part of never meant they were successful in the first place.

Did you ever hear the expression, "all press is good press"? Well, guess what? That's just wrong. Helping a kitten down from a tree or returning someone's money-filled wallet = good press. Telling the world you think your former sweetie's penis was inadequate while posing like a desparate porn star when your fifteen minutes were clearly up some time ago = bad press. All I can say about the whole Jon/Hailey sordid affair is "tacky, tacky, tacky" and so is continuing it by Hailey's airing her opinion about Jon's wingwang. This is the kind of crap the Wernersvillagers are so very sick of.


Anonymous said...

Not sure if this has been mentioned here but Kate has a new book coming out in April and she will be on the View in March.

Kynn said...

Thanks Anon, who are you? Her PR person? Have you seen it mentioned here? You are the first comment. What is the point of that other than to get us to buy/watch or get us talking about her again? I just don't get some people. I think the Gosselin machine populates all the blogs in Gosselinland with tidbits of information to get everyone going. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Kynn - No I'm not on Kate's PR team. I'm passing on some updates to Small Town Gosselins.

Kate's new book.,,20342494,00.html

TLC and Jon settle the lawsuit,,20344931,00.html

The E-town house was sold.

Werny Gal said...

Thanks Anon. Anyone is allowed to comment here no matter whose team they're on, or even if they're on no team at all. I only delete comments when they start becoming abusive. I also don't like when commenters use Anon rather than a real name, just as my personal preference, but as long as you play nice all your comments are welcome.

kamilleon said...

WERNY GAL!!!! Have you seen THIS? He is kind of cute? Any scuttlebutt around town????