Friday, November 20, 2009

Ding Dong, the Show is Dead!

Ding dong, the show is dead.

This will give both Jon and Kate an opportunity to pursue whatever vocations they'd like to without involving the kids. Maybe Kate will get her own TV talk show. Who knows about Jon? Maybe he'll retreat into obscurity, where he's often wished he could escape back into. Or maybe he'll pursue some form of entertainment employment of his own (hopefully without collaborating with people like Michael Lohan ~ doesn't the fact that he is not a success and that his own very troubled daughter calls him a "scumbag" give you a clue?) Whatever. Now the kids have an opportunity for some privacy ~ and time and space for healing ~ during the rest of their childhoods.

The kids have never been old or mature enough to be capable of the level of informed consent their parents were. Later, in their adulthoods, if they want to go back into the entertainment business or even capitalize on the fame they once had as children, more power to them. But for now, let the kids be kids.

Good job Jon Gosselin!


Werny Gal said...

Please keep your comments on the subject. If you want to argue and bash each other, do it on your own sites. Leave your witty, insightful and kind comments here...remember? :)

Fiona said...

I wish I thought the G kids would never be on TV again, but I bet my last dollar (Jon's last dollar) that he will change his mind. It is about money for him, and Kate too. Neither has any integrity or decency when it comes to their children in my opinion. Jon may be more nurturing and hands on, but he is no one I would want raising my children. I think Kate has serious issues and her children live in fear of her. I used to think the kids could bounce back from all of this, but I really don't think so anymore. Very sad, but at least they haven't had to work for a while.

Werny Gal said...

Thanks for visiting, Fiona. I hope you're wrong but time will tell. The pictures in the tabloids of Jon supposedly doing yoga in L.A. and talking about how he's going to be a role model for parenting gags me, if it's true. If he really wanted to be a good parent he'd just come home and be a parent and help his kids through this difficult time and stop posing for stupid tabloid crap. Divorce is very hard on kids even in the best of circumstances, and this is far from the best circumstances. Like I said, time will tell...

TVsnark said...

Wow. My stalker/troller even posted that stuff here?
I'd appreciate it if you could delete that first message. Some people's lives our so empty that they feel the need to follow me and post my comments wherever possible.

I enjoy your blog. Thank you for your perspective.

Werny Gal said...


Anonymous said...

Werny Gal - good response re: gone. I'm not big on censorship but for some people its a reluctant necessity.

Happy holidays to you!