Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kate's New Man

No Drama Mama has kindly graced us with this link about Kate's new love.

Time will only tell, but this story strikes me as true because this man seems exactly like the type Kate would be attracted to. He's energetic, manly, and a big fish in a little bowl (although personally he looks to me like he'd fit right in with the guys from Jersey Shore.)

Wonder if he would be attracted to her if she didn't have a new show coming up on TLC? A woman recently divorced with eight children is not exactly a hot commodity here in Berks County. Sure hope he likes kids.


Anonymous said...

Having been watching the mounting tabloid interest in her 'new man'. This is just a good old rumor started by those who surround him thinking it would make good press for the upcoming season. Who knew it would get so out of control? I bet he soon wishes this never happened. He's a great guy and she's just ....... well, let's just say not so great. If people would use their common sense this never would have grown to such proportions, what would she want with a regular guy? I am sure the next one will be wealthy and not from around here! Gotta love this town!

Anonymous said...

omg this guy is married! not living with his wife but still married. where are her christian values?

IATK said...

Anonymous #1 Is it okay to copy your information to another blog(s) just for purposes of somewhat squashing the rumor?

Anonymous said...

sure......actually my friend said either a brother or sister of someone who works closely with him is the one who said this months ago. interesting that they have never been spotted anywhere in the same zip code. he's quite the 'no comment' person except for the vague twitters. wonder who will break this story?

Werny Gal said...

The rumor I heard a couple of months ago was that she was dating someone from the Reading Royals. I don't think this current rumor is that old. If the Anon commenters could be more specific about where you heard things that would help. Also, if you're local, please state where you're from. And if you really want to sound credible, use a real name. Anyone can come on here and say anything they want as an Anonymous. Kate could come on as Anon and tell us she's dating Brad Pitt and we wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Isaboutthekids, I appreciate your wanting to quote Anon #1, but what good does it do to quote someone when you have no idea who they are, where they got their info from, where they live, or what their interest in this case is? Aonons, if you have credible info, please do contribute it in a credible manner. Thanks everyone, I do appreciate your comments, but the Anon contributions can be a little frustrating sometimes.

Anonymous said...

would i be able to use a real name like werny gal? just remember you heard it here by some anonymous truth teller! this is all just a rumor. made some calls earlier and it definitely was started by those close to him for kicks and some attention. that's all i'm saying, when the truth comes out you'll know you heard it before! no photos, no sightings, no nothin'!

Werny Gal said...

Hi again Anon (whichever Anon you are that is.) if you've been reading this blog for a while you know who I am as I moved this over from my other blog to dedicate it to J&K since my other blog is about other things.

It's sad to hear that someone would start a rumor like this just for fun. Maybe he needs to reevaluate who his friends are if they think this is funny. It seems to me it's one thing if it's young single people with little or no responsibilities to others, but this involves adults with children. If you know anyone involved, do you know what he thinks of this rumor? And what are the rumor-thinkers thinking ~ that this is actually going to pull fans out to see games? What is your opinion about it? Thanks for joining in. All opinions are welcome here as long as folks treat each other well.

IATK said...

I've not copied this or quoted it anywhere but I gave the link to your site to a blog owner for her own evaluation. As you know, the rumor is already out there. It's a non issue with me at this point and I don't want anymore to do with it. Thanks Werny Gal.

Werny Gal said...

I really missed the boat on this one. When I mentioned it to my husband last night he said he heard this one about a month ago.

Thanks for everyone's contributions. We don't always agree but it's usually interesting nonetheless.

I'm not a huge Kate sympathizer, but imagine what it's going to be like for her when she really starts dating. The poor woman's not going to have a moment's peace.

IATK said...

haha. Well, Werny Gal, you're right about that (the moment's peace) Have a good one!

Werny Gal said...

You too, itsabout. All the schools are closed here because of what may be the biggest snow and ice storm this year. Hope you are warm and snuggly wherever you are.

kamilleon said...

Werny! What about NEXT weeks snow storm that Lester Moyer is predicting?

How on earth did your hubby not tell you about the gossip when he heard it???? LOL

kamilleon said...

Upon reading about this at preesi's, I came to the same conclusion: He wants this for some PR for his team.

According to his Facebook profile, he is a fan of Legends. Isn't that where Jon got busted and Skanktoro worked?

Werny Gal said...

Hi NDM, Yes, how about that storm prediction from Lester? I'm a believer, how about you?

Hubby didn't tell me about the Kate gossip because he is loathe to even hear the words "Kate," "Jon," or even "Gosselins." In short, anything approaching the subject gets on his last nerve. He actually works with someone who is close to the scene but he won't give me the hot goods because he hates it so much. Isn't that just so annoying?

Yes, Legends is the bar where Jon was caught driving away with Deanna Hummel.

Here's Legends' myspace page.

kamilleon said...

I believe Lester has more of an inkling about weather than any and all of the meteorologists combined!I have no plans for next weekend and I am sure that my son will be THRILLED to be home for spring break just in time to help shovel! hee hee

I finally had my first Kate sighting 2 weeks ago, Werny! She passed me on State Hill Road near the Wachovia! She was gabbing away on her cell phone! I saw later that she was at Giant and Target with 2 of the girls. When I told my husband later that day, he asked me if I whipped her the finger. LOL He is NOT a fan. Not a fan of them nor the gossip. Big old stick in the mud!

Any scuttlebutt on her possibly being on "Dancing With The Stars"?

Werny Gal said...

I agree about Lester.

Where did you hear about Kate on DWTS? I haven't read the tabs in about a month which is probably why I never heard the boyfriend rumor. When things are hopping I buy them because I know there will be clippings on the Gosselins inside, but there are too many tabloids to keep up with if not much is happening in Gosselinville.

kamilleon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kamilleon said...

This might work better!

'Dancing With the Stars' casting rumors include Kate Gosselin, Pam Anderson, Evan Lysacek

Werny Gal said...

You da bomb, NDM. That seems like the kind of show she'd be great on because she'd get to be her perky best. She's into getting into shape so she'd enjoy that too. Plus she's very competitive. I can see her really getting into it. Wonder who they'd pair her with. And the biggest question of all: Can she dance with a partner without leading? :)

IATK said...

I'm smack dab in the middle of the U.S. and we're sunny but frigid here today. Expecting flurries tonight. I feel for you guys. I love snow, but enough is enough I'm sure.

There's a theory floating around somewhere on the net that the reason Kate's been wearing heels so much lately is to get her feet/legs ready for DWTS. It's ONLY gossip mind you.

Paulette said...

Been following the comments made here for the past week and just have to add some of my own. Whether it's true that KG is seeing BN or not, no one should be so quick to judge people we've never even met. Not saying I'm all that fond of KG, I happen to know her and she is all that people say, I'll leave it at that. I happen to know the truth about this and also know BN. He is not anything like what you all have been saying. Maybe not so much here but in other blogs and areas which take comments. He's a great guy and one of the best Dads around. His dedication as a father is beyond approach. He has worked wonders for the Express and has been part of a team that put Reading on the map when it comes to indoor football. The fact that no one seems to have taken the time to add any 'truth' to this topic was starting to annoy me. There may lots of truth (which she validates daily) about KG being tossed around but not much on the other party in this 'rumor'. It would be tough to find someone who has anything bad to say about him. Which probably includes his wife, and yes he is married but seperated since June. And he's also quite a good looking guy who would put the boys in Jersey Shore to shame. (your reference, not mine) Not that Bernie cares about what anyone says, he's too secure of a guy to worry about that. I just had to speak up since everyone is writing about people they have never even met! As my mother used to say, at least they're still talking about ya!

Werny Gal said...

Hi Mirabella, thanks so much for joining the discussion. I appreciate your dislike of blogs where all people do is put others down, and I'm glad you can see that my blog is not about doing that. I'm glad to have your input because it sounds like you know what you're talking about, although once again we have this dilemna of not really knowing who you are and therefore knowing if what you're saying is true. So, if you do know the truth about whether or not KG and BN are dating, what is it?

Paulette said...

Thanks! But I never said I would clear up a rumor! It's too much fun watching everyone try to figure that out! Really just wanted to share what I knew about the people involved... the rest is their business!

Werny Gal said...

So, Mirabella, although we have no idea who you are, we're supposed to take your word that BN is a sterling guy, and although you could clear up a rumor about him, you won't do so, because it's more fun watching people gossip about someone you say is your friend? Confused here...why exactly did you comment in the first place?

Paulette said...

I commented because there is so much being said about her and only speculation of him. Personally, I think he is too good for her. All I will say is there are no photos, no sightings and no evidence, so it doesn't take much to figure out the truth. But I do enjoy watching small town minds scramble.....LOL. (oh yea the name of this blog is small town gosselins!) Maybe if she were to hook up with him she would find out what a real man is! ;-)

Rose said...

I stick with my intuition that she is infatuated with the bodyguard, and his wife is an idiot to let this guy be alone with her. I think the rumors about her "new guy" have been spread (by her TLC publicity image machine) to take the heat off her relationship with Steve.